Viva Amiga: The Story of a Beautiful Machine (2017) Poster

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Quite dull, unsurprising and stays on the surface
Blik Revil5 February 2017
I was a proud Commodore user between 1985 and 1996, having owned an Amiga 500 since 1987 that was replaced by an Amiga 1200. I still own both, and they both still work! Furthermore, I was also part of the "Demoscene" and also part of a team that developed a commercial game.

I'm just telling you this so that you might understand that the Amiga was a very valued part of my youth, including visits to quite some Amiga fairs.

Unfortunately, this documentation only stays on the surface. There is nothing new, nothing surprising, and on top of that it even doesn't have a clear structure.

People that didn't know the Amiga and the hype accompanying this computer back then will not understand it and will be none the wiser after having watched this.

It was mentioned in other reviews that this documentation is very USA-centric, which is unfortunately true. Unfortunately, because it is agreed on that the Amiga had its biggest impact in Europe (in the UK and Germany, to be specific).

What is this documentation trying to achieve? To share some memories of people involved from the beginning like RJ Mical? To boast about its gfx/ video capabilities (by using the old but still impressive example with Deborah "Would you like to paint me?" Harry and Andy Warhol)? To prove that it's still being used by a few enthusiasts like the very valued 4Mat?

And where are the games and the demos? If I remember correctly, there's maybe 20 seconds of game footage or even less, and I didn't see any demos at all. (For me, demos is something that not only made the Amiga so special, but is one of the main reasons why the Amiga is still remembered by many and being used by some enthusiasts.)

The problem is, it never goes deeper. For example, especially for people that do not know the computer capabilities back then in the mid-80s - it's not enough to (wrongfully!) state that Apple was black & white, PC was green on black, and the Amiga had color and multitasking. There was nothing to help me as a viewer understand why the Amiga was such a breakthrough at that time. Sure, nearly all the interviewees mention it quite often, but if I didn't know the Amiga, I would ask myself: "OK, but - why was this such a sensation???"

The old advertisement footage was mostly nice, but in the end doesn't help the documentation.

And some things, like the "Revision" sequences filmed in Saarbrucken/ Germany, feel like completely out of place, just because the documentary never mentions the demo-scene, but all of a sudden we see a bunch of people sitting in a big, dark hall - "but what the hell are they doing there?" you might ask yourself...

I gave it a 5/10, because I recognize the effort that the director took to make this film, not being a professional filmmaker and such. But I certainly will not watch it a 2nd time. (And please don't quit your day-to-day job!)

And I really do not understand where the 30k funding money went into. Even in 2010, good and affordable equipment was available, and the travels couldn't haven been costly. (Maybe he had to pay fees for interviewing some of the people!?)
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I had no idea that anyone was still using the Amiga
moivieFan16 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I thought Viva Amiga was a nice overview of the Amiga computer. It talks about the start of the company, some of the problems it had and what is happening with Amiga now.

I liked the interviews with some of the people who worked on creating the Amiga and Amiga users.

I had no idea that the Amiga had a color screen or that it was so advanced for its time. It also surprised me that there are still people who are Amiga fans.

And one cool thing I learning about was chiptune musicians. I never knew that people used old computers to make music. How cool is that.

