Tooth Fairy (2019) Poster


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Hopefully its constructive criticism!
naeemxsaleem8 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so i clicked on this because of the catchy thumbnail and the whole idea of there being an evil tooth fairy seemed kinda interesting but this is definitely not what the movie had to offer. The most obvious complaint i had was the soundtrack which had some epic infinity wars theme going on which didn't go well with the theme of the movie, like its a horror movie, set the mood and make it a little creepy. Also it was too loud and i had trouble making sense of what was actually happening in the movie. The second thing was the plot and the dialogue, the dialogue was really boring like its ok to include some drama between the characters but this shouldn't be like 90% of the script.I'm here to watch a movie about an evil tooth fairy, make her scary and have some interesting lore behind her instead of her just being some witch or the devil(which was explained in a flashback that lasted for like 2 minutes and was pretty cliche). The cinematography and lighting was good at times but a lot of shots were timed poorly and there were plenty of awkward angles and scenes like there is this guy that runs towards the stairs when he hears her daughter scream and he is holding a scented candle and the way he walks in slow motion is so cringe. The acting was pretty stiff and unnatural except for joe who was the only one who did a decent job. Last thing i would like to say is please have a script and actors that can actually act, a soundtrack that captures the theme and the atmosphere of the movie and definitely an original and interesting script. Don't make it for the money, make something you're passionate about.
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Who did the casting?!
kardosma22 May 2020
Stilted dialogue and lack of story or setup aside, the "father" looks like a 20 year old with some grey spray in his hair who is desperately trying to sound like a grizzled old man; his "daughter" gets a visit from her "daughter"... who looks 10 years older than her.

I mean.... we're not talking Oscar calibre anything here, but surely getting age appropriate actors isn't difficult...?

There's no passage of time other than what's indicated by the terrible exposition and strained dialogue, so it may as well be the next day on from the opening scene.

Ugh. Sorry, but whinging English characters don't do it for me. But if everything I've written is your cup of tea, then give this a watch. And you have my deepest sympathies!
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Cringey and Awful
lukasleonheld19 October 2020
The premise could be pretty interesting, but it's just horribly executed. The movie fails at so many points in the filmmaking process. The first part of the movie is very confusing and afterwards you're hit over the head with exposition. The actors aren't that great, but it might as well be a lack of direction or the horrible writing. Unfortunately they fail completely, at believably portraying the whole thing. Last but not least, the casting is very poor. For example the "daughter" looks 15 years older than the "mom".
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Love it for the comedic value!
banglainey6 July 2020
Some of the highlights of this film inspired me to write a review. The finer highlights:

-The "grandma" being younger than the daughter

-The "grandpa"'s silly wig

-The inventive use of dental implements such as toothbrush and floss as death instruments

-The silly ghost mask used for the bad guy

Overall, a solid 5 as far as bad horror movies go. I am always interested in seeing a new spin on an old classic theme and this one failed miserably! It did make me laugh out loud, though, and inspired me to write this review. Give it a try, if for anything other than the laughs!
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Ummm.... okay
scottreedmusic8 November 2019
Sometimes gambles pay off. Sometimes you get this. Presents itself like it wants to be a horror movie but it's heavily padded with family turmoil that isn't even remotely interesting. At a few points it seems like they're intentionally trying to make a "so bad it's good" movie. But Troll 2 this is not. Just steer clear of this one.
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Bizarrely cast independent dentistry horror.
parry_na7 August 2020
It's difficult to know what to make of this. The first few scenes made me think the production was a spoof, so incredible were the casting choices. Jen (Claudine-Helene Aumord) is visited by her resentful daughter Carla (Claire-Maria Fox), who looks exactly the same age. Father Rueben (Will Dodd) looks even younger, resplendent with a few grey flecks of hair and growling for all he's worth to convince us of his 'advanced' years. It's difficult to think of a worse start to a film.

Things improve slightly when the Tooth Fairy turns up, all distorted voice and Halloween mask. Suddenly, there's a bit of gore and the tantalising idea of people suffering other peoples' pain when having their teeth hammered out. In among the grubby soap-opera-level squabbles, the creature is revealed as a family curse, in a series of flashbacks spread throughout. All accompanied by the strains of a mournful piano.

This is an independent film, and I like independent films. And yet it suffers more than most with its limitations - it has no pace, and the acting varies from scene to scene. Even so, the location is beautiful and well-photographed and some moments are well directed. My score is 5 out of 10.
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We must tear out the wickedness.
nogodnomasters8 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts off with the "death" of the Tooth Fairy (Will Dodd) 30 years ago being set on fire. Of course, you just can't set T. Fairy on fire by herself, someone must be with it. And the Tooth fairy doesn't like sugar. Placing sugar at the doorway lasts forever and doesn't attract ants.

Now it is 30 years later. An incident causes the escape of the Tooth Fairy who seeks revenge for going after the offspring of those that trapped her 30 years ago. The backstory is the land is cursed from the original owner.

