So Much Better Than The Previews Would Have You Believe
17 December 2006
John Smith and Jane Smith has the perfect marriage. Well, not quite so perfect. And they've been keeping secrets from each other. They work for rival firms that do outsourcing work for the CIA. (Sadly, this would be better if viewers didn't know this for the first twenty minutes of the film, but the previews already gave it away.)

Based on the preview, I thought this would be a Pitt-Jolie lovefest. I have enjoyed many of Pitt's films but not so many of Jolie's. And together, it was like a showcase of perfection for the American masses. Do I need to be reminded I'll never be handsome or rich? (Some will say movies help us escape this, and maybe it does, but still...)

My concerns were unfounded. This movie is well-acted, well-directed and well-written. The story is layered and brilliant, as well as quite funny. The direction fits well. The acting is superb, some of the best from Brad Pitt yet. And the explosions and gunfire and things breaking and high-tech gadgets? Very nice - someone put a lot into this film and/or has some natural talent I hope we see more of in Hollywood.

I don't know if this film is PG-13 or R. I heard it was PG-13 because a sex scene was cut. Well, let me say: you should have kept the scene and kept the R. With all the excessive violence (really over the top) and the cussing, a little smut isn't going to make much difference. I mean, as an action film, I expect a solid R rating (look at Bruce Willis and "Die Hard" or "Hostage").

No real complaints about this movie. I really want to say something bad, but I cannot. I was entertained the whole time and found the film very persuasively believable. I don't know who wrote or directed this (I guess I could check, but I didn't) but they just scored points in my book. Unless it was Michael Bay, but I'm pretty sure he had nothing to do with this.
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