Extraction (2015) Poster

(II) (2015)

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Is the old Bruce Willis back in an exciting action movie? Nope, damn ....
peterp-450-29871626 January 2016
The makers of "Extraction" use the same marketing gimmick as used in films such as "The Cold Light of Day", "Fire with Fire", "The Prince" and "Vice". It's the famous Bruce Willis magic trick. Actually, it's dead simple. Make sure this star actor of yesteryear (I have to say I was always a big fan of BW) participates in an upcoming B-movie. However, the length of time you can admire him is limited and his presence is evenly spaced. You let him turn up at the beginning of the movie as an appetizer and give the impression that this might be a real Willis movie once again. Eventually, he disappears for most of the film and pops up again in the end for the big reveal. Then place him centrally on the cover so future viewers will get the feeling that he's playing an important part in it. I'm convinced that this is the biggest marketing trick that ensures the necessary revenues. As a viewer, you feel cheated though. Yep. The "Die Hard" star adds just another B-movie to his record of achievements. I must admit that the beginning of the film provided a momentary enthusiasm. For a moment, I had a feeling the old Bruce Willis was back and I was getting ready for some cool one-liners and beaten up opponents. Yippie kai yee! The result was a short-lived excitement, because before you know it the Willis marketing trick reveals itself and he disappears like a white rabbit during that well-known magic trick. Not in a black hat, but in the murky world of terrorists who captured a device called CONDOR. When activating this device, telecommunications will be disabled worldwide. Or something like that. Time for Kellan Lutz to show up. He plays Harry Turner, a CIA analyst who would love to follow in the footsteps of his father, but his application is always refused by the respective services. Until the day comes when someone kidnaps his father Leonard (Bruce Willis). Despite the explicit prohibition of his superiors to get involved, he still heads out to defuse that CONDOR. And this with the help of this other field agent Victoria (Gina Carano). And what a surprise, she's someone Kellan had a brief relationship with before. Who would have thought of that? What follows is just a cheap Secret Service action movie with the necessary fight scenes. And with of course the obligatory locations such as a biker bar (starring some billiard balls and a broken jukebox) and a trendy nightclub. Carano showed already in "In the Blood" that she can stand her ground in such dark clubs. The story brings nothing new and is full of familiar clichés. Even the denouement at the end was predictable. Not quite a good movie, you might say. The same can be said of the performances. Willis plays another comatose role and looks quite pathetic and uninterested in the few moments when he's on screen. Lutz and Carano make the best out of it and during the action scenes, the entertainment level rose a bit. And then there's the fact that Carano's curves are certainly a feast for the eye. I wouldn't date her though. Not with this testosterone-filled chunk of energy. Before you know it, you're stuck in a stranglehold that can be fatal. For now I've lost all hope for another brilliant Bruce Willis movie. Yippie kai ... yeah yeah yeah!
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By the numbers action thriller
panik6522 December 2015
Nothing wrong with this film, it's what it is: very formulaic and predictable with high production values and action scenes. CIA Dad, who is villainous and murderous himself, get's caught in a sticky situation as CIA son, who is an institutional failure, must rescue him, as CIA son is of course the only one who knows what's going on and where CIA dad is being held captive. CIA son of course inadvertently uncovers a deep institutional betrayal in which his tattered, nuclear family somehow wins and becomes transcendent. A murdered mother is avenged but it has zero dramatic power, but it's excusable as they didn't take it too seriously. Does it deliver? Not really, but then it isn't boring either. Nevertheless It's being dissed as "straight to DVD" (which is true) but compared to the junk released in theaters, it's probably above average, really. Nothing special, nothing terrible, perhaps worth a watch on a rainy day. Not bad enough to be funny, not good enough to pay 100% attention to, it's more or less "just there".
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I'm okay with a simple mma and tits action flick, but....
skantea-155-11348719 December 2015
But you have to stick to the formula for making what's at heart a C movie actually entertain the target audience, drunk dudes. That formula? Simple storyline, bare bones dialogue, and expertly choreographed fight scenes that come no more than five minutes apart. The script was terrible from beginning to end. Bruce Willis tells a bad guy "Don't you ever threaten my family", just before delivering the kill shot. Immediately I got a bad feeling, because the line should have been "Nobody threatens my family" in order to make sense as far continuity. That may seem like a small detail to someone who isn't a writer but trust me, words matter. The dialogue never gets better and though most of the fight scenes are okay, enough of them are badly staged that it detracts from the only thing that makes the film worth seeing. The acting was below average with the exception of Bruce Willis, who phoned it in but is still a veteran. Gina Carano was under utilized, which seems to keep happening to her. There are too many bad movies that are still a lot of fun for you to waste time on this one. 4 out of 10.
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Simply awful
peo-1920 December 2015
This is one of the worst movies of the year, if not the decade. If this doesn't end Carano's and Lutz' career, nothing will.

