Deep Murder (2019) Poster


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So stupid but fairly entertaining
UniqueParticle30 December 2019
Jerry O' Connell has really steeped low which is unfortunate! The dialogue and cinematography are so bad and Some parts are ridiculous, it's kinda as if someone with a disorder wrote the script! I'm such a nice critic, the kind of movie that doesn't deserve much at all but watchable.
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Who have I been babysitting?
nogodnomasters12 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The film is a murder mystery down with adult film dialogue, mostly from the 80's when they had a plot. It is amusing at first but gets old real fast.

Guide: F-word. simulated sex. male butt nudity.
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Started Off Well
baileycrawly6 July 2020
This stupid raunchy comedy started off in a pretty clever way, and it was extremely funny. However, once it went from the porn-set-with-clueless-boy setup and more into a murder mystery/comedy fusion, it started getting boring in a real hurry.
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More Fake Ten's on IMDB
arfdawg-114 November 2019
This movie is horrific.

Horrifically bad.

It's soft core porn without the porn.

But mostly, it's really bad acting and even worse directing
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Wow, awful and poorly done
emguy30 July 2020
Reviews giving this a 10 must have been written by the publicists. It's a warning sign when a reviewer says they created an account just so they could review one movie.

This wasn't funny in the least, although it was obviously trying to be. It wasn't a good parody. It wasn't silly fun, cheesy fun, campy fun, or raunchy fun. I saw no cult film potential. An Ed Wood movie would be a big step up in quality.

I have to wonder if the cast members took these roles on a dare, or because they were desperate for work, or because they have really bad agents. The cast members I've seen in other roles definitely have more talent than they showed here. Maybe the filmmakers wanted to see just how terrible they could make the movie and still have it see the light of day.
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What happened to Jerry O'Connell?
caleb186830 October 2019
Ridiculous, as soft core often is, but annoying. What the heck happened to Jerry O'Connell's career that THIS is were it lead? I gave this a 2 and that was generous.
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Please avoid this movie. Watching it would just make you worry about your taste in films.
reallytorkedoff-8746427 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is bad from the start and only gets worse as it continues. The only way this would have been tolerable is if it had all turned out to be a dream.

Despite what another review says, there is some ridiculous gratuitous nudity. The plot is absurd and poorly executed. Personally, I hope the director gives up making movies and finds a nice, rewarding job in the fast food industry, although the level of skill needed in that job would be higher than that shown in this movie.

It really was awful. It should be a misdemeanor to call this wreck a comedy.
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It's funny, it's quirky, it's pretty bad too
fluffchop25 July 2021
It's almost hilarious but just not quite there. Interesting movie that's a little bit different. Love it or hate it perhaps but they made this somehow.
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If I could rate this a zero I would.
Absthelion1 June 2021
I like bad movies, I enjoy ridiculous slasher movies but this was so awful I had to turn it off. If I could rate this a zero I would.
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Good premise, could've gone further.
BenjCarr15 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The idea of setting a legit comedy or mystery in the world of a Skinemax movie was pretty genius. It reminded me of 'Who Killed Buddy Blue?,' except with characters who slowly come to realize they're in softcore. That could've been taken a couple steps further. Chris Redd is particularly good as the quarterback with a secret - who appears to know nothing about sports. And the Bechdel Test conversation is the scene that lets them pass the Bechdel Test, which was funny.

Margolin and Beswick wrote it, so they give themselves protagonist roles. Seize that opportunity if you ever get it. They should do more work. I'd be interested to see it.
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Love it or hate it
djmike-6347421 September 2022
Reading the other reviews, you either love this movie or you hate it. I try to finish each movie I start, but this one was really difficult. I finished it but I still didn't get it. On top of being a mess I think some of the bad acting was for effect, but not a very good one.

I wanted to stop there but I'm forced to use 600 characters 😔. Other reviews use two or three lines say all that needs to be said and they are out. Will someone please teach me the trick please 🙏. I'm even running out of the personalist banter to fill this thing so that I can hit the submit button. This makes no sense someone help me please.
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Light one up, and have a laugh!
snugglepot-591306 July 2019
AMAZING to watch stoned! I've never laughed so hard!!
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Surprisingly Funny
gwrmarines16 June 2019
I had zero expectations going into this movie. It's so dumb although I haven't laughed this hard in a while. It's not a masterpiece by any means but destined to be a cult classic. Pretty good bad acting and Christopher McDonald is great as usual.

If you don't take life seriously you'll probably enjoy this movie.
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Potential cult classic for the right crowd.
terrencepatrix17 June 2019
So...ever watch porn? Uh, of course not, me neither. But I HEARD that the acting can be pretty bad in them and that people usually just skip through those parts. Well what if the sex never started and the movie just continued on within that little world, never knowing that they're characters in a movie.

