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Unfaithful (2002)
Awful! Laughably stupid!
17 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Laughably stupid movie! First of all, where did their kid come from? He looked NOTHING like either of them whatsoever! I didn't get the connection between Connie and Paul as to what lead to their affair at all. Richard Gere's character was kind of a blur until he discovers the affair. This was such a waste of time. Was Connie WANTING the affair to be discovered? She couldn't have been more stupid if she tried.
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Dodsworth (1936)
Walter Huston and the rest of the cast is fantastic
29 December 2020
Ruth Chatterton, Mary Astor also star. Foolish wife is trying to regain her youth while not appreciating her supportive husband. The cast is wonderful and the story draws you in from the start. Heartbreaking performance by Walter Huston and a very happy ending. What more could you ask for? Great film. Very well worth watching. I was very annoyed with the wife (Ruth Chatterton) and wished she would wake up and appreciate all she has, and Mary Astor is fantastic too. The good old days of Hollywood. My..... how they are missed.
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The Hangover (2009)
Just awful all around
26 March 2020
This was on one of the movie channels last night so I attempted to watch it. What I saw of it reminded me of why I never watch modern movies anymore. The quality looked like a television commercial. Just garbage photography and horrible dialog and, most importantly, NOT FUNNY!
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This girl is a moron
6 September 2006
There's nothing like seeing a pseudo celebrity kissing up to bigger stars than her but only minor stars or has beens. This girl just gushes the whole time and it's embarrassing to watch. Dumbest show on the Food Network and that is really saying something. Why do they keep trying to have shows that have nothing to do with cooking just to overexpose the most annoying personality on that channel? Horrible show. Asking celebrities what they have in their refrigerator? Really stupid. This annoying person is getting her own talk show, thanks to the obvious brainwashing of Oprah. We can get a pretty good idea of how that will be going by how horrible this show is.
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True test of friendship
25 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I caught this movie by accident on cable in the middle of it and had to rent it to see it's entirety and I'm glad I did. I was immediately drawn by the storyline and cared about the girls involved. Naive high school graduates, best friends since childhood, take a high school trip and are taken in by a con man named Nick who get them into serious trouble. They are used as sacrificial mules in a heroin smuggling ring. Taken in to custody the girls learn to cope with their incarceration while trying to find a way out of their trouble. Everything that they try to help themselves falls short when the Thai criminal justice system shows shortcomings and the girls end up in more trouble and lose the trust of their American lawyer "Yankee Hank". Hank gives up trying to defend them after he feels betrayed by Alice(Claire Dane). However, the Thai native wife of Hank smells a rat in the case and does some further foot work of investigation and finds out the girls really were victimized. The end of the movie when Alice does a selfless act to save Darlene (Beckinsale) had me in tears. I really enjoyed this movie and would recommend it.
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Captain Blood (1935)
"There's No Chains To Hold You Now!!"
28 June 2005
Errol Flynn plays Dr. Peter Blood. Accused of treason for giving medical aid to a rebel. Through a chain of events he is sold into slavery after being condemned to death and meets beautiful Arabella Bishop (Olivia De Havilland). She is the niece of the tyrannical Colonel Bishop, Bloods' nemesis. Arabella learns of Peter Bloods' skill as a doctor and sets him up to help the Governor's gouty foot. The two rival doctors on the island of Jamaica try to find a way to do away with the doctoral competition and give Peter the idea of escaping. The real fun begins with a "timely interruption". Those who've seen this know what I mean. :) Here is a pirate movie to end all pirate movies. Errol FLynn looks incredibly handsome and delivers difficult lines like he was born to play a mid 17th century slave turned pirate. As a big Errol Flynn fan since I was a little girl, Captain Blood is my all time favorite. You feel as though you step back in time watching this. It's just great fun and escapism. Very enjoyable. Entirely! This may sound corny but it will make your spirit soar!! Also, excellent support from the Warner contract players. Especially Basil Rathbone and the very likable Henry Stephenson who plays Lord Willoughby. It really is amazing to learn recently, thanks to TCM's Flynn biography, that this was his first major role and he had a big job in carrying this entire production. Flynn was an amazing actor. It's a shame he never got much respect from is peers while he was alive. The DVD version has been digitally restored and they did a great job. It looks great! Don't miss it if you get the chance buy it!
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Very interesting although hard to believe...
18 June 2005
How could any woman choose another man over Errol Flynn? I don't know either. That's why I didn't buy the premise of this but was impressed with the performances. Errol Flynn is always great to watch and proves here that he can deliver the acting goods and always of course looks distractingly handsome. Greer Garson and Walter Pigeon are a treat to watch together. A previous poster mentioned the fact that Greer Garson having an adulterous affair didn't work because she was just too likable really doesn't apply here because the fact that their marriage is unhappy is established. Robert Young comes off less sympathetic than Flynn's Soames Forsythe, in my opinion. Here he takes advantage of the young and naive June Forsythe and the unhappy marriage of Mrs. Forsythe at the same time. The story is contrived but overall a good flick to watch on a rainy day. I would recommend it.