Dull, boring, totally inconsistent and full of gaffes. They seem to have shot this for a low budget and then had to finish it off in 2 days. There are so many holes in the plot that the viewer is expected to write half the script of the movie.

Action scenes are okay, but they look incredibly choreographed and lack credibility. After a 5 minute fight, the actors look as fresh as having come out of the shower.

Lackluster performances from all main characters, even DB Sweeney who usually us pretty solid. This movie is a waste of time.
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Graz-41 January 2016
I agree with most of other reviews when suggesting that Bruce Willis' name was simply used as an attractant. It isn't anything like normal Bruce films - this needs to be put on the bonfire and never seen again.

All the main actors Bruce Willis, Kellan Lutz, Gina Carano, D.B. Sweeney, Joshua Mikel, Steve Coulter, Theodore Sitterson were all good but I feel could have been so much better. The exception for me here was Gina Carano who I thought looked fantastic and was out- acting all others.

Also, son-of-willis got a few cuts on his face from a fight near the beginning which lasted throughout, but Gina Carano had a close-range face punch in a car later (with the perpetrator saying "sorry about the face" before he hit) yet she didn't have any marks on her face thru- out the film.

However, the one main criticism I have of this film is the VERY ANNOYING and persistent, and persistently bad music virtually ALL THE WAY THROUGH.

Don't see this movie. You know you won't get your 83 minutes of life back !
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Captializing on Willis Name
ttop-537-68798619 December 2015
A total disappointment leading me to avoid any future movie promoting Bruce Willis. He was in the movie 5 minutes, at best. What a sell-out! For whatever reason, this site requires me to add more information in order to qualify enough lines to post a review. How many lines of text does one need to state the movie is disappointing, bad, not entertaining, overdone as to violence, poorly scripted, using no-name unbelievable unattractive actors. Do not waste your time watching this movie as I have spent trying to reach the required (ten) number of lines of review in order to allow my review to be accepted. The "leading female actress" was overweight and lacking any sexual appeal while the lead actor "son of Willis" was a cardboard hero possessing little if any acting skill.
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Cheap Movie
aakamac30 December 2015
I have been a fan of Bruce Willis and watched all his movies and I can clearly say this is the worst. It looks like the role was offered to him so that they can put his name on, thus save their investment by attracting audience. The scenario was simple and not logical, music annoying, acting was below standards... This movie in a way was the reverse version of the other Bruce Willis movie "A Good Day to die Hard" . So Extraction even lacks to have an original scenario. Another interesting point is that Bruce Willis started take less part in his latest movies although he is one of the best actors and the movies should be around him. When you see him in the poster you want to actually see him in the movie...
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Extract this movie from My Eye sight.
KATO-SUBZERO19 December 2015
Saturday, 19 December 2015

There are two movies with the same title "Extraction" for release in 2015. One which stars Bruce "Moonlighting & "Die Hard" Willis and sexy fighter turned actress Gina Carano. The other, a non union low budget full of unknown actors/actresses {actor-director, Tim Kirkpatrick, Caitlin Custer and Iranian-American actress Medalion Rahimi. The latter is set to be on DVD and the i- net later this month.

I have seen Bruce in much better action films, especially "Die Hard "1 & 2 and "The Jackal" with the brilliant Sidney Poitier. This movie is as bad as his old movie "Hudson Hawk". The action is predictable as well as the outcome ending. Some guys look good doing fight scenes beating up 5 or 6 guys such as real good martial artist/actors Wesley Snipes and Michael J. White. Even brilliant academy award winner, Denzel Washington's fight scenes in "Equalizer" and brilliant actor, Liam Neeson in all three "Taken" movies fight scenes looked way better than in this movie.

