Night Drive (TV Movie 1977) Poster

(1977 TV Movie)

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adriangr10 January 2010
Night Terror is a simple thriller that tells the story of a woman driving across country by herself. The drive turns into what might be classed as a REALLY bad day, and the film effectively charts her run of bad luck which reaches it's most frightening when a psychopathic creep starts to follow her.

I used the term "simple" not as a criticism. The film achieves what it sets out to do, charting a frightening journey for a lone traveller out in the middle of nowhere. Valerie Harper is superb as the central character Carol, and for a lot of the running time she carries the whole movie single handedly. What impressed me about the film was that all the experiences are portrayed convincingly. Carol initially just runs low on gas, but from this, she stumbles from one stressful situation to another, each worse than the last, yet she handles each challenge with realistic ingenuity. I really liked her resourcefulness as more and more danger is thrown at her.

The film starts quite slowly as Carol leaves her family for a long drive, but it gets going soon enough and the middle third is the best as night falls and the real drama of Carol's ordeal is played out. Night Terror is actually a fitting title, as the movie lives up to it in this middle section. The story ends satisfyingly, although without all the loose ends tied up, but I really enjoyed it.

Only available on rental VHS from years ago, it's very unlikely that many people will see this now, which is a shame. I'm glad I did, as it's another little gem of 70's made-for-TV-movie fun.
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An Easy Sunday Afternoon Movie That's Worth A Look-See...
P3n-E-W1s320 June 2021
Welcome fellow movie fans to my review of Night Terror 1977

The Story gets a 1.25 out of 2: There comes a time when you grow tired of the Hollywood film glamour and want something with a tad more substance. I find most mainstream directors are now happy to give you eye-candy visuals while writers screenwriters are dumbing down. However, TV Movies, which don't possess a large budget, tend to pride themselves on storylines and plausibility. It's the creditability that makes Night Terror one of the better TV Flicks. Night Terror isn't outstanding, but it is certainly entertaining.

Carol and Walter Turner are married with two children. Walter's career means the family have to relocate every few years. This account takes place in one of those years. Walter has flown to his new job but has arraigned to meet Carol at a motel to celebrate their anniversary with a second honeymoon, then drive to their new home. Carol's sister has flown with the two kids to the new house and awaits them there. Deplorably, Walters work forces him to miss his liaison, though Carol agrees to wait for him. She subsequently receives a call from her sister, who informs her of her son's hospitalisation. Carol gives the doctor consent to operate and then proceeds to rush to his side. Due to wintry weather conditions, she's unable to fly down and decides to make the long journey in the family's trusty station wagon. Desperately seeking a gas station, she slows her car to ask a police officer, who's pulled over an automobile for speeding, for directions. As he nears her vehicle, the man in the parked car shoots him with a shotgun. Fortunately for Carol, the gun jams, and she stomps on the accelerator, speeding into the safety of the evening. Behind her, the gunman ignites his engine and gives chase. No witnesses.

What Carl Gabler and Richard DeNeut provide the audience is a chase filled with authenticity. For example, we know Carol's car is low on gas, and when it does run dry, she's going to be in real trouble. At the time of the shooting, we're aware she's looking for a service station, the last one having moved to Interstate 17. The road she requires. The road she's racing down. But will she reach the garage before the killer catches up to her? She does, but it's not without its challenges. Her car stops on the curve overlooking the station, so Carol heaves the vehicle down the slope. Once there, she notes the garage is closed and a "Gone Hunting" sign sits in the window. Gabler and DeNeut then take Carol through a crash course of required criminality as she has to break in, try to phone the police, get the petrol pumps working, fill up, and get on her way. All before the madman with the gun arrives. They carry out unlawful activities superbly. They even throw in a twist or two to add tension to her actions.

Gabler and DeNeut give the viewers scenes of uniform depth throughout the film. But on top of this, the narrative is moreover about Carols growth. At the beginning of her tale, she is timid and a tad wishy-washy. As her saga unfolds, she learns to be strong, independent, and a canniness grows within her. All of which allows her to be her strongest when she inevitably faces the army veteran intent on her demise.

I've watched a few films lately where one of the leading characters are vocally dumb, Willy's Wonderland and The Spiral Staircase. Night Terror is another film with a silent character. In this instance, it's the bad guy. I additionally have to say this is the best mute character to date. In most ways, it's down to the actor playing the killer, but I have to mention his character is also carefully crafted. We see he has a chip on his shoulder and anger in his heart. His hatred and loathing aren't solely for himself; it's for everyone. But Carol and her perpetual good luck at escaping him burn his inner fires the brightest.

