Flesh-Eating Mothers (1988) Poster

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Always stupid, but sometimes fun
Tito-811 April 2000
Well, this film has pretty much everything you would probably expect in a movie called "Flesh Eating Mothers". It has poor effects, a weak story, and of course, there are some AMAZINGLY bad actors. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that this is a bad movie. In fact, it's rather funny at times, and some of these laughs even seemed to be intentional. In fact, if it wasn't for a predictable and generally dull conclusion, I'd probably recommend this to people. As it is, it's not a bad way to kill 90 minutes, especially if you like low-budget stupidity.
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So Bad That Becomes Funny
claudio_carvalho4 June 2015
In a small town, the mothers unexpectedly become cannibals, eating their husbands and children. The police officer Cylde McDormick (Mickey Ross) kills his ex-wife when she attacks him after eating their son, but the chief of police Dixon (Ken Eaton) accuses McDormick and arrests him. Meanwhile a group of sons and daughters flee from their mothers. When McDormick escapes from prison, he meets the coroner Dr. Lee Grouly (Michael Fuer) that believes in him. Dr. Grouly researches the tissue from McDormick's ex-wife and his nurse Felicia Dodd (Carolyn Gratsch) discovers a venereal virus and the antidote. Meanwhile Dixon sends Officer Hitchcock (Morty Kleidermacher) to kill McDormick. What is Dixon hiding?

"Flesh Eating Mothers" is a trash so bad that becomes funny. The story and screenplay are ridiculous; the production, direction, performances, camera and lighting are amateurish; the sets and scenarios are poor. The special effects are laughable with lots of ketchup. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "Festim do Inferno" ("Feast from Hell")
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Funny. I felt like my brain was being eaten.
NightOfTheLivingDon19 September 2007
I am a B-Horror Movie junkie. I am an avid collector of blood-soaked schlock. Bad horror movies, in my eyes, "complete the circle" (its so bad it becomes good again by circling back up the quality loop) "Flesh Eating Mothers" is one of the only movies that I've ever seen that pulls a 520 on said loop. It is so bad that it surpasses the good mark and circles back down to the very bottom. I don't know how it did it, but it sure did. The film had all the tools to be a great cheesy horror flick. An 'out there' premise incorporating zombies, some corny-yet-amusing humor, sex, violence...in its respective field, it should have been a homerun! However, the very things that could have made it into a good-bad movie ultimately lead to its demise. The script became too corny, the plot became way too drawn out, the sex and violence became very sparse, and the action was just too too bad. It is up there with the most painfully long 89 minutes in film history.

As a lover of bad film, I cannot turn those brave enough to pop this one into their players away. By all means, see it so that you may form your own opinions. Just don't say I didn't warn you.
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The Sadir of Horror Movies
mprins10 December 1998
One can truthfully say that Flesh Eating Mothers is one of the worst horror movies ever written, directed, and acted. But one can also say that for pure camp enjoyment, there are few movies that are its equal. Insane, irreverent, and utterly incredible, Flesh Eating Mothers is a must-see for all those who enjoy watching awful movies more than they enjoy seeing good ones.
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Chewed out by mom
nogodnomasters24 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film has a clever idea. An STD is transmitted from Roddy Douglas (Louis Homyak) to all of his conquests. The virus turns women who have had children in flesh eaters including super human strength and zombie teeth.

The film had Troma style body parts and blood squirts, but lacked the character and dialogue to be a cult classic.

Okay as a rental. "Breathless" is a superior film.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. No nudity. Adult themes.
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Trash for lovers of bad movies only
Stevieboy66629 April 2019
Suburban comedy horror about a sexually transmitted disease that turns mothers into flesh eating, zombie-like cannibals. This was obviously made on a shoe string. Everything about it is cheap. The acting is simply awful. Some of the actors playing teens look about 30. Despite being an American film the soundtrack oddly goes for an Aboriginal sound throughout. Plenty of gore, cheap looking but it is fun. This movie is intended as a comedy and it is fun at times. But there is no hiding its amateurish and cheap look. For lovers of bad movies only!
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It has it moments...
michaelamay30 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
No real spoilers, just mention of two plot events.

