HauntedWeen (1991) Poster


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Pretty silly, but mostly harmless
Wootwootwoots16 January 2008
I remember watching this movie many years ago with my cousins, my aunt, and her boyfriend. The latter, both more than 10 years older than me, were students at Western Kentucky University and had some friends who were in the movie, which is why we watched it in the first place. It made for a pleasant popcorn movie night, nothing too scary or overly risqué for a bunch of preteens. To answer a comment from another IMDb reviewer, it's not a wonder that not everyone in the movie was southern. The cast members were WKU students, who come from all over the country. I remember the movie as basically an excuse to show co-ed breasts and well-toned calf muscles (those hills around the campus are good for something!). But if you're into a bit of eye candy and an innocuous, generic horror plot, it's not the worst thing in the world you could watch. Honestly, I was surprised to find this movie listed on IMDb at all, since the budget was about $20.
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Another undeserved cult classic that's rare as hell... Warning: Spoilers
The nineties certainly didn't begin with a bang for the slasher genre, which had to be expected after its prolific population of horror cinema throughout the previous decade. Censorship restrictions and an extreme lack of any originality meant that the category had become a dumping ground for low-budget and low-quality independent movies that had somewhat lost the allure that made them so popular ten years earlier. It is widely considered that the last glory year was 1988, which saw the dying breath of the cycle unleash fairly intriguing titles like: Maniac Cop, Intruder, Evil Dead Trap and Edge of the Axe. From then on it was a downward spiral into mediocrity as throwaways like Frat Fright, Deliver us from Evil, Mirage and Live Girls put the final nails in the coffin. Hauntedween was another feature from the 'lost years' – a term that describes the gap between 1988 and the Scream rebirth in 1996. It has become so extraordinarily rare that many people regard it as a true cult classic. It also holds a huge fan base in Bowling Green, Kentucky, because it was filmed on location using local folk as extras.

In the prologue the camera heads along a country road that leads to a haunted house. There's a young child at the gate collecting the entrance fee from revellers that all comment on his dime store Halloween mask. Eddie Burber looks like a great prospect to become a junior serial slasher, mainly because he doesn't speak too much and as we all know REAL bogeymen are inexplicably muted. The point is proved when he enters the house of horror and chases a young girl until she ends up impaled on a bizarrely misplaced spike. Accidents do happen, but that can't be the excuse for young Eddie. He confirms his murderous intent by finishing the job with a huge machete that he seemed to conjure up from thin air. He escapes the scene of the crime and heads back home to his momma who informs him that they're going to have to go away for a while.

Twenty years down the line, we bump into the fully-grown Eddie and his mom living at a secluded ranch. Whilst chopping some firewood with a huge axe that I presume will play a part later in the feature, his mother drops to the floor, seemingly suffering from the most unconvincing heart attack ever filmed. The faceless bogeyman picks up the corpse of his parent and tells her "It's time to go home". Reguaws, Kentucky hasn't changed much over two decades, except now there's a new gang of thirty-year-old students in the Topshill State College. They're struggling with the threat of having their Sigma Pi fraternity closed if they can't come up with 37, 000 dollars in the next couple of weeks. Despite some bemusing moneymaking plans that include car washing (I know, I estimate that they'd have to scrub about 20, 000 cars!?), they settle with the idea of a haunted house at the home of the murderous child from the prologue. We all know how much Eddie enjoys attending these occasions, and he doesn't disappoint when he turns up with a creepy mask and a few maniacal tricks up his sleeves…

When reviewing a small production like this you have to take into account the meagre budget and inexperienced crew, which probably amounted to little more than a few men and a dog. Hauntedween is as subtly tongue in cheek as the incriminating title would lead you to believe. Although director Doug Robertson wisely avoided making this a rancid horror/comedy, he instead included bizarrely goofy characters that succeed only in stretching your patience. The signature comic relief guy sports the most unconvincing Southern accent since Annabelle Branford tried to get one over on Brett Maverick. There's also an 'English Rose' that's sounds about as Britannic as a Hot Dog on Super bowl Sunday. The heavily peroxided blonde lead may well be a cyborg, as she seems unable to portray any type of emotion. She also boasted a dodgy vocal twang, which left me waiting for the inevitable Hollywood 'Oirishman to complete the fake accent trophy cabinet. Fortunately, Robertson didn't stoop that low.