Another element I appreciated was the coincidences. Life is swarming with them, like me watching films with mutes in them. I haven't beheld one in years now three come along at once, just like the No42 bus. Gabler and DeNeut put in a superb one. Carol doesn't know she's lost him. The killer is about to abandon the chase. Then he observes a car on a spur road; he observes it as it draws up to the intersection with his highway. It's Carol. It made me smile because this is my type of luck, which I could relate to easily.

The Direction and Pace receive a 2.25 out of 4: E W Swackhamer (you have to love that name.) isn't the best director, though he does keep the film entertainingly absorbing. There are way too many scenes that could have been better. Especially the Petrol Station Break-in. He utilises the night's darkness well enough, but it could have been emphasised better with brighter spots of moonlight or by generating darker shadows. A variety of interesting camera angles would've added grandly to the whole affair. What he delivers is okay, but a smidgen more would've been better.

As for the pacing, Swackhamer is as average there as he is with the direction. Though there are hints of variations in tempo, it would have improved immensely had he implemented the quicker cuts of today's filmmakers. The tension is there when she's breaking into the garage and when she gets grounded in the mud. Once again, it's adequate but could have been better.

The Performances get a 1.25 out of 2: I am unsure if Valerie Harper was suited to the role of Carol. To begin with, she came across as a kind of non-entity. I acknowledge Carol's starting character is like that, and her strength and personality grow. I've witnessed Harper in other roles, and though I'm not a massive fan, I've never faulted her work or skill until now. I'm unable to place my finger on it. However, I think a blank like Carol required an actress with a screen presence. It would have provided the viewers with something tangible.

I believe the most capable actor in the movie was Richard Romanus, who played the mute killer. He effortlessly oozed contempt and hatred for his fellow men and women. You knew this guy was mean and bad to the bone. He's the type of guy to guzzle down gasoline so he could pee on you if you were on fire. Romanus especially nailed the man's rage, anguish, and desperation.

Close on his heels was John Quade. Usually known for his more butch and forceful characters, in Night Terror he portrays a derelict. A homeless man, moneyless and down on his luck. And though he's not on screen that long, Quade infuses him with sadness, loneliness, and timidity that is palpable. You can experience the depression seeping out of the man's body. He merely wants to find a place and disappear. A tragic character superbly acted.

And my Enjoyment level hits a 1.25 out of 2: The story and the acting reinforced my enjoyment of the picture, while the unexceptional directional style bore me unhindered to the conclusion. The only dislikes I had were personal, like my statement about Valerie Harper and Swackhamer's direction. As such, these are elements you may, and probably will, have different opinions than mine. For once, it's delightful not to pick fault with a film for any of its elements. No issues with the script in general. Only ideas on how the filming could have been stronger. It was an enjoyable way to spend an evening, and I will doubtlessly enjoy Night Terror again in the foreseeable future.

These ratings give Night Terror a 6 out of 10: If you're a fan of TV Flicks or Thrillers, I'd gladly recommend giving Night Terror at least one viewing. It's a Sunday afternoon picture. You're happily stuffed, just like the chicken you've gobbled down, and all you want to do is have a tipple, relax, and enjoy an easy movie. This is that kind of picture, but with enough interest to stop you from falling into dreamland while watching it.

Once you've escaped the psychopathic killer, come and check out my Killer, Thriller, Chillers, and The Game Is Afoot list to see where Night Terror raced into my rankings.

Take Care and Stay Well, and Get Inoculated.
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It's An OK Thriller - I Guess
Rainey-Dawn23 January 2017
This one has good and bad points. The climax and ending were the bad points. It's as if they really didn't know how to end it so they threw in the desert and helicopter stuff... followed by the hospital scene.

The good to it is that most of it is fairly interesting - all the middle stuff going on is sorta thrilling. The gas station scene is simply weird. I thought for a minute she was trying to break into a wall safe to try to find coins to use the phone, then I realized it was to turn on the gas pump. lol.

This would have a really good movie but the ending - when it became daylight in the desert and then the hospital scene was a bad way to end an otherwise decent made for TV thriller.