I also liked seeing some of the commercials for Amiga when it came out. I think one of the people who was interviewed in the video said that the commercials for the Amiga were weird. And I agree with that.
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Loved It
xmenx-4275216 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Finding out about (Commadore)Amiga after it had come and gone. I have this sense of having to find out everything I can about the best personal computer to exist. I found this documentary informative and enjoyable. I was a little disappointed that this documentary is a little short. I would have enjoyed more information the more the better. More info on the machine but more important more info on the people. I'm also left with a little bit of sadness. Just think where personal computers would be today if things would have been just a little bit different. It is great to see all of the wonderfully, driven and creative people who made this amazing machine. This is only a machine. But for some reason this machine got my attention at first. Then the more I found out about it the more feelings it stirred inside of me. This documentary does just that when you watch it. It left me feeling good and great-full that Amiga is still around.
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That's.....that's it?
narcissistictrash18 January 2017
6 years and 30K later and we get 60 minutes of either not original footage or interviews that were done 4-5 years ago? Unoriginal, uninspired, not informative at all - these are just a few of the things that spring to mind when I watched this. Did the "filmmaker" really do much? It's not even that well shot - let alone something to catch your interest in the subject. The "filmmaker" left out HUGE parts of the Amiga History. It seems as if he just wanted to rub elbows with people he THINKS are important and who he can suck up to but left out anyone he didn't think he could get something from. Besides posting to the Facebook page and Kickstarter page whining about how hard making a documentary film is. No one held a gun to your head to make this and frankly, we would be better off had you not. I'd compare this drivel to Morgan Spurlock or Michael Moore but that would be insulting to them and they are both hacks. Also the "filmmaker" has been begging for good reviews online. Super classy move, bro.
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Viva Amiga - The story behind one awesome machine
me-185-42110416 January 2017
Reviewing a movie or in this case a documentary is always trying to find a balance between personal preference and analyzing facts and trying to come up with a balanced feedback which is useful for others to read.

First things first though; this film project is the result of a Kickstarter that was successfully funded about five years ago (Round about $30,000 or so if I am not mistaken). It took rather long for the movie to be released. The reasons seems to have been mostly due to limited time (the do not quit your day job just yet rational) and the need to find additional funding. No wonder if I look at the nice animations and the content shot not just in the US but also in Europe!

Was it short with just over an hour? Maybe to some it was. I think one hour is about my attention span anyhow so for me (personal opinion) I think it was long enough. I did understand that there is more to come as there is a truckload of footage being shot that never made it to the video as otherwise it would have been 2+ hour movie.. so.. I kind of like this approach of getting us up to speed first before coming with a follow up.

This may not be the documentary for the hardcore geek who likes to see which flavors were available, listing all Commodores sold. No line up of endless machines which were in essence just another Amiga with some incremental changes.. This is about when the Amiga conquered the computer market.

So for who is this movie then?

The intent has always been to make a movie that you as the true geek and Amigan can show your best friends, what this crazy hobby of yours is about, why this Amiga is still in your heart and why the heck you still use it today. It is also the move for the so called Joe Regular who heard of the Amiga and tell the story on how it became this great machine but due to bad marketing and poor management became this cult machine we know today. I thought the interviews were great and hilarious at some point and I appreciated the humor the founders brought with them after all these years to talk about it. Surely it is sad (to me too) to see it never made it to the top as in all honesty, I understand them for being sad as this was the best machine out there at the time. I think the sadness and the joyfulness were pretty nicely balanced throughout the movie and the clips from back when I think were nicely added in. I also liked the focus of it being told from the perspective of the creators and what they envisioned.

If I had to give one point of criticism, it would be the end. Some say maybe it was rushed to an end whereas I feel it was not easy to find a good end. How do you end something like this? Maybe like the Amiga itself.. you leave it open.. it never stopped.. so maybe that was the filmmakers idea.. who knows :)

On a personal note;

For me, the Amiga will always be about the people and I enjoyed this movie in its own right!
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HORRIBLE Re-Hash! Poor Amiga :(
jdiego-0258517 January 2017
The lack of effort shows in this presentation. Most of the footage is old stock video from previous Amiga or Commodore related videos. I've been following this since its Kickstarter campaign and was a little unsure if it was ever going to see the light of day or was simply vaporware! Now that it was released I wish it was vaporware. What a way to take the wind out of one's sails! I was expecting something great instead I got about 60 minutes of old videos combined together with a few recent interviews. I ever read that some of these interviews are also copies of previous interviews and not done by the producer of this documentary.

Final word to Mr. Weddington.... DON'T quit your day job Amigo! You definitely shouldn't have a career in the film industry. I've seen better presentations with common home equipment by untrained enthusiasts!

