Ouija Shark (2020) Poster


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Avoid at all costs!
MrMeatHook3 June 2020
I need to preface this review with the fact that I LOVE bad Shark movies. Most of them are so bad that I quite enjoy laughing at them. House Shark, Ghost Shark, and Sharknado are prefect examples of movies that know how bad they are and roll with it. This movie takes itself WAY too seriously! It's bad... really, really, REALLY bad. I'm normally a champion of microbudget horror and all of the great bad movies it can bring. This one though? Yikes! The plot is discombobulated, the acting is wooden... so, so wooden. One of the characters spends the entire movie looking straight in one direction while quite possibly reading his lines off of cue cards. The police uniforms are just postman jackets with a police emblem ironed onto the shoulder. No weapon, no badge... just the jacket. It's 71 minutes and feels like it's 4 hours. The Shark is the only thing I got even the slightest bit of satisfaction from. It's a cheap rubber puppet, which COULD have been a plus, but in this case it wasn't, because they showed it too much, and you get tired of it. I don't normally care if a movie has nudity or not, but in this case, I think it actually may have helped make it at least a tad watchable. I can honestly see why this movie spent 2 years on the shelf. I kind of wish it had stayed there. The fact that I now have this in my DVD collection actually makes me kind of nauseous. I seriously cannot recommend this movie to ANYONE!!! Run away. Run far, far away. Once you think you're far enough away... keep running!!
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tenpencefreddo27 May 2020
It is literally EXACTLY what you think it will be.
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Worse Than Bad
nebk28 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Directed by someone who has 40 directing credits and only one reaches a score higher than 2 out of 10, Ouija Shark is pretty much as the title suggest about a growling shark ghost brought back into the world through an Ouija board by a group of "teenagers". The acting is bad, the dialogue is worse, the effects hahahaha what effect, even the board itself is a cheap wooden homemade plank. Honestly it's a 70 minute movie that is about 68 minutes too long. It has one funny moment when a girl says "thank God it's going after him first" just before her friend gets killed and then she uses what is essentially a twig to try and defend herself. And when the shark eats someone sometimes they disappear in a flash and sometimes there is fake blood flying. That's its...
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television221b28 May 2020
To everyone involved in making such movies, what makes you do it?
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I wanted to like this one
klaushutchinson1 June 2020
Usually I can at least have a laugh at this rubbish. I couldn't even laugh at this one. The acting is not even acting. It is appallingly. Everyone involved in this piece of crap should never be allowed to step foot near a film protect again. However, if you are looking for fat chics in bikinis, you've come to the right place. WARNING: Don't press play.
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Terrible, just terrible...
paul_haakonsen28 May 2020
Sure, with a title such a "Ouija Shark", I must confess that I didn't haven any expectations for this 2020 movie from writer David A. Lloyd and director Brett Kelly. However, the movie could just happen to have been so bad that it would be an enjoyable movie, as sometimes that turns out to be the case with these super low budget creature features.

But as it turned out, "Ouija Shark" was a bad movie, in fact it was a terrible movie. But unfortunately it wasn't one of those movies where it was so bad that it was actually tragically fun and enjoyable to watch. No, "Ouija Shark" was just plain and downright horrible.

The acting in this 2020 movie was as to be expected, so don't get your hopes up for any award-winning performances. You know what you get here even before the movie starts. Yeah, it was that kind of movie.

The special effects in "Ouija Shark" were atrocious, and it was also the main reason why the movie failed. I mean, if they had just opted for a proper shark effect, one that actually looked like a living, moving and animated shark instead of a horrible toy replica, the movie would have fared so much better. Special effects are essential for a movie such as this, and the CGI and effects team just botched it terribly.

I am rating "Ouija Shark" a mere one out of ten stars, and it is definitely in the top 10 of worst movies I have had the misfortune of suffering through. It is a terrible movie, so take heed and don't waste your time, money or effort on it.
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Excitingly hilarious..
lunefreespirittaco19 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am only givint this movie a 5 because i was laughing so hard. I love bad shark movies and this definitely falls in that category.

Did anyone notice all the wine behind the dad when he doing research on the shark? Seems all the girls only know how to hide infront of trees rather than behind them. And wanting to attack a ghost with a stick? Really? Also doesnt make sense to me how the shark attacks. One minute he is in the woods, next he is in the bar? What's the relation? Great comedy tho.
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edlc197030 May 2020
Dont watch this. Its a waste of everything. Its so bad, you will not believe it. Why do they even make such a bad movie??
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Time waits for no man
nogodnomasters20 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Jill finds a new looking Ouija Board (Steph Goodwin) while swimming in cove or something. She shares it with her friends and they accidentally summon a ghost shark that kills people.

