Dinotopia (I) (2002–2003)
Lord, what a travesty...
16 December 2003
Seems like I'm one of the few that liked the miniseries better than the actual TV series...

Gripe One: Complete change of cast for the main (human) characters. BAD idea! The original actors showed enough potential in the miniseries that I would have liked to see them grow into their roles.

Gripe Two: Only minimal tie-in with, or continuation of, the story put forth in the miniseries.

Gripe Three: The replacement "actors" couldn't act to save their own lives.

Gripe Four: The writing stank.

I think it would have been a much more interesting story if the island's location had been revealed somehow (perhaps by the ELT -- Emergency Locator Transmitter -- in the plane going off), and the lead characters had to -- somehow -- convince whoever came tracking the thing not to expose the place to the world. Granted, you could only do that in one or two episodes, but I still would have liked to have seen it.

Sorry, gang. I have to give this one two thumbs down, and breathe a sigh of relief that it was put out of its misery after, what, about six episodes?
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