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A Cinematic Feast
22 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Set in the Civil War "Gone WIth The WInd" tells the story of beautiful Scarlett O'Hara. She's manipulative but you feel sympathetic for her which speaks for Vivien Leigh's outstanding performance. Scarlett marries three times. One time for revenge to hurt her one true love, Ashley. Who never loves her, but kind of keeps her hanging, always talking to Scarlett about "honor" being the reason why he cannot give himself to her. So he was not totally innocent in the romantic debacle between the two.

Her second marriage is for money and convenience. Third time to Rhett Butler. Clark Gable is another one of Scarlett's "victims", the one man who truly loved Scarlett, but Scarletts scheming to win Ashley finally kills the love he had for Scarlett.

The final quarter of the movie is one awful tragedy after another for Scarlett.

With each viewing, I grow to love this movie more. The most unforgettable scene is where Scarlett is walking through town where the wounded/dead soldiers are laying and the camera pans out further and further until you see the rebel flag waving and to me it is the defining scene of this film. The cinematography is beautiful and the special effects can rival the effects we have today. A cinematic feast. Do not miss this.
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Sesame Street (1969– )
Are the producers of this show trying to drive parents nuts?
7 February 2005
I cannot understand in my wildest dreams why anyone in their right mind would have an incredibly annoying character like Elmo and that other one who is a bear with the speech impediment who always says, "Baby Beaw, Baby Beaw". Elmo has kids trying to teach a fish how to ride a bicycle???!!! It makes me so sad for the day of Big Bird and Bert and Ernie and Kermit. They talked up to kids and really educated them and spoke perfectly. They actually TAUGHT kids how to act! The show is horribly taken over by Elmo and that Bear and it is just sad to see. Jim Henson would be horrified with what this show has become. There was not any need to make drastic changes. It WAS PERFECT! Plus, the viewers who were 2-5 years, would outgrow them and there would always be a new audience. Back in the day, the parents would be entertained by this once great show. Not anymore. Elmo is horrendous. That whiney lisp has got to go. IT's as if the producers of Sesame Street don't want to parents to watch with their children. The above poster is so right when he said that Sesame Street has become nothing but an infomercial for Elmo dolls. He hit the nail right on the head.
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Wilford Brimley stole the show...
18 February 2004
Absence of Malice is an alright drama that is smartly casted with Sally Field and Paul Newman. The story is interesting enough and moves along just fine until Wilford Brimley's character, he plays a no nonsense-no BS judge who sets everyone straight. It makes you grateful you sat through this okay film. Great job by Mr. Brimley. He makes it worth the price of admission(or video).
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Beautifully photographed, that's about the only good thing...
16 February 2004
I love Dwight Yoakam's music and songwriting, he's surely one of the best singer/ songwriters out there but I think he should leave the screenwriting to professional screenwriters. This film looks beautiful, but the plot leaves a lot to be desired and the dialogue is often very dull. It also makes no sense that I can decipher. Dwight has some positives in this, as bad as it is. For instance, he looks great on a horse, but he looks uncomfortable in front of the camera here, which is unusual for him, given his other movies. The characters are interesting enough, but not given enough development that we can see. I don't think Dwight should give up directing entirely, but I would not recommend seeing this. The beautiful scenery and cinematography make it watchable. The horses are beautiful, too.
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1 September 2003
I caught this on cable the other night and stuck with it only because there were no commercials. The movie starts out interestingly enough, but slowly but surely lost me. Maybe you have to be an afficianado (sp?) of pool to "get" this, I don't know. Watching this made me want to go out and buy "Slapshot" on DVD. Paul Newman is always easy to watch, but this one was a stinker. I think I will buy Slapshot-a GOOD Paul Newman movie.
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21 May 2002
This movie is supposed to be about love, but all I got was depressed. Robin Williams is a very good actor and so is the rest of the cast. The concept of their idea of heaven is ridiculous. 'Anything you want it to be'? Come on, now. The ending is predictable and contrived. Don't waste your two hours of life. I already know life is too short to be wasted on movies like this.
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Black Beauty (1994)
24 April 2002
I love this movie. Although I did not see the other versions, this one is perfect. I believe it took a woman director, who obviously has a love of horses, to make Anna Sewell's novel come to life. I love the way it is told from the horses point of view. It starts out when you see Beauty very happily sitting under a tree, "at home". He tells the story of his life and makes the point that animals are totally at the mercy of humans, kind or cruel. Ironically, the kindest owners he is fortunate to have lived with are the ones who have the smallest means, he felt more loved and appreciated than by the wealthier ones. Which gives hope to those of us who are not rich and aspire to have horses in the family one day. Anyway, this is a great one for the whole family and especially for horse lovers, which is probably most of us, whether admittedly or not.
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Nighthawks (1981)
A textbook on how to deal with international terrorists
14 September 2001
More timely and appropriate. A textbook on how to deal with international terrorists. America, take a lesson. Sylvester Stallone does a great job and Rutger Hauer is as usual, brilliant. Also, Nigel Davenport's character as terrorist expert is right on the money. Don't miss this one. Very appropriate in these troubled times.