That's what this is. Before the sexy times begin a murder takes place, and none of these dimwitted poorly fleshed out stereotypes know how to do anything but awkwardly initiate carnal relations with double entendre's and lame innuendo. But as they seek out answers and try to survive they start growing, and not just in their pants. (sorry)

All in all this was surprisingly funny and original. It's dumb, don't get me wrong, but that's it's goal and they manage to do it in a really fun way. There's no nudity though, so don't get your hopes up.
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ginkc14 June 2019
Laughed every single scene. Great acting and well directed
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Great Potential
destinmoulton16 August 2020
Rides a very fine line between meta campy and bad. There are a few scenes that are not intended to be cringe worthy that are just poorly acted. There are also several very well acted sequences. A mixed bag.
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This movie is so much fun!
carolynmcohen19 June 2019
I love this movie! I'm not exaggerating when I say I laughed through every scene. It's smart-dumb comedy and its finest. I also really don't like horror movies, but this is so much less a slasher film than it is super silly satire, and I was totally onboard for even the goriest bits because of how well the tone is set. Definitely bound to become a cult classic!
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I created an account just to leave this review
melwayne-0773312 November 2019
Most of the people rating this movie must just not like stupid humor. If you do, this movie is 100% worth a watch. It's surprisingly well written, and a perfect late night/stoned comedy. Even the jokes that kind of miss do so in such ridiculous ways it's still funny. Just, do yourself a favour and watch it.
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Somebody call for a private dick
d_penn18 June 2023
It takes place within the universe of a porno flick, but before the characters can get down to business, one of them turns up dead. The denizens are shocked out of their established roles and have to find out who the killer is before they all reach the final climax in the sky. The movie is an absolutely ridiculous cross-section of comedy, horror, mystery, and softcore porn. There is very little actual nudity-one full-frontal shot of a male character in the shower-but there is innuendo and temptation all over the mansion. So dumb it is smart" or "so smart it is dumb". There are jokes and affects throughout that seem absolutely moronic until you think about how much creativity went into dreaming them up. It's the banging-two-coconuts-together-to-imitate-a-horse of the 2010's..
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A genre-merging magic trick that's hysterically funny
ericdavidroman9 June 2022
Remember those late-night soft-core porn films with the bad acting and the ridiculous characters only there to get it on? Me too, they're so much fun. Now take one of those and add a slasher film right into it without changing a thing and you have Deep Murder, which is a hysterical cross-pollination of the different genres blended perfectly. The kills are both brutal and funny at times. The 'porn' actors beginning to become self-aware they're in a porno universe as they deal with body after body left behind by the killer had me rolling. Some of the jokes are repeated a bit too often - but a lot of them are so witty, clever, and absurd they border on genius. I loved nearly every minute of this movie and am dumbfounded why I'd not heard of it sooner - or why it doesn't seem to have more cheerleaders. This is one hell of a clever slasher/horror/comedy mashup that ranks up there with the likes of Student Bodies and Scary Movie. It's a truly fun hour and a half for horror fans/late night 90s tv fans and especially those that fall in the middle of that Ven diagram lol. The direction/writing and cast is fantastic, and they all understood the assignment of what this movie was (Chris Redd kills it in every scene). Plus who doesn't love Jerry O'Connell, who just goes all in with every role I've seen him in lately (he's 'hard as diamond' and shirtless a lot, so thank you for that). Christopher McDonald is fantastic and chews the scenery and delivers every line as only he can. In fact truly everyone is great in this (shout out to Jessica Parker Kennedy tho for being brilliant in the Babysitter role - who is she babysitting???) Some won't get it, and it's not perfect but it's damn near close and definitely does deserve to be on more people's radar.
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Smarter than you expect!
happypsycho23 August 2019
This movie was genius! A smart, funny film with brilliant acting - the actors have to be exaggerated tropes of bad porn actors, not easy! The kind of movie where you will have to re-watch several times to see all of the amazing, subtle humour. It has some of the best lines too, the type of thing you and your mates will be quoting at each other for years.

If you're a fan of The Big Bang Theory, don't bother with this film - you probably won't get the jokes as they are not spoon-fed to you and there's no canned laughter to tell you when to find things funny. If you like your jokes "Community-meta", give this movie a shot - you'll love it!
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Wow! Old Dark House meets Waiting For Godot in Porno Land!
Atomic_Brain6 July 2019
I rented Deep Murder expecting a fun homage to bad 1980s sexploitation and horror tropes, but discovered instead a brilliant postmodern fairy tale on Modern American culture which had my jaw on the floor the entire time. In this smart and snappy deconstruction of a "sex-horror-comedy," an assortment of charismatic dopes find themselves trapped in an Old Dark House-style murder mystery which lurches into a harrowing Waiting For Godot-style existential crisis of anguished self-awareness. This bold conceit succeeds wildly due to an amazing screenplay, brought to life by an exceptionally strong cast. (Seriously, this is a dream cast; you will fall in love with all of them.)

The adorable, but seriously troubled characters all start out as easily recognizable genre movie cliches (Horny Nerd, Sexy Mom, Clueless Dad, Dumb Babysitter, Pretentious Scientist, Arrogant Detective, etc.), ego-fueled, sex-addicted fools trapped in a lust-driven purgatory (nicely embodied by one of those horrible faux-Spanish mobster mansions nestled in the San Fernando Valley). One by one, these poor saps look into their own soul-mirror and realize that they are awful, stupid even worthless people, who are then stuck in the quandary of, can they do anything about it?