This is a British film. The Tooth fairy looked rather horrid for a shapeshifter. You would think having that ability would allow escaping. Nothing really new to the horror genre. So-so script and acting.

Guide: Brief sex. No F-words or nudity.
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An hour and a half that I'm not getting back
toddmatty-3700014 September 2020
My girlfriend and I are on a horror movie kick. Trying to find that movie that makes us jump. And because this is a trilogy we have to watch the series. All I can say is. Why didn't they stop at 1? If you're looking for a movie you can yell at the tv at the actors for being fools then give it a whirl
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Stanlee10726 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I do not have any adversion to low budget horror films but I do feel strongly against a film devoid of any scares or acting so bad that one may have seen better in drama/acting school.

I have not seen the first film but having seen this one I am no intention to watch it. This film is basement budget quality & I reckon the B-Movies from the 1980s would have been better watch than this one.
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larryallred5 June 2021
If you're like me sometimes a review meant to push away makes me want to watch it more. They'll go on and on about what happens, why, who, blah blah blah.

Here's all my advice... Don't. Just don't watch it. You'll seriously wish you had listened to me! :)
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Pretty enjoyable if flawed low-budget British effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder7 January 2020
Trying to make it a quick trip, a woman brings her son to her mother's remote farm to locate an important document left behind, but when they come to realize that her mothers' warnings of a dire creature from the past have come back to seek revenge on the family must stop the creature from attacking and killing their neighbors.

This one was a watchable if still somewhat underwhelming effort. When this one works is due to the main creature getting loose which is rather fun at times. The opening chase through the barn from a shapeshifting figure before being burned alive with a victim is a solid start to this, while the resurrection and attack on the homeless man living on the farm is a genuinely brutal encounter. So are the attack scenes out away from the farm as the chilling and creepy sequences in the bedroom of their friends' daughter or the stellar sequence at the trailer which has a lot to like about it as it leads into the finale at the barn. With the being having abducted the family and taken them to the furnace in the barn for a fine confrontation, this has some nice action and plenty of cheese. Along with a creepy lead villain and quite impressive gore for an indie effort, this one was really fun at times. There are a few flaws to be had here. The main issue on display is the dreadful and utterly snail-like pacing that robs the film of a lot of the momentum it's trying to build. A major cause of that is the initial introduction of the family at the farm where several storylines come into focus which is incredibly worthwhile to bring about more of a connection to them but is done in a slow, lifeless manner. Learning about the mothers' desire to reveal the truth about the curse on the family, her complete unwillingness to accept her mothers' attempts to apologize for the past or the burgeoning romance with her ex who still lives there, serve the film well to create plenty of depth and intriguing characters but also ends up leaving the main character to such a small portion of the film because there are dragged out at such a slow tempo. These could've played to the same scene just with an extra bit of urgency which would've cut down on the running time slightly. The other minor issue is the low-budget limitations that pop up at points. The obvious sets and recycled buildings from previous films set at the exact same place come off as a cheat due to being so familiar, much like the repeated cast and crew in much the same roles they've done on those other films. The constant mentions of a character calling someone who looks much younger her mother borders on the comical and the mask used for the villain looks flimsy and about to fall apart at the slightest touch despite the creepy design. While these aren't that detrimental as most won't notice or even care about these issues in the slightest, they do need to be mentioned as it could be a problem for some who have issues with their aspect in their films.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, a clothed sex scene and drug use.
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A movie about a gay dentist would probably be better
milkhole21316 November 2022
The first Tooth Fairy movie is one that eluded me on my bi-weekly visits to the Human sideshow known as Walmart. I guess I was slightly pickier back then. I bought the fourth entry there recently not realizing it was part of a series. Fortunately I found parts 2 and 3 at Goodwill and was able to obtain the original on eBay for less than the cost of a new movie and that includes shipping. A word of warning to people hoarding Scott Jeffrey movies for resale value later on, don't do it. Even those sexy slipcovers won't make these turds valuable. This doesn't feature Scott's usual coterie of actresses/actors with none of the faces familiar to me. It does feature the overly dramatic dialogue and talkative nature of most of Jeffrey's movies. Like all of them they start out fast and furious and then plod along with endless drama and boredom for the vast "middle" part of the movie. Things pick up at the end with some decent kills involving teeth removal and a toothbrush death which was unrealistic but fun. This movie also features some pro-sugar propaganda, with the deadly white substance being one of the few things that can harm Tooth.

Tooth is a really lame moniker for a killer creature. The creature itself is kind of cool looking during its brief screen time. This also features a quick scene of the often annoying/occasionally funny Shawn C. Phillips in an online video explaining the history of the Tooth Fairy. Like most Scott Jeffrey produced movies this is dreary, colorless, humorless, way too talky and wastes a beautiful English countryside location. There's no sex/nudity as usual though the cast is absent of beautiful women so it's not a huge loss. There's also a very sparse amount of blood and gore. Jeffrey has been involved in some fun films, Tooth Fairy isn't one of them. I'm really glad I have 3 more Tooth Fairy films (with a fifth film in production) to look forward to.
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