Saints Row (2006 Video Game)
A true GTA beater
7 October 2006
I'm a fan of most rockstar games like Manhunt, The Warriors and of course Grand Theft Auto. But I got bored of GTA San Andreas very quickly. However, as soon as I played Saints Row at my friends house I knew it was a GTA beater. Why? First off all, graphically its far better plus there's a lot more you can do like insurance fraud, hit-man jobs, and holding up stores (which you can break into at night and steal money out of the safes) The combat is far better and the whole customize your character works really well. Its cool how you can shoot out your windows in any direction unlike the terrible drive-bys in GTA. Also the explosions are really good. The vehicle goes flying in the air as parts fly of it which is cool. The shooting is really good. No longer does it just auto aim immediately at the enemies head to kill.

Unfortunately you cant ride on motorcycles and helicopters but the amount of cars and trucks makes up for it I suppose. But it would have been better if THQ stretched out a little further to give a bigger variety of vehicles. Thats the main reason GTA is better but overall Saints Row gains more than it looses. You can even by music for your MP3 player in Saints Row Overall, Saints Row is an excellent game that defiantly gives Grand Theft Auto a run for its money and THQ did a good job of fixing GTA's faults
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