Merlin (TV Series 2008–2012) Poster


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BBC Merlin, I just can't get over you.
cecilyeb26 September 2017
Oh Merlin. Four years since I finished my last re-watch and you're still breaking my heart. You are quite terrible in many ways, with some of the cheesiest special effects I've ever seen on television, and some of the cheesiest writing as well, but your story captured my imagination like no Game of Thrones has done. The friendship/romance between Merlin and Arthur is almost unbearably lovely and the characters of Guinevere and the knights still haven't left my heart. There were moments of absolute brilliance in this little family show elevated by beautiful acting that still resonate and stay with me after all these years. I would go through it all again.
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Wonderful in many ways
trufflechef8917 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Years after this show has ended, I am still watching and re-watching! As others have noted, Merlin has many strengths. In terms of structure, each episode of the series contains its own mini-adventure. Sometimes, these adventures spur the season arc onwards or create consequences that characters must grapple with in later episodes. All of the seasons, except Season 1, end with a double feature that closes out the season's main danger. The reimagining of the Arthurian legend is very well done in many ways, showing that the creators have perhaps drawn on a variety of tellings of the story to create something new.

The lead actors are all exceptional. Bradley James and Colin Morgan have incredible chemistry - it's even a lot of fun to watch their interviews with each other, as they seem to have the same chemistry in real life! Colin Morgan is flat out amazing as Merlin, often conveying two or three emotions simultaneously and even portraying Merlin himself as an actor (as the older Emrys, as the old sorceress.) He effortlessly handles everything from tragedy (Lady of the Lake) to comedy (A Servant of Two Masters.) Bradley James is stoic, handsome, and good-hearted, exactly as we would have wanted Arthur, and he also rustles up quite a bit of feeling in certain episodes (Sins of the Father, The Wicked Day.)

Katie McGrath is exceptional as Morgana (and so beautiful!). She successfully charts an incredibly tricky character arc, layering tension into her character season by season. Those who claim she is too emotional or overacting in her scenes miss the point of Morgana's character - it is her very excess of passion and empathy for others that bends her from light to dark.

There are also great cameos from talented actors sprinkled throughout the series, including Michelle Ryan, Sarah Parish, John Lynch, Miriam Margolyes, Charles Dance, Emilia Fox, Tom Ellis, Santiago Cabrera, John Hurt as the dragon, and others. Asa Butterfield as the young Mordred is incredibly creepy and wonderful to watch. The locations are also beautiful and well imagined.

But the series suffers from two main weaknesses. First, the characterization and character development are inconsistent. Bradley James and Colin Morgan manage to show that their relationship has evolved due to their own talents, but their characters are not written that way. There is little growth in what Arthur sees in Merlin, and Merlin rarely acknowledges Arthur's flaws, especially his lack of judgment. The relationships between other characters are also chronically under-imagined: Gwaine and Merlin, Arthur and Gaius, Merlin and Gwen, Gwen and Gaius. Some episodes reset to zero, ignoring whatever has come before between two characters. The entire web of relationships that would support a close-knit Camelot community is never explored or used. Many of the characters are therefore rendered static rather than dynamic.

Angel Coulby suffers the most from this poor character development. Guinevere unfortunately only becomes an interesting character when she falls under Morgana's spell in Season 5. Otherwise, Guinevere is unnaturally obedient, docile, and strangely Pollyanna-ish. There is little reason why she should be lovable or attractive to two gorgeous and talented men and her love story with Arthur is largely unbelievable. It is also difficult to understand how she transitions so well from servant to queen, seemingly growing in confidence by leaps and bounds between seasons. In general, the show has an irritating tendency for all the interesting women to cluster on one side (Nimueh, Morgause, Morgana) and all the interesting men to cluster on the other (Arthur, Merlin, Lancelot, Gaius.)

The second weakness is that the series ENDS with Merlin revealing his magic to Arthur, meaning that we never see the two of them working together as true equals. Throughout, the audience sees Merlin undertaking dangerous and difficult tasks, with no thanks, but we never see the pay-off, i.e. a proper discussion/reckoning between Arthur and Merlin about the role of magic in society and Merlin's beliefs vs Arthur's beliefs. The show has to contrive absurd scenarios to ensure Arthur never sees Merlin use his magic but he also never benefits from Merlin's huge trove of knowledge.

