9 September 2005
I watched this film at the Valley Film Festival, on its opening night. The audience and I were laughing the majority of the time! It had a great story line and kept me entertained from start to finish! Nice job cast/crew!

Plot Summary for Golf Cart Driving School (2004)

After Gene runs a stop sign in his golf cart, he is sent to Golf Cart Driving School. Gene is welcomed to the class by instructor Bruce Altshuler, who exudes supreme authority over his students. Gene's attention is quickly turned to Carol, a foxy fellow student. He learns that if Carol fails the course one more time, Bruce will revoke her Golf Cart License and mount her picture on "The Wall of Failure." Gene offers to help Carol, but discovers she has a plan to pass that won't require any studying. He must choose whether to go through with Carol's scheme or risk losing her forever.
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