STAY AWAY PEOPLE!!!!! Nothing to see here.... JUST KEEP ON MOVING!
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Highly recommended
mark-8268516 January 2017
Really good documentary focusing on the Amiga computer and the team that made their digital dream a reality. The film takes you on a journey of the story which is also further amplified by captivating 3d effects and music. Certainly a deeply emotional watch and recommended to anyone who has an interest in vintage computing. The film is a true testament that the director Zach Weddington that has worked so hard to put this masterpiece together.

This is of course coming from someone who grew up with 16 bit computers and although being an Atari ST man at heart, I always appreciated the Amiga for what a great machine it was.
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chris-foulds19 January 2017
I've followed this film since the kickstarter missing out on the funding period and being genuinely gutted. I love the Amiga, my favourite all time computer so was excited that this was being made.

Now point 1, I watched this free on HULU before backers had even received their copy - poor business.

Anyway to the film, like others have expressed it is a collection of interviews, badly shot and mostly quite, quite dull intermixed with stock footage. It covers the creation of the Amiga, but it is very USA focused - where the Amiga has the biggest impact in creativity, games etc. was in Europe - none of which is covered in this film. The true spirit of the Amiga is/was not in the making of it but in how it transformed and inspired millions of people worldwide and this is lost in this shamble of a movie.
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"Viva Amiga" is inspired
bcahlamer16 January 2017
Zachary Weddington's "Viva Amiga" is an exceptional documentary about the Amiga computer. Although it's heyday was in the 1980's, there are fans even today that are still modifying the software and running these revolutionary devices.

Spanning the globe to find those who worked on the original product, their passion, and rightfully so, their disappointment is revealed. When scales of economy ruled the day at Apple and Microsoft, this device, similar to the Commodore 64, tried its level best to enter a general market that just wasn't ready for it. Don't tell that to the legions of global fans who, much like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, were toying with their Amiga computers in their garages.

"Viva Amiga" is as much about the people who worked on the product as much as it is of the fans. Weddington's passion is on full display.

I cannot recommend "Viva Amiga" enough.
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Awesome documentary about the amiga and its fans
chris_j_collins16 January 2017
I was fortunate to see this film at a preview followed by buying it on itunes. My review will be short. It tells the story of the rise and the fall of the Amiga, its fan base and the imprint it left on us today. Its about the Amiga and commodore, its not about some other computer companies (if that's what your expecting).

The people interviewed are varied, from those that helped finance Amiga as a startup, the talent that design the original machine, the very talented engineers that continued the series of Amiga and the software that made it amazing! Unlike many other documentaries it also talks to the fans and what it meant to them. Its also a bit of a love story. The narrative talks of the passion people poured into the machine and how it was taken away through blunders and bad management.

If you ever owned an Amiga, knew it as "that cool computer my neighbor had" or just are curious about a machine that had a huge impact on today's computing technology spend a buck and watch this documentary. Its glossy and fast paced. The production quality is awesome.
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Viva Amiga: Lackluster Computer Revolution Documentary
trnjamesbond15 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I had rented this film and streamed it online, after waiting about five and a half years for it to get made from a kick-starter campaign. I was so excited for it to finally get released. I followed the updates on Facebook, and the website as well. So here is my review.

After all this waiting, the film was only an hour long, kind of short for a history lesson about Amiga computers and how awesome they were. The people being interviewed seemed to be more angry that they didn't rise to the top and actually make a computer that sold like Apple. It felt like a lot of times that they were living in the past to this very day. Now I'm not saying that the Amiga computers were garbage, because they were far from that. But I'm talking about how this film felt as a viewer.

It was like "crying in your beer" type of atmosphere, it was as if the people that were part of Amiga development were whining and snivelling through the whole film, they talk about bad management, being involved with Commodore and so forth, how they got raked over by Microsoft when Windows came out, with no real in depth exploration. Just a lot of cuts to old photos, and too many computer animation segues. They mentioned Jack Tremiel, the owner of Commodore, but once again didn't go into too much detail, they basically made him look like he was Satan, by displaying cartoons that made him look like the devil himself, and that's how this film pictured him.