This ultimately undercuts the message of the stories. The characters keep waiting for the mythical day when Albion is real and magic will flourish again, but they exercise little free will in getting themselves there. For a show aimed at young adults, getting the themes right should be incredibly important. What harm is done when you keep secrets from your friends? Why should you not deny who you are to appease others? Why should you treat others with respect and dignity? Why is it wrong to persecute those who are different from you? By not providing closure on these themes, the show ultimately ends on a rather dismal and disappointing note.
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For what it is, actually fairly good
hobbitfan-215 November 2008
Okay, I feel like you have to judge this show with a grain of salt. I've actually found it very enjoyable and oddly addictive, though that doesn't mean I think it's good. Yes, there are plot holes, character inconsistencies, cheesy dialogue, etc., but I think because it doesn't take itself too seriously (like, for example, Robin Hood was prone to do) it can get away with most of these things. There are moments of genuine comedy that I really appreciate, and the rest of the time I spend giggling at the aforementioned flaws. I think the cast is quite good as well: Colin Morgan is charmingly dorky as the title character; Anthony Head milks a surprising amount of emotion from a ridiculously poorly written character; and the rest (except perhaps for Katie McGrath, who can be a little too emotional) imbue their roles with genuine humanity. I especially like the growing relationship between Merlin and Arthur-- the way the show is written, Merlin's only reason for helping Arthur is that 'it's his destiny,' and Arthur has no real reason at all to help Merlin, and yet you definitely feel that they are starting to care for each other.

So, yeah, it's no television masterpiece, but it is fun to watch, and sometimes that's all you need.
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I'm still not over it
katechunz6 September 2019
I watched the 5 seasons in two weeks - I was completely hooked! I'm definitely going to rewatch soon as well! The secrets, suspense, magic and romance kept me hooked and on the edge of my seat! Merlin is the best character; he's adorable, beautiful, relatable and hilarious. The COMEDY literally gave me life. I LIVED and BREATHED for when Merlin did something weird or stupid! Arthur and Merlin were the best and I seriously wish there was a season six (would for real donate $2000 or my life for it).

I cried so hard when it finished and now I wish that I could erase all of my memory of the show to re-experience it again. The character development is amazing, plot is gripping and adventures are fun. The comedy is beautiful and the relationships between characters (especially Arthur and Merlin) is the best part of the show.


CAUTION: If you are really into the legend of King Arthur then you might not like how everyone is young and facts are a bit altered but if you can overlook all of that then you are seriously going to love "Merlin."
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Still re-watching it
meriamrhallab-6340411 August 2022
I've watched this series about 4 times, I just don't know what it is about it. It feels like home. The relationship between Merlin and Arthur is the most beautiful and funny I've seen on TV. I am very aware that the dialogues can feel a bit corny sometimes, especially in the first season, but it's just...endearing. The adventures are really fun, more so in the last seasons when the tone gets darker. Obviously the CGI isn't the best, and the show has its overdramatic moments, but it doesn't impact the quality significantly. Oh and the ending is not great and feels a bit rushed, which was a bit heartbreaking. It's not perfect but when you're this emotionally attached to a show it means it's pretty good.
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fairplay-8160029 February 2020
Oh Please could there be a season6 and7 because I love this serie so much Its really a wonderful serie i love all of it maybe there are some others who think the same as I do
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Push through the beginning, it'll be worth it !
bhester080621 June 2018
The show had a rough start, cheesy at time and the week to week bad guy was silly at times BUT then season two improved and by season 3 it was in full swing and never looked back.