Kellan Lutz is not impressive. He is better doing non action films. His fight scene with the Asian man in the warehouse mid way in the film, the Asian man would have beat the hell out of him, but the script was written for Kellan to win. The only reason I am rating it a 5 is because sexy fighter turned actress, Gina Carano is in it. Gina is the saving grace of this movie. Gina is a real good fighter, nice figure, sexy and prettier than her competitor, Ronda Rousey.

Please "Extract" this movie from my eye sight.
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Better than a lot of the garbage criticism makes it out to be.
forzaeva11 May 2018
As an action-thriller with the neo-dark flair it's just fine. I never expected 'Jason Bourne' levels of plots and conspiracies, so the movie is easy to follow. Phair lady Gina Carano deserved more screen-time, she was sort of a wasted talent in this and was proll'y not supposed to upstage Kellan Lutz who did a good job overall - he's believable as a tough guy. Bruce Willis has very limited screen time - an aging movie tough guy passing the torch.

For me, it works.

I'd simply ignore some of the "reviews" on this site. Not the low ratings, which are alright... Unsubstantiated trash-talk however, carries zero weight.

Maybe some of the main criticism stems from people expecting to watch Willis in an alternate 'Die Hard' lead role. This one is technically a 5.5-6.0/10 for me, but a 7.0 to counter a lower than deserved rating is fair.
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Written, Produced and Directed By 16 Year Olds
gsuburban1 January 2016
Acting terrible, music crap and almost every scene predictable from past films. I wouldn't classify this as a film but more of a TV sit com with a long play time. Barely a C rated flick. Bruce even was brought down by the direction and overall scene props. No acting time allowed in this one as most of the scenes are 2 to 5 seconds with zero script and mostly sound effects while the acting tries to impress and communicate via cool moves supposedly from CIA agents and FBI or similar while thugs of sorts give up over little. I'm rather surprised that the great actor himself bothered to make this film especially based on his past films. Possibly the star is not so sure of his worth these days.
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Yet another quick buck for Bruce Willis... and yet another bomb
Wizard-825 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have a good idea that Bruce Willis fans - if there are any left after him doing dreck like this for the past few years - will be especially disappointed by this movie. Although he is top billed, he's not in the movie that much at all. I would guess that his (limited) footage was shot in two or three days at most. I kind of expected this was a quick money grab for Willis before watching it, so his limited appearance didn't bother me. But there was sure a lot else about the movie that I didn't like. The inadequate script was a big issue, for starters. The story was pretty familiar and predictable, including the "surprise" twists that happen near the end. The characters were also very familiar, except maybe for the young protagonist played by Kellan Lutz - and not in a good way. I though his character was pretty irresponsible and kind of a bully at times. The direction by Steven C. Miller is also inadequate. While I could see he was somewhat confined by a low budget (limited set dressing and few "wide" shots, among other tell-tale signs), I am sure he could have even under the circumstances directed the action scenes a lot better (a lot of the fisticuffs are near incomprehensible to follow). He could also have had the movie photographed better; many shots are filled with really ugly colors. What the movie ends up being is product, and nowhere near the heart- pounding action/suspense thriller it wants to be. Though if you saw in the opening credits that the movie was produced by the notorious schlock duo of Randall Emmett and George Furla, you probably knew what to expect.
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Great movie
Sexyjay7112 July 2020
I thought this movie deserves a better rating than it got.. the fight scenes alone were great and as usual Willis was his Nonchalant acting self.. give the movie a try and see for yourself and you be the judge
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Not the most innovative; but very good film.
tkarlmann22 April 2021
What else can I say -- I like Gina Carano -- she's precisely the antidote after watching typical flat-on-top, thin-legged Hollywood types.

The plot had a few twists, but it did seem just a tad formulaic.

Bruce Willis still "has it", but unfortunately we didn't see that "it" in this film. We had bad guys all over the place, and Gina got to pound some of them.
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Need better script,better choreograph,and more Cerano
Eddie_weinbauer23 December 2015
Bruce here plays a CIA agent who gets captured by the enemy on a very important mission,and the son,who's a cia wannabe field agent have to find him and save him.That's basically the entire story

This movie is nothing new under the sun. Bruce Willis does his usual under par performance.Which he seem to be doing a lot of lately. Gina Cerano certainly haven't been given much,for her MMA skills to work with. And the male lead is such a bad actor you laugh.Every time he knocks down someone,he takes a half a minute pause,just to gloat There's no chemistry between him and Gina,and they are suppose to be ex lovers.They try to convince you they were once a couple, with mixing some baby talk in between and talking in half sentences.Pretending they have long history together..But alas the chemistry is all wrong

Whats worse is, every darn bad guy know MMA.no matter how low on the totem pole they are,they seem to be excellent figthers. And our male hero have to struggle to fight every last one of them,no matter how scrawny they are. And he is supposed to be super good,top of his class on all levels,who have been passed over several times for field duty.