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Very unique for its time
ALS120 October 1999
I agree with Kirk; I saw this when I was nine, and never forgot it! It provided a special twist to your typical, melodramatic woman-alone-on-the-road story, so common for an age where were just getting over the idea of women being "helpless." But this killer should never have messed with Rhoda!

The production values weren't bad for the 70s-made-for-TV genre, either. Really kind of a breath of fresh air, when all the other made-for-TVs were going for the "creepy-crawly thing of the week" motif.

Valerie Harper plays a mother who is traveling across the country to see her son, who has just had an ear operation. On the way, she witnesses a policeman being murdered. What's worse, the murderer witnesses HER. Then the chase is on!

The killer only speaks through a vibrating larynx box, which makes his words, considering their nature, sound even more sinister and mechanical, when we hear him speak at all (really only at the beginning).

I'm not sure where this movie can be rented...the best hope is to wait for your local television station to play it as a late-night feature or a Sunday matinee. Try and catch it if you can. Watch especially for the clever climax and turnabout, as Val turns the tables on the killer!
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Another "Duel", albeit a much less suspenseful one
Coventry4 October 2022
You can have days in life where literally everything goes wrong! Poor, neurotic housewife Carol Turner is experiencing such a day to the extreme, to say the least. She was scheduled to enjoy a second honeymoon, but then her hubby is stuck at work. Carol finds herself all alone in a motel room when she receives a phone call to inform her that her 9-year-old son is in the hospital due to an accident. She needs to go urgently from Phoenix to Denver, but there aren't any flights due to the bad weather. Carol hates driving on the Interstate, but now she must start a 16-hour drive with a gas tank as good as empty.

And yet, the worst is still to come for Carol. As night falls, she witnesses the brutal murder of a police officer by an unseen killer in a yellow Mustang. She rushes off and a deadly cat-and-mouse game ensues.

"Night Drive" is clearly inspired by the greatest television thriller of all times; - namely Steven Spielberg's "Duel". Of course, this one contains more dramatic background and a whole lot less suspense, but it has a handful of strong moments. Several sequences carry on for too long, like Carol's intrusion of an abandoned gas station, and actually reduce the tension level rather than building it up. The killer (Richard Romanus) is very menacing. He's mysterious, silent (when he does speak he uses a larynx box), and his mean personality is perfectly illustrated in an early scene at a roadside diner. He is creepy, but still not as creepy as a psycho that remains invisible the entire time, like in "Duel".
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Nothing special, but decent enough
The_Void16 June 2008
Night Terror is not a particularly original film and clearly takes more than a little bit of influence from Steven Spielberg's suspenseful masterpiece 'Dual'. In spite of this, however, Night Terror is a decent romp that does at least entertain for most of its duration. The plot is very simple and focuses on a woman out on the road by herself. It just so happens that there's also a psycho around and when she witnesses him killing a police officer; she finds herself on the wrong end of his attention as she is stalked through the road by the psychopath. The film was made for TV and the budget restrictions are obvious because the film does not lift itself above the ordinary; but it keeps the focus on the plot and the suspense and this is enough to carry it on through. The lead actress is Valerie Harper, who apparently has a lot of TV credits to her name. She gives a decent performance; it not especially brilliant but at least she remains interesting for the duration. Richard Romanus is not memorable enough for me in his psycho role, however. It all boils down to the token and expected ending and while I would say that the film is slightly too long on the whole; it's still decent enough stuff and is worth a look if you can find it.
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Average TV Movie with an annoying lead.
parkerbcn22 July 2021
This is a TV Movie that had quite an impact in its day and it's easy to see why. Even when at times it looks like a poor rip-off of "Duel", it manages to be thrilling in some sections and has an iconic villain. My main problem is with the main character, that is continuingly making stupid decisions that detract from the credibility of the plot.
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Every cliché in the book.
mark.waltz8 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Certainly it is impossible not to feel anguish for the terrified wife and mother played by Valarie Harper, then nearing the end of her run as Rhoda after two sitcoms and numerous Emmy's. Harper breaks through her wisecracking comic persona to play a woman in serious jeopardy after she witnesses a murder on a lone highway with the obviously psychotic Richard Romanus having just killed a police officer right in front of her. She's on her way to Denver from Phoenix after learning that her young son is in a hospital, so she has more to worry about than her own life being in jeopardy.