Just watch and enjoy. Don't over analyze it, it isn't GOT or Breaking Bad but it's great in its own right.
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Instant fantasy, just add dragon! ....and more
Kevin-424 October 2008
First of all, if you are a really big fan of the Arthurian legend, stay away from this one. Even I, with my superficial knowledge regarding those ancient stories, could tell that this show takes quite a few 'creative liberties'. This said, it is really a rather good show. The sets and costumes are nice (though way out of time for the historic era), the storyline is interesting with a good mixture of humor and suspense salted with some adequate special effects. After just three shows in the series it is hard to judge how much depth the main characters will be able to develop, but they are all so.....likable (My favorite being the young Arthur). There are probably better ways to spend your Saturday evenings, but if you're in front of the tube anyway, you can certainly pick worse.


I just finished watching the ninth episode. It is hard to believe, but what appeared to be another shallow if decently made series, turned into a respectable drama show. The humor from the first three shows is still there, but as the story unfolds so do the main characters, gaining depth and subtleties and opening interesting plot opportunities.

Die hard fans of the legends will still not like it, as much of the underlying mystery gets a complete work-over (and the presence of a dragon sure doesn't help there), but as a stand-alone show, it certainly got me hooked :)

If you haven't been able to see it, because you're not from the UK and have no access to internet sources: This is definitely worth waiting for!

EDIT2 (a few years later):

Five seasons and a couple of years later I can still say that it's been a good show. Even though it eventually fed off the chemistry between the main protagonists and was weakened by the sub-par acting of what was supposed to be the main villain and antagonist, it holds its own as a work of entertainment. Good quality family entertainment!
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Worst Finale Ever
jhumabasu9 August 2019
I was a big Merlin fan. Since the beginning episode this small Merlin family completely won my heart. With every passing episode I became more eager to know how Arthur will react after knowing Merlin's truth. How magic will return to Camalot. How Arthur will become the great king with Merlin beside. But after watching finale I felt that I have wasted all my time watching this series. They kept telling Merlin is the greatest warlock ever walked on the Earth. But watching this series will never make you feel that. Also most of the prophecies, false. I could not control my tears watching finale. The greatest Warlock can't even take his friend to the destination on time. It felt soooooooo bad. Whoever has written the finale, my curses with you. I never felt the series ended. Netflix should take a lil bit of blame and approve a season 6 for this series. Please give us a closure 🙏
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I love it so much
dancingsnail4 October 2022
This show is one of my all time favourites and I just love it so much. I found it during lockdown and since then I have just grown to love it more and more. It has an almost whimsical feel to it which is very refreshing from the usual, serious fantasy such as game of thrones or The Witcher. Its funny and serious at the same time which is a hard balance they pull it of perfectly.

Most of the characters have wonderful personalities and development throughout the series which makes you feel like you can really get to know them.

Whilst certain elements such as the CGI and low budget for the first part of the show, whilst noticeable, does not detract from the overall appeal and magic.

If you have not already watched Merlin, I would highly recommend it for anyone.
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Cheesy and repetitive, yet incredibly engaging
psychoameise9 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched every single episode of this show, but was driven to distraction and ready to give up on it sometimes. It's really not well made, badly written, but the characters are engaging and the actors seem to have such fun with it that I had to keep watching.

To say the storyline is repetitive and that there is little to no character development is an understatement. The first couple of seasons the main characters blunder from one episode to the next, making stupid decisions, learn a painful lesson and then forget all about it and make the same mistakes over and over again. And yet they're such nice people that you begin to really like them and care about them. But it's infuriating to watch because you keep thinking "he's done that three times now, why does he expect a different result this time around? Is he mentally challenged?" The only character who undergoes a change is Morgana, and that isn't gradual, it's just one episode she's good, then she disappears for one episode, comes back the one after that and is totally evil and becomes the only problem that Arthur and Merlin ever have from then on. I know the show is for kids, but even a four year old would ask: "Mummy, why does Morgana keep attacking Camelot again and again even though she always fails and no one wants her there? Doesn't she get bored?" Anyways, I'm ranting and I didn't mean to.

The acting isn't exactly top drawer either. Katie McGrath is the worst. Her evil grin is so overdone it's almost comical. The only one who develops any skills over time is Colin Morgan. In the first two seasons he's kinda nondescript like the rest of them but in season five he finally comes good. That kid could go far. Having said that I still like all of them. I don't know why, I just do.

