Legendary (2013)
Watchable, if you have to
5 December 2013
I think the main problem of this movie's story is that it tries a serious/scientific approach, but without the science. First we wonder why the Chinese authorities would use Americans to track a strange animal in China; two teams btw, one of them freely running around with big guns. Then the scientists use about as much science and equipment as Indiana Jones (the famous archaeologist who kept destroying ancient sites to grab one valued object,) but without the fun. They fearlessly keep camping on the beach near a man-eating amphibian creature, trespass on guarded industrial sites, crime scenes or autopsy labs, and in fact hunt the creature with the same methods as in any B monster flick.

Add the fact that the creature looks ridiculous, caves look more fake than in anything since the 1950s, and the budget didn't allow for a director of photography, it seems.

The good part is that the film is not boring, mostly thanks to a cast of competent actors and likable good guys (the bad guys being rather bland.) In the end, Legendary feels like the pilot of a cheap TV series. Re-watch Korea's "The Host", instead, or wait for its sequel.
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