The girls were sunbathing is what looked like the first time their pale bodies have ever been out in the sun. Many two piece suits, not a single tan line. The plot was worst than expected and the acting was bad with John Migliore being incapable of reading a line.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Great title
BandSAboutMovies26 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The tagline for this movie is "We're gonna need a bigger board." No matter how bad this was going to be, I knew that I had to see it. A title like this certainly takes some balls.

Brett Kelly also directed Raiders of the Lost Shark and Jurassic Shark, so it seems as if this is some kind of fetish or something for him. It takes all kinds, you know.

A group of teenage girls find a spirit board on the beach and decide to use it to, well, who knows why they decide to use it. But before you can say "blood in the water," an ancient shark has washed up and begun to kill everyone. Hopefully, that occult specialist can get rid of this spirit shark before it's too late.

I thought Shark Exorcist and Amityville Island were the best shark themed movie ideas of the last few years. I was wrong. That said, the idea is, as nearly always when discussing movies like this, way better than the execution. Great poster. Great title. Better tagline. Worse actual follow through.
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A work of art
horwellwill10 June 2020
If you haven't seen Ouija Shark, your life has no meaning. After watching this masterpiece, I have emeraged as a different man and my life has improved dramatically. This movie has saved my marriage and I owe my life to whoever made this brilliant movie. My lord Jesus Christ has been replaced by the Ouija Shark and I now worship the almighty Ouija Shark.
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Solid and enjoyable cheesy shark movie
kannibalcorpsegrinder6 August 2020
Meeting up with her girlfriends, a woman brings along a piece of ouija board for their games but when they realize they've summoned the spirit of an ancient man-eating shark and loosened it upon their world she's forced to turn to her paranormal-expert father to stop it before her friends are killed.

While objectively terribly made, this was quite fun in spots. That when approached in the right mindset, a lot of fun can be made out of the sheer lunacy of the sequences throughout here. The idea of using an ouija board to summon a killer shark which then goes on a rampage in the community forcing them to stop it is utterly insane and ridiculous in every conceivable way yet this manages to fully explore this idea quite nicely. That the goofiness starts with the scene of it getting released through the girls' seance with it getting loose in the middle of their session is quite fun as that allows the film to get going early on and providing quite a lot to like with this setup. This setup is quite enjoyable with the film playing off the concept of the corporeal spirit of the shark running loose and snatching people in wholly unexpected locations. Floating through the area snatching up a young couple out hiking in the woods, sneaking up on people in alleyways or chasing them through the woods manage to come off with as much logical sense as required as for why they would be attacked by a shark which not only generates a couple of decent attacks but also a lot of laughs from the outright cheesy puppet used. These are all played quite obviously for the cheesy nature they were intended to be, making for a goofy time to be had for those that appreciate and enjoy this style. That said, there are some issues with the film. The most obvious is the wholly cheap and ridiculous look to the film that screams low-budget indie effort. From the backyard-shot production values, simplistic sequences designed to pad out the running time or simply letting scenes play out long past their purpose which looks like wholly improvised pieces of dialogue and discussion, there's no denying how cheap this comes off. Even repeating shots or using that silly-looking puppet for the shark that looks rather clumsy and unnatural with it's stiff and immobile appearance making it quite obvious what's going on. The other issue to be had here is the few series on incidental elements that tend to strip the film of some of its logical throughput. The one girl showing up to then immediately leave the group to spend time with the neighbor is pointless making her inclusion unnecessary, while the idea of what happens in the finale is severely ludicrous as well as quite underwhelming. It fits in terms of what's going on in the story, yet it still feels rushed, unexplained and doesn't come close to justifying what the final few scenes are trying to imply as they belong in a different movie altogether. As well, there's no blood or gore at all as nearly all the kills are off-screen without much in the way of bloodletting which would've added to the campy feeling. Otherwise, this one isn't that bad.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Violence.
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Not worth the watch. An epic failed, poorly made film.
darill-2802716 June 2020
This movie is garbage, it's like someone made it in he basement of their home with nothing to do. It was poorly made and the shark they used in this film was joke. An epic failed film. Better luck next time.
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RoboGarrett19 June 2020
This is just embarrassing. 99% of the budget must have gone to the poster and title which make it seem like it is at least possible this could be worth watching or at least funny. But no this is horrible in every way possible. A terrible script if there even is one at all, actors who are clearly just a group of friends who decided one day "let's make a movie!" and the lowest technical quality you can imagine. Why would you people even make this? Don't you feel any embarrassment?
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New torture device
horrorghostgirl5 September 2020
Either use this as a torture technique or give to someone you hate. My ailing family memeber said pull the plug. Its that bad. The only decent scene is the horrible cgi/green screen of the shark hand puppet. The only great scene is the ending of the credits.
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I would give it a 0 if I could
leonormine25 August 2020
I didn't have to watch the movie, just the trailer and I know this one of the worst movies ever. What the hell did the director have in mind? I hope no one spends money on this.
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I suffered trough this, but was rewarded with one laugh.
erlend-sto10 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I laughed once.


