The Best Review for this Movie You'll read
9 June 2003
I'm writing on behalf of every sane person in the universe...*clears throat*...THIS MOVIE WAS THE MOST PATHETIC WORTHLESS HOPELESS SELLOUT PIECE OF UNORIGINAL DISNEY MONKEY POO I HAVE EVER SEEN!!! First of all i know the show, i have a sister and she watches the show and won't talk about anything else except it and the next pop music "sensation." (GASP! She's 14!) I saw the movie on a free ticket and with a deal with my sister that right after it we would clense ourselves and go to the Matrix Reloaded, which ruled. Back to the movie though...everything was MTV cliches, I couldn't stand it, i had to MST3K this movie and yelled out a few good ones mind you. I hade the entire plot set out in my mind before the movie started and i was 100% right. Girl goes somewhere (I don't care where, because the culture in that place is always misrepresented, and surprise, surprise, the Itlalians aren't realistically shown at all), girl has problem (99% of the time its that she isn't cool enough, or doesn't have the right friends or her boobs aren't big enough, and Disney does a disgusting job of getting rid of that problem, and that sure is setting the good old example of being yourself and beauty from within to our already media brainwashed kids), girl meets stereotypical pretty boy (nuff said) girl has stereotypical happy ending set to some Brittany Spears song. This movie does throw me a curveball for all of .02 seconds in the fact that she doesn't even "discover" happiness by not having her dreams fulfilled, but to my utter disgust, she becomes a big flashy, fake, talentless, brainless, MTV driven, fan brainwashing freak of a "singer" (even though it was painfully obvious her voice was altered to sound good by computer, i was the only one in the audience that noticed. Why do i know this? I stood up after the movie and asked!). This movie was 90 minutes of unoriginal, unimaginative, cliched, brain cell killing CRAP! (note: my night was salvaged when i went to Reloaded, Agent Smith rules!)..."Don't work so hard, don't worry so much, get more sleep and relax. Cause in the end, everything tastes like chicken, and chicken...tastes good."-Anonymous
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