Also the inaccuracies are kinda jarring. To make Guenevere a black servant girl may be very PC but it's just SO wrong, and if you think that kids watch this and perhaps think that this is in any way possible... ugh, makes you shudder. The sets are too clean, the clothing too colourful but I don't mind that. I don't even mind the modern lingo or the bromance, it's supposed to be unchallenging entertainment after all. But portraying Gwen the way they did was a bad call I believe.

Reading my review now, I don't really have anything positive to say about the whole thing but I still liked it and watched all of it. Cheesy as it was, the writers at least managed to create engaging characters and make you care about them. That's the only thing that kept me watching but it was enough.
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Fantastic Family Viewing
krisisnow14 October 2008
I've been watching Merlin since the start, and I've just finished watching the third episode of the 13 part series, made by BBC Wales. It's absolutely brilliant and it's made Saturday family viewing that extra bit special. The third episode has been the best so far, and I can't wait to see more of this excellent show.

Regardless of the dissatisfied moaners and complainers on IMDb, this is by far one of the best British family shows the BBC has produced to date. It's that good.

Episode 4 looks even better and I have to wait another week to see it. I definitely recommend Merlin to everyone

More please! 10 Stars from me! Well Done BBC.
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pumpdaddyu4 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this entire series with the exception of the fact that they never kill Morgana. After getting knocked out tons of times they let her live. They could just go and chop her head off. And then the white dragon who merlin the dragon lord hatched and named takes Morganas side. There are so many episodes that frustrate me because of bad writing and things that did not make sense, this is more in the last season but also in others. overall its good show. I like many things especially the main characters. Merlin was the best one and his character was great. Probably could have went on longer but they it many times.
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A twisted mirror-universe version of Arthurian legend, with a dystopian Camelot
wingsandsword8 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show actually managed to make me cheer for Morgana Le Fae and spend most of my time watching it waiting for Arthur to die.

It turns Arthurian legend into some twisted version of it where Uther Pendragon is a genocidal tyrant who only recently went on a bloody, genocidal purge of all wizards and druids in the Kingdom, up to and including slaughtering infants because they possessed magical talent.

It turns Arthur Pendragon from the wise and heroic King of legend into a spoiled, arrogant brat.

It turns Morgana le Fay from an evil witch to an unloved and neglected young lady whose only reason to dislike Arthur and Camelot is that her parents were killed in their genocidal purge, and the only reason she wasn't killed is that nobody knows she's a sorceress (then, in the later seasons, has her suddenly be malevolent out of nowhere, as the writers probably realized she was becoming far sympathetic than the "heroes")

It similarly turns Mordred into a sympathetic figure as well, who like Morgana is only opposed to the Pendragon dynasty and Camelot on very justifiable grounds.

In this version of Arthurian legend, all the troubles of Camelot owe themselves to a bloody, genocidal purge that Uther Pendragon began twenty years before when he mis-blamed a witch for killing his wife, because his wife died in childbirth.

It turns Merlin from a wise and sage advisor into a put-upon servant who spends his time mucking out stables and doing other menial labor all while secretly saving Arthur and Camelot repeatedly.

It invents a new character of Gaius as a mentor to Merlin, who was a wizard who betrayed his own kind to survive the purge, and now lives as Uther's court physician. This traitor who was complicit in genocide is supposed to be a sympathetic mentor.

The more I reflect on the show years later, the more I can think that the show really did nothing but make me wait for when Arthur would die and Camelot would fall and wonder why would Merlin repeatedly place himself in danger for a Kingdom that wasn't worth saving and a royal house that deserved to fall.
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Kirpianuscus3 September 2017
a seductive series. this is its basic virtue and the motif for who it is not a bad idea to see it. because it preserves the Medieval atmosphere, the traits of the well known characters but it has the courage and the science to be provocative, nice, dark and amusing, this kind of impeccable adaptation of a familiar universe giving to it new splendid nuances and details. it is a series about friendship and about different forms of magic, about trust and challenges, about beauty and about courage, about a form of delicate and precise definition of the meanings of life in the best manner. so, a charming series. good acting. and great story. enough for create dependence.
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Classic adventure par excellence
coltras354 May 2021
I don't watch much modern TV series, finding them dull, overly serious, pretentious and lacking any entertaining qualities, but Merlin is a grand exception. A thoroughly exciting BBC series centred around Camelot and its key players -King Arthur, Merlin, Guinevere, and Morgana, but executed in a cinematic way, full of action (sword fighting, jousting and plenty of derring-do), tongue-in-cheek humour and pure drama. There's a strong dungeons and dragons feel as the character take on all kinds of creatures, travel to mystic lands and deadly threats.