Flesh eating mothers. What can one say about a film that starts off terrible and actually gets worse from there? IT'S GREAT!!! Now seriously, what does one really expect from a movie with this title, it has to be bad. Bad acting, bad direction (I take that back, there's no direction), and the most laugh out loud special effects and sound effects ever to grace the silver screen. **I have a piece of trivia about the movie. Several reviews mention the park scene where the kids crack up laughing then they talk about their mothers eating their baby brother. Turns out that was the best take they could get. The actors knew they were in a crappy movie and just could not get through the dialog without laughing. :) ** The bad film work, sound, acting, effects (including the animated virus under a microscope that put pacman to shame), and premise of the film makes it a must for anyone who loves terrible movies. I know you are out there all you z grade movie fans, so rent this one and you won't be disappointed. Well you will be disappointed, but that's the whole point :)
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campy low budget laugh
wrlang25 January 2007
Flesh Eating Mothers, well what can one say. The title sounded hilarious and it was campy kind of funny with some gags and enough special effects to make a go of a horror film. Mothers get a venereal disease that turns them into flesh eating wicked looking gangs. Of course the film was made back in the day when VD was easily cured. There is not much to compliment here, but I think they were just trying to make a film with a funny theme to get people's attention. They seemed to have a lot of fun making it and I can just imagine what the outtakes would have looked like if they were included. In the end, this is a class D film.
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A awful movie from the late 80's
lovelysweets10 February 2022
I never heard of this movie before. I saw this on the comet channel. Having a teenage girl walking in on dear old mom eating her baby brother and laughing about while she's high when telling a friend. This movie sucks I wouldn't recommend this movie. The question is why only the woman getting an std and go nuts the men are the carriers? So if you see this on tv or in the store don't bother it sucks.
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Desperate Housewives on Acid
Coventry16 December 2009
Depending on your state of mind and personal standards (obviously mine were very low this time), "Flesh Eating Mothers" can be considered a delightful and charming low-budget late 80's splatter comedy. Of course this is pretty stupid, but if you go into this expected anything else than inane and offensive trash, you only have yourselves to blame people! In a happy little suburban community, the middle-aged mommies suddenly all synchronously develop cannibalistic appetites and begin to devour their husbands and children. The cause of all this tomfoolery is a venereal infection caused by overactive and hyper-sleazy jogging Casanova. Oh he's quite the "stud", all right, especially with his massively hairy chest and smooth talking skills. The adolescents try to fight back, as well as a fugitive copper (the first reasonable man to shoots his cannibalistic wife straight through the head) and a really short coroner. "Flesh Eating Mothers" is a nice and tacky time-waster with cheesy gore effects that are explicit but nevertheless too absurd to shock anyone. For example, there's a particular sequence in which a bunch of women literally tear apart a security guard. The scene is gross but at the same time quite hilarious. Yeah, the execution is pretty clumsy, but hey, at least this film is a lot better than the similarly themed (but also enjoyable) "Rabid Grannies". The teenager characters are surprisingly likable and the goofy soundtrack is irresistibly cheerful. Also, the script contains a lot of really lame and clichéd humor that you can't help but laugh at. Even if they're cannibals, the women remain concerned whether or not they turned off the oven before leaving the house and even in between human meals they debate their silverware. The midget coroner finds love in the arms of a doctor's assistant who's about twice his size and, when seen through a microscope, the venereal disease looks like a badly animated cartoon. The absolute OTT offensive highlight of "Flesh Eating Mothers" features two hungry wives fighting over a cat and literally break it in two. Watch it, if you have a wretched sense of humor!
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Bring Your Own Malox
Zantara Xenophobe19 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING: This review contains some spoilers, so you might not want to read it. Mostly, it is just minor plot spoilers.

