Bad, very bad.
1 April 2002
It is seldom that I end up watching a movie for the sole purpose of counting just how many goofs & gaffes can be crammed into such a short amount of time - not to mention how objectionably typecast the Scottish characters are.

The "Scottish" accents are a thing to marvel at (a mixture of Irish, Olde English and some weird speech impediment - definitely NO Scottish), seeing Case pay for his meal in a "Scottish" pub with American dollars, the American ambulance seen when the young lad is dragged from the "Scottish loch" are just a small proportion of the clues to point to the fact that this particular director has probably never set foot in the country. This would seem to be borne out by the fact that the few real Scottish scenes seem to have been filmed by a bloke who flew to Scotland (for a half day max) with a camcorder for some "scene setting" footage. Actors were then superimposed over these scenes...BADLY! (Particularly "great" is when Elizabeth is standing on a station with a train supposedly passing behind her...truly terrible)

This is nothing to say of the dreadful story line, terrible computer graphics, mediocre acting and amateurish direction.

If you want a laugh, watch this movie...if you want to see a good movie, don't even think about it!
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