Great acting from all cast, including the Dragon - John Hurt adds his distinctive voice - and its rare to see such high level of escapism. I enjoyed every season. I seen them more than twice, and was never bored. A gem that is good for the family.
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Surprisingly well done
a_sad_cow26 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First four seasons were a solid 10/10. Not only the leads, but all the supporting cast and extras show a clear love of the material and theater in general. I'll be selecting one of my next series to follow based on other projects these actors are involved in. The characters are rich and the dragon was particularly well tied in. Quite often the dragon said what I was muttering off screen, which was quite refreshing.

Fifth season was about a 7/10. Went through the episodes trying to pin where it went wrong, but the writers are the same and the directors shifted as they always did. So many mistakes I could've understood if it was still season one, but they've done this right four seasons in a row now. Uther was a rich and complex character in the first four seasons, yet our final memory is of him as a one note character, arguably at his worst. The Dragon was barely used when it was appropriate, and the white dragon wasn't developed at all. Morgana played her part well, but she didn't get the supporting cast she deserved, nor was her final confrontation with Merlin anywhere near as interesting as the rest of the series. If we know the series is going to end, this season could've been spent on so many great reveals: either that Merlin is a warlock or that he is a dragonlord. This could've been many episodes of banter between Arthur and Merlin. Instead, we get about half of one.

And why, oh why, does Arthur have to die? We've departed enough from Arthurian legend here, playing this as destiny is just garbage. "The once and future king" means you're going to use this story as canon for a modern day Merlin? Is that what the bus scene meant at the end? You killed a character for an almost insignificant amount of character development for Merlin...

Still a great way to spend evenings on Netflix, but I'd consider not watching Season 5 at all.
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The best new family TV drama for many years
armstrongd_uk3 December 2008
Everyone associated with this magnificent production deserve awards - the series is simply superb entertainment on every level. The cast is excellent - although when it started one wanted to see the traditional story of Arthur and Excalibur and Lancelot unfold, the sheer chemistry of the current cast are so enjoyable, that I now dread the demise of King Uther, as Anthony Head is absolutely compelling in this role - by far the best thing I've ever seen him do. Merlin, Arthur, even Richard Wilson as Gaius against all the odds, are all brilliantly cast and played.

In many ways this reminds me of the unexpectedly addictive power of the original Star Trek series when it first appeared - only this is far better acted, far better cast, and far better written.

In my opinion one of the very best new things to hit British TV screens for many many years.
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It's Magic (sorry that was corny)
steve-8628 November 2008
There are many similarities between Dr Who and Merlin in terms of the way they are written. Like Dr Who Merlin features likable characters, moments of comedy and a little bit of tension that kids and grown ups can both enjoy.

There is good chemistry between the main characters. Good sets, decent special effects and each show works well on its own and as part of a series.

Don't pick too many holes in the factual details though. There are many ethnic groups in Uther's court, which probably wasn't truly representative of the population of England at that time in history. But hey, magic doesn't really exist so why not make a new TV show that has its auditions open to any actor regardless of ethnic background.

I think Merlin will run for at least another series. It would be a shame if it didn't continue. Whatever the future holds for the show the excellent Colin Morgan has a bright career ahead of him.
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a great story with many flaws
markboom-4665826 August 2018
The story is very wel put together but they should have put in more attention they have no remark for the fine details
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Magical and Adventurous
bhumikapoojari6 August 2022
It's a different take on the Arthurian Legends. One of my favorite fantasy adventurous drama.

