Review of LolliLove

LolliLove (2004)
They Do Smell: The History of LolliLove
18 February 2009
I love it, it's all they ever needed. All the cold, lonely nights, and the begging for change. Not to mention the drugs and alcohol. All that crummy luck had a solution all along, just staring us right in the face. Lollipops!! Of course, why didn't I think of that?

Jenna Fischer directs herself, as well as her husband, James Gunn as "superficial, clueless versions of themselves" in the smartest Troma comedy of the decade, or probably ever, Lollilove. Certainly more original than it may, at first, seem , Lollilove is a mockumentary about an incredibly self involved, yuppie couple,"James and Jenna". Jenna, an ex-model, is looking to get her name back out there, just a little notoriety. Maybe all these celebrities who start charities (only for the good of their careers) are on to something. Then again, all that stuff sounds kind of hard. After loads of soul searching, Jenna figures out a way to impress everybody without putting herself out too much. With the help of her husband, James "wrote Tromeo & Juliet" Gunn, Jenna buys tons of lollipops to hand out to the homeless, so they can realize that they matter. James is even using his "artwork" to design the wrappers, with positive slogans, and everything. So, those filthy bums can finally realize how special they really are. it's gonna be sweet!!

Wait, what? The company which makes these lollipops are now threatening legal action against the Gunns? Don't they know poor Jenna is only trying to be famous? I told you this charity stuff was hard.

Don't ever say (hot) women can't be funny. Jenna Fischer obviously knows what's funny, and it shows in some of her priceless facial expressions. And James Gunn is equally hilarious as a smug, germ-phobic jackass who is just a little too pleased with himself. These two really make this type of comedy work (the censors were actually a nice touch), which is not the usual type of comedy that the Troma team goes for, but somehow, that works as well, just an all around swell hour of entertainment. For more in hilarious mockumentaries (with food in the title) check out the more mean-spirited, Dirty Cop No Donut. Lollilove is mostly for those who appreciate edgy satire, but, especially recommended to those who just plain love to laugh. 8/10
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