Remember the 80's? The direct to video kung fu/ martial arts action movies ,with Michael dudikoff,jean claude,Steven seagal,Dolph lundgren etc.When every bad guy they came up against knew martial arts? You had good elegant fighting scenes,with the camera way back.

Heres the problem.Back in the days,that stuff worked.You were okay with every bad guy knowing kung fu,it worked,because it was that type of movie. With this movie it doesn't

The fights are boring, and lousy choreographed. The characters are even worse ,the plot is boring,and predictable. Gina is reduced to being a sidekick, and ex girlfriend,and even her fights are way below par,for what you could expect from having her in a movie. Watch haywire instead. Gina have to struggle with beating up a lowe life henchman
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Bruce Willis has been taken, by this lackluster second rate action movie
quincytheodore19 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Extraction is done by the book, as in every step of the way is filled with action B-movie cliché. Strangely, the cast and plot have decent potential, yet it ends up mediocre due to severe lack of chemistry and uninteresting thriller aspect. There are some action fun from combat, though they are brief, too few and scattered throughout disjointed mandatory set pieces.

Bruce Willis can deliver a good action movie and Extraction is primed for humorous quirky relationship with younger actors, he has done this gig before in RED. However, he looks constantly disgruntled and unsympathetic here. It doesn't help that he's held hostage for most of the time and even in some scenes with other leads, there's not a shred of chemistry to be had.

Kellen Lutz, from The Legend of Hercules (not The Rock one) is not exactly bad. He just has an outstandingly plain on-screen presence, he wears action hero template with not much more personality. Gina Carano is capable, but she's relegated into supporting semi love interest character and her martial art credential isn't capitalized enough. The two share most screen time and a couple of them do work in their favor, but it'd be more interesting if the role is swapped and it's Carano who tries to save her father.

As for the action pieces, they are strikingly rigid, although still presentable. Cue the typical bar fight, a venture into night club, some chase scene and then random warehouse shootout. The movie tries to create some thriller subplot, actually quite a lot is invested on it, but this isn't Tom Clancy's script. It's a lot of build up to an unexciting end. Worse yet, the rest of the characters are typical villains, their henchmen and a couple of obnoxious extras.

Extraction is the bare basic action film, it may barely entertain a lazy weeknight with few action sequences, but it's lacking identity and charisma despite its favorable cast.
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Some one just made a movie without giving a toss.
reallyevilboy20 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I hate this.

I've said it before, specifically with that Godzilla movie that came out a few years ago.

You've got reasonably decent actors, you've got a reasonably decent script. you've got a decent budget and you poo it all away because you don't give a poo about how the movie actually turns out(I'm trying not to swear)

It's a huge waste.

When you think of how much it costs to make a movie, a movie with Bruce Willis in it, it's a massive waste.

The main woman that talks like a robot, a car chase that looks like two cars driving around a car park at 40 kmph. A lady who's not CIA brought into their "operation" just for the hell of it. She's a crazy driver for no apparent reason then there's a car chase a little later and she's not in it.

And no one said "Cut" Let's try that a different way. Maybe with a bit more passion or with something that makes more sense. But no.

Because apparently "Meh" is the new "Yaah"
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It had all the elements needed to be better than average, but did not use them.
subxerogravity23 December 2015
The film reminds me of, The Cold Light of Day, both involved Bruce Willis playing a dad whose son joins the family business of espionage after hit with tragedy

But instead of Man of Steel's Henry Cavill, we get some new guy, Kellan Lutz. It looks like the new guy is trying to showcase his fighting skills. Though the action sequences are OK, they do absolutely nothing to make me think this new guy could be the next Jason Statham or anything like that. Pretty lame since his name appears before Willis.