This a beautifully made tv show. It has magic, adventures, HILARIOUS comedy, beautiful love stories, intense drama and above all 'heart melting FRIENDSHIP and LOYALTY.

This turned out to be such a lovely show not just because of an excellent script but also because all the actors expressed it so well (especially Colin Morgan and Bradley James). There were many scenes that didn't require any words to describe how that character is feeling, we as an audience can read it on their face & through their body language....most importantly we feel it so deeply.

It is one of those show that can be re-watched 'n' number of times & I am gonna do the same :D.
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Decent show
Calicodreamin20 March 2021
A decent show, charismatic characters with some fun episodes and climactic battle scenes. Though the same five plots are constantly recycled and the characters lack real growth.
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One of the best TV series of BBC.
XueHuaBingYu10 May 2019
Merlin is one of my favourite TV shows of all time like Doctor Who. The lead actor Colin Morgan is really amazing. I didn't think that he would be that good. I just thought this TV series would be a normal one. But when I watched it, I was amazed.

I didn't know about this TV show until a friend recommended me saying that this TV show is a great one. I thought she was aggregating but when I watched it, I found that she wasn't. Not even a bit. The show really is amazing.

I didn't have a thought that Colin would be an Irish until I saw him at the NTA (National Television Awards) talking in Irish accent. At that time, I was surprised because what I saw him in Merlin is that he was talking in British accent. The way he talked, it was really like a British man talking. I didn't think that he was faking. Later, I found out that he faked it. That's why I surprised.

This TV show is truly amazing, but the end is not. It's like out of the blue and all of the sudden, it was going to end and then one episode later, it ended. It's like they had to immediately end it because of out of budget. It shouldn't be like that. If they didn't do that, I'd say this TV show is one of the best shows of all time.

Although Merlin has one big flaw stated in above, it still makes one of the best TV shows I've ever watched. It has a lot of episodes, but don't pay any attention to bad reviews, just watch it because it's totally worth spending time.
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Great setting but frustrating slow and repetitive plot
sunnykhandelwal1 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The series has a great concept and a beautiful setting. The characters are loveable and very well developed. But the plot could have been much better. There are some internal inconsistencies and plot holes. Most of the episodes have the same formula kind of plot. At some point Uther dies and we hooe that the series would start to progress but it doesn't and nothing eventful really happens till the last 3 episodes of the last season. The end is very emotional and heart warming. Overall i did enjoy watching the series but expected a lot more!
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So Bad, Yet So Watchable
carthait28 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Merlin" is one of those shows in the vein of BBC's "Robin Hood", and the new "Dr. Who" - it's poorly-written with clichés utilized to the max whenever possible, the cast cannot act worth a damn (even the main lead, Colin Morgan - he has a maximum of two emotions, "Happy Merlin" and "Sad Merlin". Seriously, that's it), the plot and overarching mythology makes less sense as it goes on, the CGI and special effects look like they came straight out of the 90s, and any and all character development is quashed almost as soon as it appears - the worst offenders in this department would have to be Guinevere, who appears to have even less of a personality as of season 4 than she did when the show started, and Morgana who has been transformed from a whiny princess type to a whiny one-note villain type.

Yet, there is something alluring in the fact that it's so laughably bad, that you cannot help but keep watching, just to see if it can get any worse (it does). The main problem is that the show, much like "Robin Hood" did, tries to pay lip service to the source material, yet it's attempts to do so are clumsy, and are disregarded almost immediately afterward, with the writers freely butchering canon left and right. At this point, I honestly feel as though the creators should stop pretending to care about having an established mythology and take the show's plot in a completely new direction. It would do it a lot of good, and who knows - maybe, ten to fifteen years from now, someone might actually remember this as a good show in it's own right, instead of that one show that existed solely for people to lounge on the sofa with a can of soft drink in hand to admire eye-candy actors and actresses prance about the screen shirtless or with their breasts partially exposed, while sprouting off dialog that would make Michael Bay cringe.

Overall, it's not bad if you want to spend a Friday evening after work watching some mindless entertainment. Who knows, maybe one of the myriad of cheesy jokes might actually make you smile.
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