Review of E.T.

E.T. (1982)
Better than I remembered, but still overrated.
26 May 2002
I haven't seen this film since the late eighties at least, perhaps not since around the time it came out. And I must admit it was better than I expected. I didn't watch the new remastered director's cut that just came out recently, but instead borrowed the original, to see it as it was (I'm not really interested in cut scenes, etc.)

The effects were vintage ILM, very nice for the time. E.T. looks pretty impressive, even by today's standards it isn't at all bad. Drew Barrymore is adorable, and I liked the older brother. In fact, Elliott is the only character that annoys me, with his shrieking and whining constantly...I admit, I'm fairly prejudiced against anyone younger than 14 in a film (as I rarely see any character at that age that isn't nauseatingly precious or irritating as heck) and this kid was no exception.

Scenes that stood out in my mind include the wonderful frog rescue scene, and the classic bike rides (especially the chase one). But unfortunately, I feel the film drags on much too long, and the entire illness stretch just seems to go on forever. The government agents also seem rather unbelievable as well as overly inept and less covert thatn I think they should be. Though this is a children's film, so some silliness and suspension of disbelief is necessary. Still, as a whole I think the film is overrated. Great for kids (though not too young - I can see young children easily frightened by certain scenes), and heartwarming, some cool effects and a message for all about friendship and loyalty is strongly apparent. But still, a bit too silly at times, and the length gets tedious a bit towards the end. Great to watch, but I don't think it's the masterpiece many claim it to be. 7/10.
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