There were no interviews from the other side of the story, like people from Microsoft, or Apple and the people that were involved with Commodore. It would of been nice to hear them speak on how they feel today about how cool the Amiga was. I bet they would of told some pretty good stories, on how the marketers tried to overcome or undermine Amiga computers. This aspect would of been nice to see, instead we get a few talking heads from Amiga, and a couple people that are Amiga "enthusiasts", which once again gives the viewer an impression that the people involved are still holding grudges after all these years.

Viva Amiga really didn't leave a strong impression, it felt rushed, and something I could not sink my teeth into. I have watched many documentary's about technology and computers, with films like 8 Bit Generation: The Commodore Wars, Atari:Game Over and also films like "Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine" and Revolution OS:Linux Documentary.

The above films mentioned had a way of sucking me into what was happening on the screen in front of me. But Viva Amiga was a very bland way of telling the story of this wonderful machine. The trailer for the film seemed more entertaining than the actual film.

All in all, I would say skip this film, it had no depth, and was just surface entertainment. The end tried to leave a positive note but fell flat as it was almost too nerdy, with the Amiga still being used to produce some sort of Electronica music. I recommend checking out those other films I mentioned if you would like to watch a more in depth documentary about the computer revolutions of the past.

Thanks for reading.
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Dynamic and very interesting tribute to the Amiga - the BEST computer!
john-8582816 January 2017
First off, this is a great documentary. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

My generation lived through the "computer boom" of the 80's. We experienced first hand the frustrations of making them work; the joy and adulation when we did make them work and we bore witness to the giant leaps in technology that were being made. The Commodore Amiga was one such leap and this documentary charts its success and ultimate demise of the machine extremely well indeed.

The passion and enthusiasm on display from the people directly involved in its creation (RJ Mical, Dave Haynie, Dave Needle and so on) still clearly exists today and is almost palpable.

This documentary draws you into that enthusiasm and nostalgia and packs a lot into just over an hour. I was left wanting more but still very satisfied with what I got. Great Stuff!

I would highly recommend this documentary.
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contact-6844416 January 2017
Viva Amiga is highly accessible - both as a human interest story and as a story about technology. It is highly visual, informative and entertaining. This is a must for anyone interested in documentaries. Or, in a good story being told.

The Amiga computer played a major role in the gaming industry, as well as in video production. Viva Amiga tells the story of this early multi media machine beautifully. It also does this within the backdrop of an emerging computer based market.

This is more than a nostalgia or retro driven film.

Viva Amiga. Viva Creative Computing. Viva Great Storytelling!
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Not just for Amigans
droogsma25 January 2017
Many documentaries about computers need you to have a lot of nerd in you. Not so much this one. It paints a 4096 color picture of what is was like to invent a whole new OS and computer back in the days. It shows the people who did it, how they did it and what became of it. Never a dull moment!

The movies has amazing 90's like 3D animations to string the chapters together. The sound and video quality is of the highest standards.

The documentary was made possible through a Kickstarter (a very appropriate name in the Amiga world) campaign with only a limited budget, but that only shows a little towards the end, where the final chapter seems a little rushed. Luckily the DVD contains many extra's where this and other chapters are shown more extensively (and some are hilarious!)

Overall one of the better computer documentaries, although you might be slightly disappointed if you are looking for three hour technical ramblings about every detail. You'd be better off with Brian Bagnall's book about Commodore.

Viva Amiga!
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Probably the best Amiga documentary around today
rtd-7925418 January 2017
Viva Amiga tells the story of rise and fall of the Amiga computer from the perspective of the original developers, 3rd party developers and Amiga users. It's a bitter sweet tale of the wonder machine which introduced the concept of multimedia computing to the world.