When the killer starts his rampage, he proves to be a real showman by murdering victims in front of a baying crowd that believe they're watching a 'theatrical performance'. Luckily for him he can keep up the act without any fringe of suspicion, as the special effects are as hokey as a Rolex on a backstreet market stall. There's a silly decapitation and little more than a half a dozen victims that all die extremely uninspiring deaths. But still it would be unfair to be too hard on the crew behind Hauntedween. Despite the similarities in the title and the overused masked killer storyline, it does at least TRY to add a little spice to the formula. It's just a shame that the glaring inexperience shines too brightly in the leading cast members. In fact the only people that look convincing are the numerous local extras that seem to be having the time of their life, especially the 'Mad Doctor' (Michael Switsgable).

So Hauntedween is yet another 'Cult Classic' that fails to live up to its status. One has to wonder what happened to the sequel that was promised in the closing credits. Perhaps common sense prevailed…?
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Entertaining No-Budget Slasher
sarastrahan-6118416 October 2021
For such a cheaply made, no-budget movie, HauntedWeen is at least entertaining for the most part. Acting, as expected, is about as bad as it gets at times with most of the cast either striking a chord somewhere between flat and monotone or so overly enthusiastic as to appear subhuman.

Some good kill scenes, effects, and setups that reminded me of newer films such as Hell Fest and Haunt. It's not a movie that anyone needs to be in a great hurry to see, but it kept me entertained.
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Local Cult Classic
fab613 September 2003
This movie is a cult classic among film students at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green. It's not a good movie, yet it is soooooo entertaining! Especially when you know good ol' BG like I do. Or even better yet, you know a lot of the crew members...like I do.

You really can't get this movie outside of Kentucky (you might be able to find it online somewhere), but I suggest watching it after you've watched Halloween.

It's just good dirty fun. Enjoy it with your friends and a good bit of alcohol. :)
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BandSAboutMovies7 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Bowling Green, Kentucky in 1991. Some may have been drinking all weekend, but Doug Robertson and his crew were making a slasher film, ten years or more after the boom. But that - and the lack of budget - don't matter. Because HauntedWeen has heart. And intestines. And blood. And, well, you get it.

Back in 1970, Eddie Burber wasn't old enough to work in his family's spookhouse. He responded to this by luring a girl into the place and impaling her, which caused the Burber's to pack up and disappear. Twenty years later and Eddie's mom, who kept him safe and free from the cops Bad Ronald mothering style has died of a heart attack. And the beloved haunted house is now owned by the Sigma Pi fraterity, who plan on opening it back up.

If you said out loud, "Bad idea," you know how these movies work.

Sure, there's nearly an hour of the frat boys and their relationship and financial problems, but you're a grown up now. You know that you don't need the orgasmic release of slasher murders immediately and you can pace yourself. Maybe this movie asks you to pace yourself a bit longer, but go with it. Because by the time we get there, little kids are watching college boys die and cheering along, unaware that the death is all real. Movies like this and The Funhouse have made me never want to go to a scare house or haunted dark ride because I know for sure that there are real murderers everywhere. I also avoid Tourist Traps. After all, young people disappear every year.
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Not Bad
pizowell14 August 2001
Haunted-ween is a better than average slasher about a group of college kids having a party in a haunted house to raise money. The acting is pretty bad, for some reason casting directors never cast actual southern people to play southern characters and it shows in this flick. But it does have some good slashings, a couple of really cool ones. The end is pretty dumb, but nonetheless I'd say check it out.
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nothing special, just a good bit of fun.
lakenstein19 July 2008
I don't really like most horror films from the 1990s. I feel that the 1990s was the worst decade for horror films, with tons upon tons of horror films that were just well were not very good, and this movie well, it's not well acted but at least you can tell the people who were making it had a good time doing so. it's silly, yes, but it was also a rather enjoyable romp. It is certainly better then a whole shitload of horror films that were made between 1990 - 1999, and frankly that's good enough for me.

