A Bloody Masterpiece!
19 March 2006
I am speechless. I just came back from the theatre, where I watched 'V for Vendetta'. There are three main elements in the movie and it excels on all three of them.

First off the dialogues and script. Intense, witty, honest but not patronising, intelligent but not pretentious. That's the first level at which the movie surprises you. You don't except such high level of script from an action movie. But it is slowly revealed to the audience that V for Vendetta is not just an action movie. The story is filled with current events and has a definite strong political sense.

Secondly Hugo Weaving's performance. It is definitely what grabs you from the start. He delivers some of the hardest lines with incredible charisma. His performance shines throughout the movie and honestly he sounds as good as any of the best actors out there. He should be nominated for an academy award.

Finally the visual part. Incredible, yet no "Matrix" effects used. Everything looks beautiful, dark yet vibrant. The cinematography is top notch. The final battle scene brought tears to my eyes.

Do not miss 'V for Vendetta'. It's one of the best movies of all time, an eternal classic.

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