Review of Ismael

Ismael (2013)
One that makes you laugh and feel... at the same time!
19 February 2014
Everybody thinks that we, the millions that speak Spanish as a first language, are warm, passionate people. But (besides telenovelas, the exception that confirms the rule!) when we make movies or TV series, it seems we're afraid of feeling. We'd rather hide behind violence or lean too much on the cerebral side, as if revealing that we really feel —love, anger, confusion— would be a sin. When on the contrary, it's one of our main graces!

Ismael is one of that rare, Spanish-speaking movies that allow you to feel without feeling cheap or ashamed. (It seems to be one of Pineyro's talents: have you seen Kamchatka?) Like life, it guides gently you through the whole gamut of emotions, from dark to light, and leaves you at the other side feeling shaken and happy at the same time. It has great actors (that kid is soooo cute without being grating!), subtle music and wonderful vistas.

It really moved me. And I'm not afraid to show it!
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