The film is a little short in length but that does not detract from its excellent quality. The movie oozes with passion throughout and although created for Amiga enthusiasts it is still worth watching if you are remotely interested in the history of computer development. If you only ever watch one Amiga documentary I would recommend this one over all others.
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A fitting tribute to a revolutionary computer
gonzales-eli16 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
From the era-accurate graphic interstitials to the pulsating '80s techno-pop soundtrack, Viva Amiga captures the essence of a machine that was so much more than a machine.

Expertly crafted from testimonials of the brains behind the Amiga, archival footage of relevant events and beautifully shot product close ups, the film draws you into the mystique of the much revered and widely misunderstood computer.

Emphasis is wisely placed on the symbiotic relationship between the Amiga and the equally revolutionary NewTek Video Toaster. The latter serving as the springboard to the ubiquitous NLE/indy-filmmaker era.

The documentary takes the viewer through the rise of the machine through the first two acts and then, with brutal honesty, chronicles the slow fade into apparent obscurity before revealing the Amiga's determination, through its dedicated enthusiasts, to persist.

A quick and fun watch at just over an hour, Viva Amiga is sure to resonate with those of us who knew the Amiga well and digital creatives who want to better understand their electronic DNA a little better.

All in all a great effort, a documentary i've watched twice already and am sure to watch many times more.
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It brought back a lot of great memories!
douglas-5631922 February 2020
I was an Amiga user since 1988, and always loved the platform. I heard about this movie in late 2018 and knew I had to watch it. It brought back so many great memories of the Amiga and all the wonderful people involved in it! The interviews were a blast, and the cinematography was quite good! If you owned an Amiga, or just want to learn more about it, watch this movie!
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For Zachary
tammix22 February 2020
This docu was missed over years, i find it very important. One men do the right and took so many time for research and invited great peoples from the Amiga developer team for a lot interviews. I find the Viva Amiga Docu very good and cool. Zachary do a great job with this docu. Thank you for 👍
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Great introduction to a computer that revolutionized multimedia.
amigauser-227547 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Hard to say you can really spoil a documentary on something real that happened in the past, but, yes some of what I write in this review will be a 'spoiler' since it refers to things actually in the Documentary. It twists my brain just trying to get it around that concept here!

First off, I will say there is little I didn't already know going into watching this documentary. I am a long time Commodore/Amiga user and follow retro computing very closely. But I am not the primary target audience for this film.

It is important to keep in mind the purpose of this documentary is to provide the information and context of the Commodore Amiga to people who might have never heard of it. It is now over 30 years since the release of this computer, and more than 20 years since Commodore went bankrupt. So more and more people will never have used one, and may never have seen one. But it is important as companies now try to rewrite history to know about this machine. It was a time when the Mac was black and white and could run only one program at a time, and only on the small internal monitor. When PCs running the operating systems written by Microsoft could only barely do color, mostly run only one program at a time, and could only do sound with add on cards.

Onto this scene dropped the Amiga with full preemptive multitasking, high resolution (for its time) color graphics with up to 4096 colors on screen. All things not seen on a computer in reach of most users of the day. Then on top of it due to the design using the TV resolution and frequency of the day, it made low cost Computer video production use a reality with many Genlocks and other video hardware that were released for the platform as well as paint and video titling programs all culminating in the original Video Toaster effects switcher package which, along with the Lightwave 3D ray tracing package, made programs like Babylon 5 and SeaQuest DSV a reality.

Back when computer generated objects were not commonplace even in movies much less Television, Amiga placed these tools in the common persons hands. Apple may have used the advertising slogan "Think Different", but this computer allowed those who owned them to actually realize that slogan.

That said, this documentary captures all these concepts. It takes the viewer back to the release of the Amiga through video clips from that time, as well as recounting by some of the engineers who worked on it and users who discovered it.

Then this film takes you all the way to the present to those who still choose to use the Amiga as the tool is was built for. The Computer for the Creative Mind.
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