Depression. It can make people do some really stupid things. If I am depressed when I waltz into my local video rental store, I endanger myself to a quite annoying side effect of renting in themes. For example, I was once down enough to rent `The House on Sorority Row,' `Slumber Party Massacre 3,' and `The Last Slumber Party' all on the same day. Now those first two were actually really good slasher movies, but the last one mentioned was possible the worst movie I have ever seen. Today I rented in themes and got `Rabid Grannies' and `Flesh Eating Mothers.' While I nearly liked the first movie, `Flesh Eating Mothers' challenges `The Last Slumber Party' in its badness. Think of anything in a movie (directing, writing, acting, editing, etc.), anything at all, and I guarantee you that it is done with complete ineptness in this movie.

Here is the pitiful plot. The movie is set in a small town, where most horror movies are set. One particular married man happens to have trouble keeping control of his pants, and sleeps around with various women in the town. He's got a virus, a weird STD that he spreads to the women he fools around with. This virus has a terrible effect on women that have had children: it causes them to crave human flesh, even altering their facial features and making them look like rejects from `Return of the Living Dead.' One woman, the ex-wife of a cop, is affected first and devours her child. Her ex-husband arrives to catch her in the act, and shoots her in self-defense. Enter the film's pseudo villain, who's either a judge, a district attorney, or a high ranking policeman. If they mentioned what he was, I missed it, but I am guessing it is the latter. A few years earlier, his wife turned cannibal and chewed his arm off before he shot her, and he covered it up. He covers this new incident up, presumably to avoid comparisons with his past, so the only person that believes the cop is the friendly coroner. When four more mothers simultaneously go berserk and start munching on folk, their children band together and decide `they are responsible for their own mothers' actions.' If you can read that line again without laughing than this movie was made for you.

Not convinced yet by that awe-inspiring plot? Well, let's move on to some other aspects of the film. As I mentioned, everything is inept. Most notably, the direction. Things lurch from one scene to another with virtually no continuity or pace; it really feels like they were making this up as they went along, which is never a good idea. You are led to believe the cop is the main character, but he is removed from the film halfway through and the scene is done really poorly. The picture quality is dark and ugly, in a filthy sort of way…and cheap sort of way. That might have been passable ten years earlier, but this is 1989 we're talking about. Acting….I expect acting to be marginally good. Many movies are slammed for bad acting, but most of those are at least decent. But I haven't seen acting as bad as what this movie contains since seeing cheesy plays other kids put on in grade school. But even these pale in comparison to some of the special effects. First, there is the gore. Blood spurts out of people in a real sloppy way. That might be expected, but combined with the ugly cinematography it is worse that what it should be. There are also sound effects that were edited in. When the mothers eat, cover your ears! They insert laughable chewing and burping noises which do not fit the mouths of the actresses. Worst of all is the sound when they sink their teeth into people. I don't know about you, but I sure didn't know human beings crunched like fresh apples. It felt like the people who did sound effects for the Three Stooges shorts showed up for this one, too. And then there is the virus. When a nurse and the coroner peer into a microscope, they actually show this virus. It is an ANIMATED CARTOON! Seriously, this little brown dot that resembles Pac-Man is seen munching up the insides of a cell. It's so ridiculous it's funny. It makes me wonder if they just took an outdated school educational health film from the early seventies and inserted it into the scene.

