One of the Better 80's Teen Comedies
6 August 2015
"Cindy Mancini" (Amanda Peterson) is the head of the cheerleading squad and the most popular person in high school. "Ronald Miller" (Patrick Dempsey) is the head nerd and essentially avoided by everyone except his fellow geeks. One day in the local shopping mall he happens to observe Cindy in some emotional distress and goes over to see what is wrong. He then learns that one of the jocks at the school accidentally spilled red wine on a very valuable suede jacket she took from her mother's closet and she desperately needs $1000 dollars to replace it. Since she needs the money and he wants to feel what it's like to be popular in school he offers her the money he has saved mowing lawns in exchange for her being his girlfriend in public for a month. Unfortunately for them, neither of them realize the ramifications. Now, as far as this movie is concerned I will just say that that this is one of the better 80's teen comedies produced with both Amanda Peterson and Patrick Dempsey performing in an exceptional manner. One particular scene involving the "African Anteater Dance" was especially hilarious. In any case, I highly recommend this movie for those interested in a film of this type and rate it as above average.
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