Everything that can go wrong for Harper does go wrong, having already started when she couldn't get a flight out because of weather conditions, and later running out of gas after an irresponsible gas station attendant decides to close early so he can go partying with friends. She breaks into another closed gas station where she finds nothing but a homeless man (John Quade), and later tries to get help with Nicholas Pryor, a man in his car on the side of the road getting drunk while waiting for a huge rain storm to subside. That leads to more carnage and puts Harper deeper into hysteria.

This TV movie solely rests on Harper's shoulders as she is practically in every scene, and it is not surprising that considering her situation, her character does not make the best decisions in the effort to save her life and get away from him. She is truly riveting in the nail biting situation, but the script relies on so many stereotypical situations and twists and turns and blockades to her getting away that after a while it ends up being just too much. Too melodramatic, too depressing, too filled with paranoia that it probably prevented other women like Harper to go out for necessary long drives on their own.

The young Quinn Cummings, who would be nominated an Oscar early the next year for "The Goodbye Girl", plays Harper's daughter, showing the same amount of sarcasm and brattiness that she would as Marsha Mason's daughter in that comedy classic. Richard Romanus truly is frightening as the mostly silent killer whose real voice you never hear, only altered by a device that completely distorts it. But this is Harper's film, and it would not be the only time in a TV movie where she'd find herself as a victim, something our beloved Rhoda was not.
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I didn't expect to be so terrified
zoowhami3 November 2000
watched it on t.v while doing the ironing very late one night. After reading about it in the t.v guide I thought it wouldn't be very good, but was one of the best things I've ever watched on t.v. I don't recall a terrible lot of talking (because she's on her own in the car being stalked for a lot of the time) but it was so terrifying just to watch. Usually I watch these types of movies just to laugh at them and it was good to actually be scared by one for a change. I just wish I had it on video to show all my friends, it would be perfect viewing for a Halloween party or something like that.
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Like Duel, that was made for TV is not not bad
jordondave-2808510 June 2023
(1977) Night Drive THRILLER

The theme is similar to Steven Spielberg's 1971 film "Duel" that is coincidentally also made for TV, except that this time has housewife and a mother of two, Carol Turney (Valerie Harper) of two, hoping to spend her honeymoon or to have some alone time with her husband, Walter at a motel, except that he is unable to make it. And for unforeseen circumstances, and upon hearing about her son's sudden illness from her sister, Vera, she is forced her to cut her stay at a motel short. At first, she tries to go by plane except that they were cancelled as a result of weather, leaving her with no choice but to drive from Phoenix to a Denver, hospital by herself. Meanwhile, a killer (Richard Romanus) tries to strike up a deal with his dealer through the phone.
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utgard141 November 2018
Howler of a Duel knock-off with Valerie Harper playing a character so stupid it defies belief. I don't even want to spoil all the examples of how stupid this person is because it would ruin so many funny scenes for you. You have to watch. I will say that every single part of the lengthy gas station sequence is comedy gold. GOLD I tell you! A warning before you watch: the movie takes itself seriously. It's a comedy, but an unintended one. I'm telling you this because the first fifteen or twenty minutes before any actual driving starts is pretty dull stuff. Harper's line delivery is atrocious, which helps with the comedy but makes the film a chore to sit through whenever she's interacting with another person. It's really hard to believe this is the same actress who breathed life into one of the most colorful, likable characters in TV history, Rhoda Morgenstern.

Forget all the Duel comparisons. There's no tension or suspense here. You don't really care what happens to anyone, you just want to laugh at it all, particularly Harper's character. This is a great watch if you go into it with the right mindset. Take it seriously and you're in trouble. Finally, one of the highlights for me is this exchange between Harper's character and a man who is a word we aren't allowed to use anymore - Man: "You're a nice lady." Our Heroine: "Do you have any money?"
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mibertolini16 December 2005
I agree with all the messages . I saw this TV movie when I was a girl... I still remember the real fear that I felt Nevermore I could see it again in TV or find it in VHS or DVD I known that my so poor... I ' m Argentine...

Here in my country ..I can't find this film... Who can help me to find this copy movie?

I saw a lot of suspense ..terror film..thrillers... but I ever remember this one... Up to the last moment it supports the suspense... The one who sees it does not know even there how it ends .. it is to say does not have a predictable end
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Strong beginning gives way to some slightly clunky pacing
drownsoda906 October 2023
"Night Terror" follows a mother (Valerie Harper) who is forced to make an emergency night drive from Phoenix back to Denver after her son is injured there. En route, she witnesses a psychopath murder a police officer, and is pursued through a night of pure hell.

