believable and entertaining
14 March 2002
Having read other comments, I must say that although I agree in principle to many of them, I thought that BOTH Renee and Jay did a credible job and that although I agree that the lip-synching was (in places) off, it did not detract from the enjoyment. To my mind though, Renee was fantastic as Cher, and I lost myself in the story so much, I forgot she was just an actress, and I guess believed she was who she was portraying. What irritates me is that, since seeing the film, I have tried every avenue I can find to try to get info on her, but I cannot find a photo that tells me what she really looks like beneath the wigs and makeup that created Cher, or a biog. my e.mail adress is there if anyone would like to contact me with details of photo's/biogs that I may be able to download....Thanks to all, ESPECIALLY Renee for the enjoyment of watching her create Cher.
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