Remember Sunday (2013 TV Movie)
Another one of those cheesy chick flicks...
3 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so if you don't like chick flicks: DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE.

Don't get me wrong, I love Zachary Levi and I don't mind watching romance movies once in a while. But this movie was so cheesy it made me cringe. The plot just wasn't realistic to me. I also realised obvious plot holes, like for example: he was engaged before his injury, so when he wakes up he should think he was still engaged. But in the movie he for some reason totally forgets about her, or he remembers but has made a note about it - but that would only make him a cheating bastard so I don't know what would be the best alternative really.

I for some reason find the role of Alexis extremely annoying too and I don't understand what Gus (Zachary) sees in her besides that she's cute. For example the scene when she comes over and freaks out about the pen and won't even listen to him, why would he bother running after her like that? For all he knew she was some crazy chick who wouldn't even bother listening to her boyfriend.

But if you like cheesy romance movies where the characters say cliché stuff like "I wish I could freeze this moment forever" or the guy and the girl just *happen* to both collect the same Star Wars pez toys - this movie is definitely for you.
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