What really sucks is that the movie is sleeping Gina Carano's skills. I was thinking that she was in the film as a backup just in case the new pretty boy falls short, which he does, and she would pick up the slack, but she acted as no more than just the love interest for the hero, which is so lame, cause I seen her do too many amazing fight scenes to be second rate in this film.

Speaking of second rate, Bruce Willis most likely lends his name to the movie in exchange for a big pay check. He's barely in it. I will say when he is on the screen, Mr. Willis does do a little bit of acting. Just enough to give the character a little more depth than the others (guess he did not want young and hot new action star to upstage him)

So the movie is not as bad as I'm making it out to be. it's a 100% pure action flick and it's too generic to be in a good or bad category. It just is. Something that you can stream on your computer while distracted by other things.
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Bruce Willis's Other Bad Movie from 2015
mrturk18213 September 2016
Over a year and a half ago, I reviewed a Bruce Willis movie called Vice. Okay, it was less of a review and more of an annihilation. I not only said that it was the worst film of 2015, which earned that distinction in only the third week of the year, but I also called it the worst film of the 2010s thus far. I also said that it would be impossible for anyone to take that title of "the worst film of 2015" away from it. While no movie did that, despite Fantastic Four's valiant effort, at the end of the year, another Bruce Willis movie came out in the action thriller genre that also got a VOD release called Extraction. If you read my Vice review, one of my most mind-boggling discoveries that I brought up was how that movie had a 0% Tomatometer score and a 0% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes at the time of its release. Well, I am blown away by the fact that this ALSO got a 0% Tomatometer score on Rotten Tomatoes. And while Vice's Tomatometer score had gone up to 4% in the months that followed, this movie's Tomatometer score actually held up at the time that I'm giving it its own review.

Now, in my opinion, this is a better movie than Vice. But that's the only good news I have, because it's another Bruce Willis movie in the action thriller genre that only got a VOD release playing to the top-name actor's pedestrian-level abilities. I wish it were easy to leave it at that, but really, even this autopilot action thriller has a lot of baffling moments. From the dialogue to the acting, to the terrible effects, to the "Bingo"-level editing job, to the sexist behavior, to quite possibly one of the worst twists in film history, it's quite bizarre. And even by the standards of the action thriller formula, or even the Bruce Willis formula, it's quite unpleasant.

Score: 8/100

Recommendation: None
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brutzel24 February 2016
Newly trained CIA Agent Harry Turner (Kellen Lutz) learns that his father, Leonard Turner (Bruce Willis), a seasoned CIA agent has been kidnapped by terrorists who also want The Condor, a unit that will control all the telecommunications on the planet. Harry wants to rescue his father and fix the Condor so it can never be activated, but is told to stand down (Whaaaat??) and, of course, he doesn't.

We thought we would get to see the birth of another Jason Bourne in Harry Turner, but things didn't work out that way. Oh, Harry seems to have good fighting moves, but the production values stymied this to such a point we are not sure any more. The Director had the camera speeded up to such a point everything was a blur, the fights lasted too long (Jason Bourne wouldn't have let that happen) and the fights choreography were suspect. Much of the movie involved car chases which bordered on being quite boring. And lastly there were just way too many scenes in darkened areas. Not good.

Bruce Willis' name was used to draw in an audience and it worked, but we see very little of him as CIA super-agent Leonard Turner. In a word, this was quite disappointing.

Notables: D.B Sweeny as Harry's boss; Gina Carano as Victoria a CIA agent tasked to keep an eye on Harry.

There is a major twist later on, but we were not impressed. Kind of old hat when you see it.

We will have to wait a while longer to see a viable replacement for Jason Bourne. HA ! (3/10)

Violence: Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: No. Language: Yes.
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A poor script and poorly told story
Gordon-116 March 2016
This film tells the story of a CIA agent who is kidnapped and held hostage by terrorists who have got control of a device that is capable of detonating nuclear bombs around the world. His son goes through hurdles after hurdles to try saving him from danger.