This road thriller has all the hallmarks of a solid television suspense flick, with "Mary Tyler Moore Show" star Valerie Harper (starring in an atypical role), a dusty desert setting (which many of these films seem to share, as they were shot in California--"Dying Room Only" comes to mind), and a premise that has the potential to be high-octane.

The film starts off strong, with a forlorn atmosphere as Harper's character embarks on her journey. She attempts to purchase gasoline, but the attendants have shut off the pumps just before midnight, leaving her in a conundrum. Her lack of fuel of course becomes seriously troubling once she's crossed paths with a killer.

The film propels Harper's character through a series of incidents as she plays a cat-and-mouse game with her assailant, and it's during the midsection that the film starts to feel a bit clunky, culminating in a fitting albeit not particularly thrilling finale. No less, Harper possesses a down-to-earth realism here, and Richard Romanus is effective as the voiceless assailant hot on her heels.

All in all, "Night Terror" is a decent suspense thriller that is exemplary of the period in which it was made. It is a straightforward, no-frills TV movie of the week that, despite some clunky pacing in its midsection, has just enough atmosphere and a handful of suspenseful situations that make it worth viewing. 6/10.
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One of the worst i have ever seen
QueenoftheGoons3 March 2022
Way too slow and the chick acted like she knew how to do nothing. The movie was hideous. Don't you love it how all the killers in the 70's came from Vietnam? I take high offense to that. Dad was in "Nam and he didn't run to Canada or Mexico, he toughed it out. You'd think Jane Fonda made this movie?
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Great Movie
timothyalden7 January 2009
I saw this movie when I was a kid, and still remember it. The suspense in the movie was off the charts. It was on late at night and kept me up even after it was over. You really had no idea what was going to happen next. Once you started watching it you definitely could not stop. The character that used the voice box made it even scarier. Valerie Harper was awesome, and definitely showed that she can do more than comedy. I would love to see the movie again. Hopefully it will come back on, or there is a way to find it on video. For a made for TV movie I must say it was even better than some that I have seen at the movies. Back than they had to have good stories, and great actors since they couldn't rely on big budget special effects.
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Lame and Stupid
TeenVamp30 August 2021
I can't believe this just got a blu ray release. It didn't even deserve a vhs release. I love 70's made for tv movies and have watched every single one i can get my hands on for decades. If you took all of the boring night-time driving scenes out of this you'd have a generic half hour tv episode. Harper is so annoying in this all she does is do dumb crap and scream for 73 minutes. The killer is equally lame and ridiculous. Skip it. You've been warned.
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Great "midnight movie" suspenseful thriller.
retroccentric31 October 1999
After a long search I finally located a copy of "Night Terror" starring Valerie Harper. According to the box, it was issued on home video back in 1990.

Not your typical cheesy 1970's "made-for-T.V." movie. It is very well directed, the acting holds up and is very believable and suspenseful. A great "midnight movie" thriller if you're lucky enough to find a copy!
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Great To See A Strong Female Character
ladymidath11 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Night Drive is one of my favourite movies. For a start, I find Valerie Harper to be a really great actress who brings a real vibe to whatever role she is in. Richard Romanus plays the killer who is unable to speak with an electric device, is creepy and very unsettling as he stalk Harper after she sees him kill a highway patrol officer.

There is added stress as her son sick in hospital and she is trying to drive home to see him. This and being chased by a crazed killer just ramps it all up to eleven. The thing I really enjoy though is watching Harper become more and more resourceful as she is chased across the desert with no help. She is terrified but keeps her head enough to be able to elude the killer. The ending of the movie made me chuckle as her husband treats her like a child even though she has managed to not only survive, but incapacitate a dangerous man. This movie would also pass the Bechdel test which is nice considering the time the film was made in, 1977 when there not many brave, resourceful female characters.

