Jerry Maguire (1996)
Crowe's descent
3 July 2005
Man's mid-life crisis with a LifeTime made-for-TV agenda.

Men - don't you realize that football is just an angle to get you to watch this pitiful soap opera, complete with the peskiest most-corny-made-for TV kid ever, a divorced womens' support group (does this tell you ANYTHING?) A hockey player's kid gives him a dirty look, so he promptly abandons his successful life for sensitivity. Realizes he's been living...gasp!...a lie! Duh! You're an agent! Propaganda bothers you NOW? From here on, Jerry's life is like a bad makeover show.

Women - did you actually fall for this "romance?" Renee Zellweger on a plane trying to catch an eyeful of Tom Cruise while (I daresay BECAUSE) she has to get a barfbag for her "scene-stealing" cheeseball version of a son. Yeah, who wouldn't want a way out of THAT LIFE. She pathetically fawns over him, he inexplicably likes the kid, therefore her. By PROXIMITY. You should be offended.

Sadly, I actually like Cameron Crowe; he's a capable filmmaker who unfortunately decided to do what everyone else is doing - go mainstream with big names, clichés, and dumbed-down big-budget fluff.
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