That was pretty funny.
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What's worse than a bad student film?
FeastMode14 June 2022
Imagine if a high school student with no interest in film had to make a movie for a class project and got a D-. That's the level of quality seen here. I kid you not, I cracked up two seconds into the opening shot, at the audio and video quality.

Every single aspect of this movie is an F. But it's pretty hilarious. I laughed a lot. I give it 6 stars on the SoBad scale. The only thing keeping it from being a rewatchable classic is that half the movie is long useless scenes of nothing. Padded with long opening credits and hilariously slow closing credits, the actual movie is only an hour. But you can see the struggle to make it feature length with all these annoyingly boring scenes of walking. (1 viewing, 6/13/2022)
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no no no and NO!
mimimlynarova11 September 2020
I dont know who rewied thi crap with 10 points but its a worst horror movie i have ever seen. Like the way the are speaking in movie its way beginners .. like a school movie they made i think but yeah i gave them one point for trying out and for that hard work they did .. also they act like they never had a partner before or sex. Seriously not worth it !
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What's with all the bad reviews? Lol.
swyd778831 May 2020
Seriously!? I haven't laughed so hard since I got stoned for the first time!! It's bloody hilarious! For example, "besides, I'd like to catch some rays", puts sunglasses on leans back to relax and take in the sun even though they're sat at picnic table that is completely sheltered. How poor/lazy a writer and/or director do you have to be to not say "wait a minute, maybe we should have her go in the sun for that line, what do you reckon?".

Or when the shark is chasing the girl and she proceeds to hide behind a tree and, thinking out loud, says "he wants the groceries" and throws the bag of shopping on the floor. Yes my love, the carnivorous, flying ghost shark wants your shopping.

And the Dad, how good is the Dad??? Absolutely legendary performance.

I'd love to know how much these people get paid for this because if it's even half decent I'm getting involved. I know people always say "I could do that" in relation to things that they probably couldn't but this? Bloody hell, I could, you could, anyone could do what they do and probably better because there's no way anyone could be worse!!!

I have thrown it a bone and given it a 4 though because I really did find quite a few moments hysterical.
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A Ridiculous Watch
AlihasanAgha21 June 2020
Albeit it's clear short comings, Ouija Shark did indeed give us an enjoyable adventure. Horror film with minimal gore. With it's near negligible budget it still managed to keep an entertained audience for the entirety of the movie. One that is self aware of its mediocrity in a more satirical sense. Unfortunately it is not a movie worth recommending in most cases due to its vague lack luster plot and it's often patchy acting, leaving there no character to root for. There were often scenes which added no benefit to character building or plot points. The death sequences in the film also lacked any aspect of gore, stealing from the horror movie vibe. Nevertheless the comical aura the movie held did a great deal in keeping us watching throughout. All in all I doubt I would watch this movie for a second time but i would certainly be interested in a sequel.
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Must watch under the influence
immortalpenguin-5974228 November 2021
I havent laughed so hard in my life. Just when you think this movie cant get any more absurd it gets 10x worse. Every 15 minutes you have to say omg this is the worst part then bam it strikes again.
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Teenage Girls are the Root of All Problems
ookpic-2874130 May 2020
Oh, those darn teenage girls; always messing with what they shouldn't be messing with. Rated 4 for following the Hollywood script for teenage girls, otherwise 2.
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Beneath the bottom of the barrel.
teebear81711 May 2021
Possibly the worst movie ever made. A growling shark? Growling????? So bad, no words can describe. Anhorantly bad. Worse that a high school play . Even the bikini clad girls were overweight or homely. The shark was a floating ghost who growls like a Tiger. Sharks dont have vocal chords. OMG!!!!! Even a 10 year old would be offended.
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Stupidest movie of the century
justwesley-7037220 September 2020
This movie will make you hate your entire existence!! It's not worth it!! Those involved in this movie needs to all go to jail...
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