Review of Black Sash

Black Sash (2003)
In real life there are no camera tricks.
15 April 2003
If you've watch Black Sash as I have from the beginning then you've noticed that when the characters go into the choreographed routines..Sorry to burst your bubble but that's what they are..the action is slowed down then sped in Matrix style and there are all these flashy quick cuts.I know this is supposed to enhance the action but to me it proves that the creators and producers have no faith(rightfully so)in their actors skill in performing these movements and yet we are supposed to believe some of these characters have had experience in other martial in point-the Nick character introduced on the April 13th episode...He sits in Russell Wong's office and names off several martial arts that he's been involved in including wing chung,wushu,gung fu which is a redundant remark since wing chung and wushu are forms of gung fu..He names a few others including-gasp-Jeet Kune Do!!!Yeah.Right.If he remotely even knew what it meant then when he started those back alley street fights he would've deflected, intercepted then countered any attack brought to him..instead he blocks and assume the classic stances which justifiably gets his butt kicked..I know this was set up so Russell Wong could come in and save the day but even he is rightfully getting whipped until the other guy remembered that he was the hero and let him win....Mr. Lee says show me a classical karateist and I'll show you a dead man.And that's what these kids would be if this was a real situation.I harp on this because these kids are supposed to have real problems in everyday life...As for Russell Wong he is a capable actor an on screen fighter.Mr.Wong should take some quality control of at least his fight sequences and not do the slo-mo quick cut thing and o it in one fliud motion take so that people will know that he does have skill and isn't one of the six month trained actors like the rest of the cast..This is just one of the problems of the show...The lessons that are being taught are not being taught in an efficient and simple manner..Case in point,when Tori comes out and finds Nick on her bike what does she do?She warns him 5 or 6 times then stands there when Nick doesn't move instead of knocking his butt off..but that would've been the common sense thing to do...and that is not being taught..If it was then the students would know the real reason they're there at the learn to fight..after all you don't go to cooking school to learn your way around the kitchen..that's a by go to learn to cook..There are other problems as well being that there are several storylines at once..and instead of a simple efficient solution they too take the long way around and in life that gets you lost...Maybe they should have Mako's character come in and teach a few classes...Then things would get solved or at least be on their way to a solution...I know the moves are supposed to be exaggerated for visual effect but come on!!Others in the past have proven that you can do good onscreen fighting and still make it look real..Overall if you want mindless entertainment with good choreography then this is a good show but if you're looking for a show with a serious martial arts message avoid at all cost and rent the masters of the genre...cause if these kids were to take what they've learned into the real world they'd get their butts whipped and in real life there are no camera tricks...
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