All in all, a strong, tense movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat and have you cheering for heroine.
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Scared me to death.
lulu-3013 June 1999
I saw this movie years ago on a late night t.v. movie and haven't forgotten it... It kept me on the edge of the couch and couldn't get to sleep for hours... Not that it was terribly a good movie... just one of those that you remember for a long long time. If anyone out there knows where I can get a copy of this I would appreciate the info. It's about a woman that is being chased in a car and always running into dead ends, or out of gas or anything else that can possibly go wrong. I can't quite remember why she is chased.. just how awful it was.
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Night Drive is a great movie
pamelasullivan-2855618 November 2019
Love this movie. It is fun to watch late at night. It is frequently on the MGM HD channel.its also titled when movie starts titled Night Terror
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A forgotten gem
were-skwerl11 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I recently discovered this movie on YouTube, while trying to find a different movie. I had never heard of or seen this movie before, but I figured "what the heck..." I was pleasantly surprised to find myself sucked into it and 80 minutes later I realized I'd like to have a copy of this movie for future enjoyment. Yes, I'll agree that it borrows a lot from the movie "Duel" but it mixes it up just enough to were people aren't screaming "RIP-OFF" The movie is a bit short though, it would have been nice to have more of a back-story for the killer, we see him loading an army crate into a car, was he a Korean or Vietnam Veteran? Is that how he lost his voice? Was he an assassin or something? Did he live or die at the end? These unanswered questions are one of the things that prevented me from giving this movie a perfect score, the other reason was that there were too many coincidences. Carol just happens to run out of gas, the first time, only feet from a gas station, sure the station is closed but you don't see her having to push the car 5 miles up a hill. The second time she runs out gas it's only feet from a house, (the only one for miles I might add) sure there's no phone at this house, but at least there's people. Yeah, they're not much help but at least there's someone to, at least, verify that she was there. What happened to the Native-American couple before the killer steals their truck? Did he kill them? Despite all these unanswered questions, I found this movie to be quite engrossing and have been going back to YouTube to watch some of the more suspenseful scenes. If you're a fan of these old suspense movies then you should give this one a try, you can find it on YouTube under its original title "Night Terror"
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A Movie to give a kid nightmares
mmvideoproductions2 December 2001
I also remember watching this movie as a kid and it scared the hell out of me as well. It has never left my mind even though I have not seen the film in more than 20 years. I just placed a bid for the movie on VHS at ebay and I'm hoping to win the auction so I can show it to my niece and see if it has the same affect on her (she's 14). Probably won't since she laughs at "The Exorcist" and "Friday the 13th." Ah, times have changed.
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Night Terror is great to watch at night time
pamelasullivan-2855618 November 2019
I love this movie starring Varlerie Harper.Watch for this movie on MGM channel. Set up to record
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Road Runner
saint_brett8 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The modern-day movie fails to raise my excitability meter, so I take delight that some movies from yesteryear are preserved and available from obscure sources and can be relived in the future. I don't understand why books and movies go out of print.

I no longer go to the cinema, as I'm not paying for the privilege of being humiliated.

So, let's pop on this DVD-R copy of "Night Terror" and go for a spin.

Valerie Harper? I thought Kathleen Beller was in this.

What an introduction to the movie! Remember Charlie from "Mad Max," who copped one in the throat and was left with a robotic voice?

He's here shooting street signs, has a new wave electrolarynx voice shaving machine, and sings the praises of Robin Williams line from that war movie.

I love how he treats the roadside diner lady by chewing up and spitting out her tip. My, aren't we a gentlemen?

Road movies rule! What was that one where the car knocked over all the rattlesnakes?

Or that famous one I used to watch all the time back in the 80s, where all the bees were covering that red Herbie 53 car?

"Wheels of Terror" is an awesome movie, too. I like the part where it insanely drops off a cliff and falls on that unsuspecting twit down below.

They don't make good road movies anymore.

This is what I was talking about earlier: to hell with that new crap at the cinema, "Fast X." I'm not seeing that kind of road movie. Not my style, man. I saw the original but not any of the others. Ten straight movies about hot rods vroom-vrooming around the globe with has-been actors trying to resurrect their failing careers? No thanks.

The last good road movie was "Breakdown."

This Charlie guy sounds like a Cylon.

He's heading for Phoenix, but it's not properly explained who, what, or why he's in a rush to meet. I think he's a hired gun who does favors for governors and other bigwigs.

I heard a rumor that Phoenix has no water today and is in the grips of a drought.

The foundation platform for the movie is chaos as the main actress, who has a bit of Elizabeth Taylor going on from a side angle, divorces her entire family as her husband wants to escape away to see his mistress, and their children are left in the care of Beatrice Pons, who's unstable in her own right, and neglects the son's medical condition that sees him collapse from encephalitis and wears a giant nappy on his brain at the end. Hearing of her son's inconvenience, Elizabeth Taylor's a thousand miles from nowhere, like Dwight Yoakam, and her only means of transport to get to her dying son is by the family truckster from Walley World.