Still not convinced? Well ponder this…At one point the villain is woefully discussing the happenings, claiming that the virus is `and act of God.' That this was `His answer to infidelity.' This is a sexist virus. Yes, it is, because it ONLY affects WOMEN, and only ones that have had children. Keep in mind that the person going around spreading the virus is a MARRIED MAN. Three of the five mothers that turn cannibal are widowed or divorced. What is this trying to say about infidelity? That men can fool around all they want and it is okay but with women it is a different story? And what does this say about what they believe God thinks on the subject? As if that wasn't offensive enough, let's not leave out the violence. I like the idea of a film breaking the taboo on killing off a child character, but here it couldn't be more tasteless. Mothers eating their (crispy crunchy) infants alive. And what happens to a cat crossed the line for me. This is not a horror-comedy that you may have been led to believe by the title or movie box. It is pure horror…in more ways than one. So, reader, beware of depression. It could lead you to rent one of the worst experiences of your life. Zantara's score: 1 out of 10.
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The most fun you'll ever have being stupefied!
alanmora12 December 2006
This is a fine example of bad acting and effects taken to just the right extreme to make for a cult classic! There's one bad line after another to make you chuckle and of course plenty of scenes that make you say "What the heck was that?" or "Wait a minute...what just happened?". The plot is good...a sexually transmitted disease is spread around town by the local gigolo which is only effective in women who have had children. The result? Biddies that bite! This little gem leaves very little to the imagination arms are chewed off, babies are eaten, and penises are devoured! A lot of fun...great to watch while you're drinking!
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A Campy Tromatic Experience
LeeVanNero7 April 2017
that plays out like a Scooby Doo adventure directed by a young John Waters. Acting and script right up there with the likes of Flesh Gordon, and possibly made on an even smaller budget. Mostly lame S/E and make up, though some reasonably well done gore. But great fun, and certainly entertaining. For fans of Troma, and kitsch comedy horror !
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A Classic From My Childhood...
jwilliams-bonusstage4 November 2006
Agreed. Wretched movie, but when I first saw this movie, I was 9 years old, and this and Troll 2 totally creeped me out to no end! I kept thinking that my mom was going to eat me and stuff. Since I love milk, she still, to this day, asks me "Have you had your milk today?". I want to find this on DVD, as I'm sure it's absolutely hilarious to watch now!

My only question seriously is whether Eli Roth would be up for doing a sequel or update to this film. I hate his work, personally, and Hostel was a pathetic film. Nonetheless, he's the current king of gore IMO, so it would be nice to see him give this film a much needed update for the younger crowd!
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Wonderfully Awful
paradox196021 May 2004
I LOVE this movie! It's one of the absolute WORST productions of a film I've ever seen. The acting, the directing, the special effects, even the lighting absolutely STINK! The scene with the two kids getting high and laughing their butts off talking about her mother eating her baby brother just had me ROLLING on the floor it was so poorly done. The very idea of a sexually transmitted zombie virus is so stupid I can't for a second believe anyone meant this movie to be taken seriously. A must-see if, like me, you're a fan of the hilariously god-awful!
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As awful as it sounds, real bottom of the barrel stuff. Avoid at all costs!
poolandrews15 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This absolutely wretchedly bad film opens with Commissioner Dixon (Ken Eaton) running through a wood with one of his arms missing, blood dripping onto the ground. He sees his wife Elisa (Lori Gustafson) turns round and fire his shotgun. Roddy Douglas (Louis Homyak) is the local stud who appears to be having, or has had in the past an affair with just about every woman in the film. Nurse Felicia Dodd (Carolyn Gratsch) informs her boss, Dr. Bass (Allen Lewis Rickman as Allen Rickman) that a sample taken from Douglas has been tested and she has some surprising results, Dr. Bass doesn't seem interested. Meanwhile there has been various instances of cannibalism among the towns female community. Sheriff Clyde McDormick (Mickey Ross) visits his ex-wife Lous (Marie Micheals) and finds her eating their son Billy (Scott Lerner). He shoots her. Other acts of cannibalism occur, Roddy's wife Sylvia (Katherine Mayfield) eats their baby, for instance. It soon becomes clear that Roddy has passed on some sort of viral disease that only affects women that have had children, it's as stupid as it sounds just don't ask. McDormick teams up with the local coroner Dr. Lee Grouley (Micheal Fuer) to try and figure out whats going on. Meanwhile the flesh-eating mothers remaining offspring Linda Douglas (Donatella Hecht), Joyce Shepard (Valorie Hubbard), Jeff Nathan (Robert Lee Oliver), Timmy Nolan (Terry Hayes) and Rinaldi Vivaldo (Neal Rosen) decide to take responsibility for their mothers actions and also set out to try and stop them.