A slight recommendation, rent or buy a copy if you can find it cheap at a local video store. It's not going to be your new favorite horror film but it's a good way to spend 90 minutes.
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I watch this movie on vhs a lot
eadkison-448941 October 2023
I found this movie in 2001 at a local video store's "for sale rack" not knowing what it was, I've thoroughly enjoyed it every few years since. It was also fun to see it was filmed at Western University in Ky and I live across the state in Louisville. It's full of boob action and light on the blood which is nice because I'm usually No into slasher. There's a lot of corny things in it that I think of from time to to time. The silly theme song in it is terrible but it's going to get stuck in your head forever. There's a lot of stuff to laugh at watching it now. The poofy hair and ignorant lines that the girls have to say. Also funny, how all the people that live in this town at the haunted house must be sadomasochist "like kill her!!! Yeahh! I know there was a documentary about the movie too and I look forward to watching it.
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1 weird trap and lots of victims!
TopBrim19 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved Haunted Ween and saw glorious torture and deaths of fraternity and sorority students by another deranged psycho. Decent fraternity brothers and sisters are out for honest fund raising and celebrate hard. I thought the show was low budget as well as the generic actors but enjoyed the somewhat humorous approach that the story took. At least the ending is destructive to everybody. This movie fades in memory, at least mine, like slashers movies going by the wayside. I recommend showing your support by booing the villain's antics and not go into shock caused from the indifference shown by the group being slaughtered! People who love silly morbidity should like this film.
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Cheesy concoction of stupidity
flowasis22 January 1999
By far the worst horror movie I have ever seen. It has the potential of a bad Pauly Shore movie with the filmmaking of Ernest Goes to School. The music sounds like something I would hear playing Duke Nukem on the computer. The story is very cheesy and driven by God knows what, the acting is even more cheesy. I though Meateater was bad, but this one defiantly takes the cake. At least Meateater lacked only acting, this movie lacks everything. I understand where the story came from, but is so stupid I can't see why someone actually put it on paper. Let's bash the cinematography shall we. There is no color in this movie. I love the old horror movie film quality (not necessarily vintage type film), but in order to set a mood you must have that quality, whether it's in lighting, filters, gels, etc. This movie lacked all of that and was so bad I could barely sit through the whole thing. That's why I kept my hand on the fast forward button. I have seen bad horror movies, but they are usually bad because of acting, or they have unrealistic situations, or poorly driven story line. I don't know what drives a person to make crap like this, but I really hope the pathetic actors choose to leave this off their resumes.
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Not about a possessed hotdog, but still worth some relish.
moycon11 October 2020
This forgotten slasher is obviously very low budget but is in my opinion a lot of fun, and they did much with very little. Had this been released about a decade earlier, it probably would have had a much bigger following, Many early horror films received a boost from the new video market of the early 80s. Distributers were pulling out anything horror to satisfy the demand. HauntedWeen would have filled that demand nicely I think.

There is not much plot, there's not a lot of backstory, there is no huge twist at the end. Many of the early scenes are more like a bad Animal House rip-off than a horror film, but I think there was a genuine attempt at character development, and while the acting isn't great, it works. Another nice inclusion are lots of boobies, and not just the plastic kind on a size zero. A scene with the frat on a pontoon showcases a seriously thick girl who isn't ashamed of anything. Shes really got the junk in he trunk something rarely seen in any film. I liked this film a lot more than I was expecting. It's nothing ground breaking, or thought provoking, but it scratches that Halloween itch for me. To sum it up boobs, blood and Burber House. Check it out!
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Great Sorority Slasher Film!
socialxcancer22 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is actually a pretty rad movie. I like the plot. Pretty unique low budget sorority slasher flick. The kill room idea for the haunted house is just awesome!. All the people thinking it's just part of the show. I would recommend this to any fan of sorority slasher films. Very fun!. You should really check this out!
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Excellent movie. Takes place in exciting Bowling Green, Kentucky
johnr-413 October 1998
Excellent movie! My wife is in this movie.

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