"I am now a student of life".
2 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe it's my age showing, or my lack of a nostalgic sense of the Eighties, but this film only serves as a reminder of how much society has come to foster the entitlement mentality of the Me Generation. Granted, there are individuals in real life that resemble the characters here, but I believe I'm fortunate enough not to know any of them personally; and if faced with the opportunity I would have to respectfully decline. Self absorbed egotists like Billy (Rob Lowe) and Alec (Judd Nelson) are not the kind of guys I'd welcome as friends, and no matter how you spin Demi Moore's character, she's the kind of person that's eventually heading for a major downfall in life. The character I could almost relate to was Wendy (Mare Winningham), struggling to find her own way in friendships and career choice, but then she disrespected herself at the finale by granting Billy the favor of a going away present.

The only positive spin I can put on this is that the players were capable enough as actors to give me such a negative reaction. Beyond that, I can only wonder why college graduates would willingly put themselves through this type of self induced trauma in the name of finding themselves. There are classier and more noble ways to do it than being complete jerks about it. On that score, this might be the picture that singularly resulted in it's players being nicknamed the Brat Pack.
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