Co-written, co-produced and directed by the extremely untalented James Aviles Martin I hated this film. Simply hated it. Everything about it is absolutely terrible. The photography is of home camcorder quality, the music is awful as well, the sound is so badly recorded I could barely hear what people were saying and James mate, next time you want to record live sound make sure it's not next to a busy main road! It would be nice to actually hear what the characters were saying, you know what I mean? Production design is none existent, the whole film appears to be shot in about three different streets and some of the cast and crews houses. The gore is pretty tame, there's a bitten off arm, a few gunshot wounds and a sequence where a cop is eaten, but it looks awful. When Dr. Grouley and Felicia are examining some blood samples the microscopic image of the cells are hand drawn animation, it's the first time I've ever seen blood cells with faces and arms! I'm not joking, seriously the filmmakers depict blood under a microscope as cartoon characters bumping into each other! The script by Aviles Martin and Zev Schlasinger is predictably rubbish, boring, stupid, nothing happens for any reason and the dialogue sounds like it was written (and with the actors on show delivered) by a five year old. This is the kind of film that has a great eye-catching cool sounding title and gory over the top artwork on the video box but in the end is total crap, we've all been conned in this way. Please don't waste your time watching this film, I hated it, simple as that really. If I can can prevent, no save just one person from watching this piece of sewer scum by writing this review then it's been worth it. Probably one of the worst horror films I've ever had the misfortune to sit through, once again please avoid this crap at all costs!
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So bad, it's terrible!!!...
FlashCallahan28 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After sleeping around with the town's population of mothers, a man spreads a cannibalistic venereal disease to each woman.

The result turns the two timing mothers into flesh eating diseased cannibals as they turn on their children for food.

The teens must somehow inject the antidote into the rear-end of their own mothers before they too become dinner.......

Could Flesh Eating Mothers be the first faith based movies ever committed to celluloid?

We have the subliminal message of 'look what will happen if thou covets thy neighbours wife', and obviously the disease spreading Judas who looks like a cut price Robert Davi, trying to emulate Forrest Gump.

So the message of this film is, always stay faithful, because if you don't,your children will suffer.

Such a deep message for a film called Flesh Eating Mothers.

But the film is terrible, and I have no time for people who say 'well what d'ya expect? Lawrence Of Arabia?'.

No, when a film is called FEM, I expect something camp, tongue in cheek, and entertaining. What I don't expect is a poorly acted, terribly lit (the morgue scene is hilarious), and some really poor make up.

It's as if the makers thought the title would sell the film alone and did rush job on the production.

Terrible, in every sense of the word.

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Terrible mess
pumaye11 March 2003
This is a serious candidate for worst horror movie of all time, with bad acting, modest special effects (it's gory, but not really well done), silly and terrible lines (like the teens meeting in the basketball field after having seen their mothers ate their brothers or fathers talking like they need deciding which kind of shoes wear for the night... no comment), a plot with holes big enough to let pass a train inside... I have no more words to waste for such an inept effort.
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A one-joke film
preppy-32 May 2012
Simply awful film about suburban mothers who become cannibals and start eating their children...and other things.

I caught this lousy movie at a theatre back in 1988. The crowd was mostly college kids (the film is unrated but a big sign outside the theatre said, "No one under 17 admitted--this means YOU!") and we were all rearing to go and enjoy a gory, stupid and fun movie. Well it was gory and VERY stupid...but no fun at all. The script was horrible, the acting lousy, the makeup (and I use that term loosely) was pathetic and it just ended up being boring and insulting. Except for some scattered laughs at some of the dialogue ("What's eating you?") the audience just sat there in stunned silence. You might want to see this just because of the title but seriously--the title is the only funny thing about this! A 1 all the way.
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bigpappa1--21 June 2000
The mothers of a small town that have committed adultry are infected with a virus that makes them crave the flesh of their children and eat it. One of the worse directed, scripted, and acted films I have ever seen. The film looks cheap and the effects are laughable. Avoid it, unless you are an undemanding viewer. My rating: 2 out of 10.
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Enjoyable low-budget horror
hyxtryx14 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is mostly a rebuttal to all the negative reviews this movie got. Warning: there are spoilers in here, so don't read on if you don't want some of the movie spoiled.

I can't believe so many people hated this movie. What did you expect from a movie called "Flesh Eating Mothers"? Academy Award winning material? It's got a schlock-horror title, it's going to be schlock-horror! Anybody who watched this movie, obviously chose it because of it's title. And that's exactly what you got - Flesh Eating Mothers!

