Review of Powder

Powder (1995)
pure energy
18 December 2000
Powder is an enjoyable drama, with many good points of view and very good acting. Jeremy (Sean Patrick Flannery) is an albino kid that spent all his life in the basement of his home, spending time with his grandfolks or reading. Once both his grandparents die, he's discovered and taken in the real world. It's all about discovering the world through the eyes of a teenager that hasn't seen almost nothing yet. Because of his white skin and paranormal abilities he's considered a freak by some people, that keep making fun of him. Seeing the real face of the world, brutal, tough and ugly, Jeremy's only wish is to get back home.

Sean Patrick Flannery is great as Jeremy, aka Powder. He does a very good job with a difficult role. Most scenes are well created and almost every time touching, but the ending seemed to me a bit below expectations.

Vote: 6.5 out of 10.
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