The Series Hits a New Low
15 April 2015
Wrong Turn 6 (2014)

* (out of 4)

The latest and so far worst in the series has Danny (Anthony Ilott) and six of his friends driving down south so that he can try and figure out about his past. Danny, an orphan, knows very little about his past but he receives word that he has "family" but they turn out to be the mutants from the five previous films.

WRONG TURN 6 is a really bad movie on so many levels that it's almost hard to believe that it could be worse than the third film. There are so many awful and annoying things about this movie it's a wonder that this here simply doesn't end the series. But, then again, when did quality ever determine how many sequels a series gets?

It's clear that the filmmakers wanted to take the series into a new direction but the "idea" behind this film is just as awful as the ideas behind the sixth film in the HALLOWEEN franchise. Lets see....where do we start? We can start with the screenplay, which is just one bad cliché after another as we get a boring plot dealing with the man being pulled into his "family" in hopes that they can continue in the future, which really makes no sense when you see that there are plenty of males and females already in the family so breeding isn't really an issue. The characters in the film are all incredibly boring and there's not a single one of them that is interesting. The performances aren't too bad but even the likes of Brando, Newman and Foster wouldn't have been able to do anything with this story.

The CGI gore effects are pretty bad and the kills aren't at all creative with most of them just alternate versions of stuff we have seen previously. The film does goes into overdrive when it comes to nudity with four different actresses taking off their clothes and there's some pretty weird and kinky sexual stuff going on. As for our three main killers, they're pretty much wasted here and without a doubt this is the most boring use of them in the series. Their make-up is also extremely bad. WRONG TURN 6 is without question the worst in the series and lets hope if they decide to continue they get back on track.
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