worst film i've ever seen
28 May 2003
Folks, we watch a ton of movies. And I've seen plenty of bad ones. Prometheus Bound simply has to be the single worst movie I've ever seen, and I don't state this casually. With many films I consider bad, it's just because I didn't like the story, or that it wasn't my taste etc. No, this movie is bad (in my opinion) because the acting was inexcusable (especially the bad guy Deacon. Yes, that's his name, not an actual deacon). And the cinematography was awful, it was very grainy through out the entire film. I assume it's a lame attempt at "gritty realism", not to mention out of focus at other times. There were scenes that are entirely blown out, or so dark you barely see what's occurring. The editing was inexcusably bad, with cuts that are disjointed, and it's obvious that they either didn't care and\or couldn't be bothered to make an effort, or just are inept. It was simple things that could have been easily corrected. As an example, there is a scene where a character is standing at one location, then suddenly a disjointed and unnecessary cut, and this person is stand a few feet away from where they had been. Don't they mark the place where you're standing in order to avoid inconsistencies such as these? And the story itself seemed entirely implausible to me as well. Oh, I almost forgot the terrible audio job they did too. It cuts in and out entirely (and I do mean out of nowhere voices cut out into utter silence. Suddenly you're watching a silent film for seconds on end!) and in places where it couldn't be more conspicuous. Volume levels are mismatched through out and when they add audio that clearly came from another source (such as chirping birds) in the places where the primary audio drops out, it is so painfully obvious that you are hearing something from another source. This due in part, to the fact that they have these incredible levels of white noise (hiss) that you can easily hear underneath the dialog. Then when they attempt to intercut with other audio (the aforementioned chirping birds for example) the white noise is gone for a moment, then returns when they cut back to the main\primary soundtrack.
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