Review of Predator

Predator (1987)
Lean, Mean Action With Arnold
30 April 2001
Watching `Predator', which is one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's best action movies, it becomes obvious why Arnold's recent return to action (`End of Days', `The Sixth Day) have all tanked at the box office. For some reason, Arnold's chosen to play men with a dark past in his recent films, men with a complex background . . . men with laughably bad backstories. His great characters - such as Dutch Schaeffer in `Predator' - have no background. It's not necessary. The second Arnold steps onscreen, you know it's time for blood and bullets, plain and simple. Not every moviegoers' cup of tea, to be sure, but it works. Unlike `End of Days' or `The Sixth Day', classic Schwarzenegger action films like `Predator' never insult the audience by attempting to explain the often threadbare plot. Predator is kind of a Zen-philosophy action film - the violence and cheesy one-liners just happen.

`Predator' is a fairly simple story; it's essentially a sci-fi version of `The Most Dangerous Game.' A group of American soldiers, led by Dutch (Schwarzenegger) and his rival Dillon (Carl Weathers), lead a full-blown assault on a group of South American revolutionaries. Carnage ensues. After wiping out said revolutionaries, an alien creature armed to the teeth with high-powered weaponry - the Predator - assaults the American soldiers. More carnage ensues.

Hey, it's not exactly Shakespeare, but thoughtful, well-written action movies aren't exactly common. `Predator' works as an action movie - and as a darn good one - because it's kept simple (thus minimizing the plot holes and the head-scratching moments), it maintains a high level of excitement, action, and tension, and it's cool. Schwarzenegger is larger than life as Dutch, pure swaggering testosterone at its best. Jesse `The Body' rules as Blaine, Carl Weathers is icily cool as Dillon. . . and so on and so on. Enough sarcastic, macho one-liners and brutal firepower fill the movie to make it a male adolescent snapshot of tough-guy heaven. The Predator looks wicked as well - Stan Winston outdid himself, as the Predator does look and move like a vicious being from another world, and not just some stunt guy in a rubber suit. The direction by John McTiernan adds the final piece to the puzzle; the cinematography of the jungle is appropriately hot, steamy, and claustrophobic, and the quick pacing of the film moves rapid fire between all-out action and the tension of hunting one's prey . . . or being hunted. Everything adds up to a simple, streamlined, first-rate action movie.

Again, not the most intelligent film ever made, but `Predator' is still quite good - it's probably Schwarzenegger's best pure action movie. (Not his best movie overall, though; that honor belongs to the excellent `Kindergarten Cop'.) `Predator' is a lean, mean, intense action flick from start to finish.

Grade: B
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