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Jaws (1975)
Robert Shaw stole this movie
25 April 2001
Without question, Robert Shaw's character of Quint was by far the most interesting. My only criticism is that he should have had more time on camera. This movie doesn't really stand up today, however, Shaw's portrayal of Quint is always fascinating to watch. It's a shame Hollywood lost one it's greatest performers.
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Great movie for the whole family.
6 February 2001
Very nice movie to watch. Great soundtrack, too. It gives you the feel of being in Ireland, from the good things I've heard about the country. I loved Ian Bannen in this and was very sad to hear of his passing. David Kelly is also great. Don't miss the scene at "Ned Devine's" funeral mass. It brought a tear to my eye. Hollywood, are you watching?
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Braveheart (1995)
Great movie. One which everyone should see....
6 February 2001
Great war epic. The best scene is where the Scottish clansmen are all lined up watching the British gather their troops and being overwhelmed at the opposition. All ready to turn tail and run, William Wallace rides up on his horse and gives an awesome speech about freedom:(I'll try to get this right, forgive me if I don't)... Fight and you may die. Run and you will live, at least a while. And many years from now dying in your bed, would you give one chance, just one chance to tell the British- You may take our lives...but you'll never take our FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!! Says it all right there, never mind about historical inaccuracies. That is the spirit of Wallace!!!!
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The Patriot (2000)
Not a total waste of time, just not great.
14 December 2000
Although this one isn't "Braveheart", one of the greatest war epics ever put on screen, I can't help but feel that part of "Braveheart" was ripped off in "The Patriot". How Ben Martin was pacifistic at the beginning of the story and was driven by revenge to join the fight. It is an entertaining enough movie and had some surprising twists in the plot. I also felt that Mel Gibson looked bored in the role. On the whole, I would recommend this. Mel is fun to watch in anything he does. I like his honesty. I'll give this 8 out of 10 stars.
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24 July 2000
This movie is a piece of trash and the academy has some explaining to do. It was not worthy of a Best Picture Oscar not even a nomination. There ought to be an investigation as to why the Sixth Sense did not win.

All the characters in it are either perverted or seriously flawed in some way except for the daughter of Kevin Spacey and Annette Benning. Benning plays the shrill and almost incoherent wife stuck in an unhappy marriage. Kevin Spacey plays the unhappy husband and father who has the hots for his daughter's friend. That's about it. It gives you the feeling of being a voyeur and that is the only thing I can get out of this one.
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America needs more movies like this........
26 May 2000
Hollywood needs to make more movies like this. This one has everything you need and gives you a film you'd be proud to take your mother to. There's no sex scenes, no needless violence, any violence in it is part of the story. The Sixth Sense is one movie that could have been made in the 1940's. That is how good it is. On first viewing I admit, I was a little bored on the seemingly slow pace, but in the end you find out why some of the characters behaved oddly and it all comes together and on a second viewing you can truly appreciate the need for the pace of it. Do not miss this one, you will not be able to forget it. Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment are fantastic and Olivia Williams as Willis' wife, I especially loved the performance of Toni Collette as Cole's mother. I hope to see more of her. I felt for her and completely believed the character. M. Night Shamalan should be proud, and please, Hollywood, send him and the whole crew more screenplays and scripts. Thank you to all those responsible for this film. A job well done.
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Nighthawks (1981)
One of the most underrated films...
19 May 2000
This is one of the best action movies out there, even to this day. It's a must see especially for Stallone fans. If he chose more of this type of movie, he would be much more respected in Hollywood. Rutger Hauer is awesome as Wulfgar, the international terrorist. All performances are notable, Billy Dee Williams/Sylvester Stallone pairing works well. Stallone really is a great actor, given the right material, and this one certainly provides it. It's a shame he sold out with the "Rocky" sequels.
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Runaway Bride (1999)
Garry Marshall ought to be ashamed of himself......
26 March 2000
It was a great idea to get Julia Roberts and Richard Gere together again. Just one thing, you needed a script and a plot. It isn't even funny. The attempt at comedy is stale and cliched. This movie is an insult. This from the man who directed "The Odd Couple"for television? Mr. Marshall could have done a lot better than this. Save your money and skip this piece of trash and rent "Pretty Woman" again. Unless you are a hardcore Julia Roberts fan, this one really sucks. I give it * out of *****. Julia needs to get out of her "aren't I just adorable" attitude. She is really getting obnoxious.
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Interesting Parody
21 February 2000
Very well done and entertaining film. The mobster movie genre has been overdone and this comedy really works because of that fact. Lots of funny moments. It's worth watching. Good performances by Hugh Grant and James Caan.
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Eraserhead (1977)
16 October 1999
The first time I watched this (only by my husband's insistence that I do) I was so annoyed by this movie. It irritated me so much. I guess I expected this to make sense sooner or later. So I watched it again and thought it was funny, in a weird sort of way. This is one hideous picture to look at. I couldn't stop thinking that the girl in the radiator (or was it his girlfriend? I can't recall) looked like Madonna when she was going through her "Who's That Girl" phase. I'm sure glad she didn't keep that look for long.
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