She treks off at the witching hour, and this is going to be a long night.

Running out of fuel, Taylor flags down a highway patrol officer only to witness Charlie blast him away, so now she's on the menu with a target on her back.

She's informed by Siamese twins that a gas station is only a mile down the road, and this scene is a long mile!

Eventually, what's-her-name, Valerie Bertinelli, runs out of puff and ends up at what looks like the house from "Texas Chainsaw: The Next Generation," where she commits a felony, breaks into Leatherface's farm, and steals fuel from Old Man, aka Cook. "We ain't got no gas." What's-her-name has a bit of Jackie Collins going on at the other side angle.

They just used Looney Tunes sound effects then.

This homeless guy is the most pathetic character I've ever seen in a movie, but he's just a gentle giant who's misunderstood. (I bet he pocketed that twenty bucks quick and smart when she left.)

The movie comes full circle when Collins and Charlie reunite and the cat and mouse game resumes while a storm settles in on a rainy night - perfect.

It's Muttley! The killer, Charlie, murders another victim and laughs like Muttley while Collins commits more felonies and jacks the dead guy's ride and ditches the family truckster. Charlie hotwires the family truckster in classic Hollywood fashion in under three seconds. A comedy of errors ensues as Collins crashes and Charlie blows a gasket on the family truckster. Or did the radiator overheat?

Again, Collins runs out of gas.

Is this the part with the rattlesnakes at the 57-minute mark?

Where are the rattlesnakes? I thought there were rattlesnakes in fish tanks. There are no rattlesnakes. What movie was that?

Charlie shows up in Michael Myers pickup truck from "H20," and Collins hitches a ride with him that ends in a kerfuffle wrestling match over the steering wheel and what direction to go in. They crash and are ejected from Myers stolen car, where a confrontation takes place.

Now what the hell does Charlie do at the one hour and seven minute mark? Hear that? He sounds like a donkey who lost all its life savings at a casino in one night. What the hell expression was that?

The distraught woman commits another felony and detonates a car, which causes pollution in the environment. She's just a common criminal now, isn't she?

I really thought Charlie would come back at the end in the hospital and make one last ditch effort to assault what's-her-name. It happens in the Jason movies.

I absolutely love the peaceful end-credit music. It was in every 70s and 80s TV show back in the day and put one in a mellow mood. I could listen to it all day.

Good stuff.
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Nice Suspense but Annoying Lead Character
Michael_Elliott10 October 2011
Night Terror (1977)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Fairly suspenseful made-for-TV thriller about a woman (Valerie Harper) who must drive through the night alone so that she can reach her son who is in the hospital. Along the way she sees that a cop has another driver (Richard Romanus) pulled over and when she pulls up to talk to the cop he's shot in the back. Now the woman must race in her car to try and find help while this psycho is stalking and trying to kill her. A movie like this would never sit well in today's times for a couple reasons. For starters, today we'd just pick up our cell phone and call for help but that's a luxury not available here. Another major plot point deals with the woman running out of gas and since there's not any 24-hour stations this here is a big problem and leads to one of the most suspenseful scenes in the film as she stops as a rundown gas station, which is closed and she must try and find a key to the pump. I think what makes this film work so well is that director E.W. Swackhamer really makes you feel as if this woman is alone in the world with no one to help here and she has no where to turn. I think the isolation really leads to some nice atmosphere as the woman frantically searching for help that seemingly never comes. Another strong part is that Romanus is so good as the killer. We never figure out what this guy's problem is but that just adds to the fun and the mystery. He uses a voice box, which we get to hear a couple times in the film and the eerie sound just adds to the drama. I think there are some perfectly built up scenes including the before mentioned gas station and another is when the drivers get caught in a rain storm and briefly take shelter. I won't ruin what happens but it's a pretty well-directed sequence. At just 73-minutes the film doesn't have any filler and instead we're just taken on this drive and for the most part everything works. The one major flaw I had was with Harper's performance, which was just way too over-the-top and jumpy for my liking. I also thought her character was incredibly annoying and some of the dumb things she did will get on your nerves. With that said, with such a short running time it's nearly impossible not to recommend this film. Yes, it's clearly influenced by Steven Spielberg's DUEL but there's enough going for it to make it worth viewing.
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