Review of Pretty in Pink

Another horrid Hughes disaster piece
4 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Horrid screen play by John Hughes with equally horrid direction, acting and costumes.

I mention costumes because, at the end, when Ringwald is supposed to make her big entrance in her pink dress she looks absolutely horrid! The dress is a mess and not even 'eghties fashion' could excuse it. How could anyone even think....ah well, I digress. Many IMDb-ers agree.

Same old same old from Hughes: geeky poor kids in love with the rich kids and the rich kids in love with the geeky poor kids. Was this supposed to be some attempt at crossing boundaries? Hughes was obsessed with the cross-over. Once you've seen one Hughes film, you've seen them all, literally.

Ringwald, as usual, plays the girl who has multiple men falling in love with her, despite the fact she is unattractive, dull and miserably self-obsessed. It all works out in the end of course. Even for the geeky boys, who, in John Hughes films, always find themselves suddenly, out of nowhere, desired by the most attractive girls in the school, just to make everything OK at the end. Absurd. Dull. Brainless. Forgettable. Why these films live on is beyond me. I can only assume nostalgic people are still viewing the films thorough their childhood eyes.
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