The plot of "Extraction" sounds very exciting, but it is actually very poor. I have to say that the fight scenes are frequent and every one of them are intense. The actors and actresses really fight hard. However, the plot is very poorly told. There are many things unexplained. They have forgotten to state the obvious, and just suppose that the viewers understand what is going on. For example, Harry Turner and Victoria goes into a woman's house to change. I have no idea who that woman is, but she seems to be pivotal in subsequent scenes. Then, at the end of the film, a bearded man gets into the car with this mystery woman. This bearded man is not introduced, and I am quite certain I have not seen him before in the film! In addition, this mystery woman says cringe worthy lines that ruin the film. Comic relief is not done like this. After watching it, I am quite puzzled as to what the film is really about. Even though the fight scenes are good, it is not worth the time or money to watch it.
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All About Gina Carano!
edubscrete22 February 2020
Many fellow viewers expecting too much from this low budget action flick. Good fight sequences throughout. Limited Bruce Willis. But, OMG, Gina Carano is the real deal. She delivers in this sub-par movie. Gorgeous, intelligent, hard hitting, w/weapons..
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The Expendables missing link?......
FlashCallahan18 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When retired CIA agent Leonard Turner is kidnapped by a terrorist organisation, his son Harry launches his own rogue rescue operation -- despite the fact that he was previously rejected by the CIA.

Now, he must race against time and utilise his combat training to take down the terrorists and save his father.......

In some perfect world, the surname Turner would be changed to Church, and this would be a spin-off to The Expendables, telling us just what happened to Mr Church and reveal that Lutz was really his son, thus linking his character to part three.

But it's not, it's another direct to DVD clunker that has Willis sleepwalk through his role, looking forlorn and lethargic, and he's only in it for around twenty minutes, although his character is pivotal to the narrative.

So we have Lutz in full on action man mode, escaping his protection and going on the run in Prague, fighting almost everybody who crosses his path to gain a little information on his fathers whereabouts.

Add a bewildered D.B Sweeney with a look on his face like he's longing for The Cutting Edge to get an anniversary re-issue, and Gina Carano as the love interest, and you are left with the afterthought 'Does Willis really value his fans opinions anymore'.

It's a terrible movie, something you have seen a thousand times before, with every action cliché thrown in for good measure, from the Russian roulette sequence, to the smoke grenade, to the bar fight, we've seen it a thousand time before, and a lot better.

Lutz seems to have the potential to do some decent acting, but if he carries on taking roles that are suitable for his frame rather than his range, he will be soon forgotten, just like Taylor what's his face.

Throw in some silly twist at the end, and your left with another dud for the once great Willis. And he's the star of the greatest action movie ever made, he knows this, so why doesn't he explore his range in his later years, ratter than picking up a pay cheque like a vacuum picks up dust.

Leave this one, tooth extraction seems more attractive than this.
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You Can't Go Wrong Watching Bruce Willis Movie
esteemdancers-119 December 2015
This is just a fun movie to watch. Opens with great action and keeps right on giving it. It has a script which utilizes an age old formula that always works to entertain. Just good fun watching this action flick. It is such a great contribution that so many of our Super Stars are willingly accepting secondary roles to support a new group of young action stars that they believe in. They know these talented, fresh, new faces need as their co-star a Major Motion Picture Actor to get the attention of the paying public. You will enjoy this film. It has an entertaining script, plenty of great action stunts, great cinematography and great acting.
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Decent B movie
marshallt-1154122 September 2019
Sure, Bruce only appears for 10 minutes, but it is a straight to video action movie made on the cheap with good fights, plot holes and the gorgeous Gina Carano that clocks in at under 90 minutes. If you want to watch mindless action and appreciate a low budget effort, I would recommend.
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Extracts the joy out of life
andrew-659-15293331 October 2018
Surprisingly not a movie about dental procedures but about as much fun as a visit to the dentist.

As many have said, Bruce Willis has very little screen time. Apparently he shot all his scenes in one day and it shows. It looks like they didn't pay him enough for more than one facial expression ('serious') and I hate to say it but this reminds me of many recent Steven Segal, outings, specifically the execrable 'Sniper: Spec Ops', i.e. the great man shares little or no screen time with other actors so they can easily add him into scenes during editing. How sad.

It's not that this is a by-the-numbers action flick which adds nothing to the genre, it's that it's so boring. The actors are going through the motions. The dialogue is tedious, the characters uninteresting. The colour grading is 'edgy' and exaggerated much like the title sequence (which really put me off from the start). I imagine the inexperienced cast members were excited to appear in a Bruce Willis movie but it's hard to see how this will help their careers.

Ultimately it's the kind of movie you fast forward through primarily to avoid the pain of seeing it in your 'continue watching' queue on Netflix.
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