Thanks to the introduction of sudden, violent death into their stifling, insular world, these damned souls each become slowly aware of who they are, or rather, who they are not, and profoundly painful crises of confidence ensue. With the exception of the killer, who refuses to grow up and thus exposes his profound failure as a human being via cowardly acts of meaningless violence, everyone slowly, painfully strives to become a better person, struggling valiantly to rise above "the horny animal."

Along the way, the film offers a lovely lesson to anyone interested: regardless of who you are, or what your limitations, personal evolution is always attainable, and always desirable. As long as one breathes, one can improve one's self. The first step in this personal apothesis is discarding one's low, sexual self for something more worthy and ethereal, something akin to spirituality. Each person's path is unique, of course, but discovering the true self is key, and a painstakingly honest appraisal of one's personal moral compass is essential to this noble quest. Another fine lesson, lost on most viewers assuredly, is the lifelong gift of learning through education to improve one's mind and thus one's self.

And lest one think that Deep Murder is a preachy morality fable, be assured that the final genius stroke is the fact that the film succeeds also as comedy, and is funny as all hell. How they did this without dropping the ball once is anybody's guess, but Bravo! In fact, preachy moralizing is one of the film's recurring conceits, as each character, upon achieving his own personal Eureka! moment, gets on his/her soapbox to tell the other characters how wonderful they are now! Hilarious! Yet throughout all of this heavy stuff, Deep Murder also entertains as a conventional murder mystery, so clever and circuitous is the dazzling screenplay.

Throughout, Deep Murder pontificates humorously yet adroitly on that time-honored existential question, "Who am I, and Why am I here?" Characters continually stand outside themselves, pondering their actions, wondering, "Who is writing my script?", thus cleverly illustrating the primal conundrum in narrative texts as well as in human life itself: what guides human action, predetermined destiny or free will?

Yet the penultimate lesson of Deep Murder is one which can be accessed by any rank porno flick of the era invoked, in which low mongrels rut and moan and fondle to no apparent purpose. The viewer who is not a low mongrel himself can see therein stark proof of what happens when you succumb to your bases urges, accepting these limitations as your lot in life. The end quote to any porno flick could well be, "There but for the grace of God go I." Yet Deep Murder states it even more profoundly: "Evolve, lest ye devolve." I really didn't think they made movies like this anymore. Brilliant.
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Way better than I expected
donkey_dick17 April 2020
Thought this was gonna suck but it's a funny raunchy comedy. It's not really a horror just a just a raunchy comedy with lots of lewd jokes. If you like lowbrow / screwball comedy then I recommended. 9 times out of 10 these low budget comedies really suck but this one does not!
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Don't overthink it just have a bloody laugh
braidcarl30 January 2020
I grew up watching and loving Three's a Company and moms always hated the sexual innuendos. Well this has that on crack with Michael McDonald delivering in top form along with Jerry O'Connell and a mix of others. Get baked and enjoy it is well worth the watch.
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The Ultimate Satire! A Work Of Art!
isantistao11 October 2021
First of all I can't believe the bad reviews this gets. If people giving it bad reviews actually understood art they wouldn't be rating it so badly. There is a LOT of good art in this film. The cinematography alone is impressive enough that if it were looked at by any film student or teacher they would be able to see all of the art being put into it. But unfortunately most of the people who are reviewing this film here don't.

Also, some of these people don't seem to understand what satire is. So of course they wouldn't understand a film that is the literal ultimate satire. But if you know what satire is and appreciate one, you are bound to like this film. I personally love satires, and think this is one of the best ever made, next to "In The Loop" which is more serious and political. But this film is a great one because it is the opposite of that, being simply comedic, and on the silly ridiculous side of satire, which is a side that many people have always enjoyed.

And this film is really on the deep end of that one. If you are looking for a seriously hardcore late night belly laugh comedy this is a top pick for that. This movie is hilarious and has so many laugh out loud moments, with lots of different kinds of comedy. It has dumb slapstick humor, intelligent witty humor, sexual humor, creative humor, intellectual humor, and more!

This movie is also incredibly artistic. It is so creative in how it is both written and edited/produced. The cinematography alone as I mentioned earlier gives this film a very surreal, almost psychedelic ambiance to it. And it gets a little intellectually stimulating at times. It does actually have a few significant messages and statements in it. It even plays upon one feminist ideal in an ironic way but I won't spoil anything. Just know that this is an intelligent comedy as well as a silly one, and that a lot of thought obviously went into it.

In short, as someone who has studied film and has an understanding and appreciation of the themes this work is combining, that of comedy, murder mystery, horror, and porn, all tied together with the fine art of satire, I find this film to be a truly great masterpiece. I do think this will garner a cult following. It is worth a watch if you enjoy any of those genres.
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