Aside from the fact that it involves... possession, I guess you could say... the premise is pretty unique. Where else have you seen a movie about mild mannered mothers turning into raving cannibals after contracting a sexually transmitted disease?

Granted, the acting is sub-par in a lot of areas, but I found many of the scenes quite funny. How can you not laugh at Rinaldi's mom ending his punishment early and letting him out of his room to have dinner, and asking him if he knows how veal is made, while at the same time tenderizing him to become veal himself... and then bites him on the forehead! The acting in that scene was fine for what it was! It was mostly supposed to be funny, and it succeeded! I don't care about the glass of milk. It's a magic glass. :')

Another scene where the awkward guy/girl are sitting on a park bench getting high and talking for pretty much the first time: Guy:"so what's eating you?" Girl:"I saw my father kissing a strange woman, I mean he had his hands all over her" Guy:"that's pretty bad." Girl:"not as bad as seeing my mom >bursts out laughing from the pot< eat my baby brother!" ... Girl:"No, no, I'm serious. I saw my mother eating my baby brother."

The attempt to convey the double emotion in there was a nice touch, and the way the actress pulled it off in the movie was great I thought.

One reviewer below mentioned a midget. There were no midgets in this movie. Another said that this was a Christian splatter film. While it did mention God, that doesn't mean it was a "Christian" movie. By that token, The Exorcist and Frailty would be Christian movies. And to the reviewer that asked "what does this movie say about adultery? That the men can get away with it and the women can't?" Well, the man didn't survive to tell the tale in the end, did he? And even if there is a bit of one-sidedness to it, the movie is called Flesh Eating MOTHERS. If the men turned cannibal too, it'd be a different movie. And it'd be missing that dichotomy of the fairer sex - mother's no less - being made to be the violent flesh-ripping beasts instead of the usual male in the role.

People talked about how badly the movie was made. If you want to see worse acting, check out "Redneck Zombies" (a good movie in its own right). If you want to see worse acting, script, and plot, check out "Children Shouldn't play with Dead Things". You'll think "Flesh Eating Mothers" is a masterpiece by comparison!
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Campy nonsense
Leofwine_draca24 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The title makes this sound like an exploitative Troma film but in fact it's a very low budget indie horror/thriller with comedic touches. The plot sees a cannibal virus spreading through a small town and only attacking women, hence the title. The town's menfolk have to figure out a way to save their loved ones while a series of very low budget gore scenes takes place, none of which are remotely believable. I think the filmmakers had no choice but to go for a campy approach as there's no way anybody was going to take this lighthearted nonsense seriously. Expect wooden acting, OTT villains, a handful of decent FX and general boredom.
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A gloriously sick and nasty hoot and a half
Woodyanders7 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Blackly amusing horror satire hits an all-time hilariously harsh and unmerciful zenith with this savagely funny, acidic and over-the-top no-holds-barred wholesale darkly comedic assault on two sacred all-American institutions: the sanctity of motherhood and the alleged tranquility of drably affluent middle-class suburbanite existence. A prolific married philander infects several frowzy bored-stiff homebody housefraus with a strange virus which turns the formerly sweet and harmless gals into lethal fiends with an insatiable craving for human flesh. Pretty soon the monstrous cannibalistic matrons are embarking on an all-out murderous spree: Among the grisly splatter highlights are a bang-up bloodthirsty pre-credits sequence depicting a hapless guy blowing away his wife with a shotgun after she rips his arm off, a mother-daughter coalition meeting that degenerates into a ghastly orgy of out of control violence, a severed hand in a refrigerator, a fat corrupt cop being graphically dismembered and ravenously devoured, another police officer filling his bestial better half full of lead when he catches her snacking on her own son, a hateful abusive drunk receiving a suitably brutal retribution from his formerly passive, now quite deadly and aggressive spouse, a cat being torn in half after the maniacal mommies find the cute little kitty hiding in a dumpster, and, most shocking of all, a baby boy getting noshed on. Besides the righteously copious and revolting gore, this film further delights viewers by boldly bucking standard genre conventions. For example, the police prove to be useless incompetents, so it's up to a motley bunch of teenagers which include a surly loner juvenile delinquent hoodlum to save the day. Sure, this movie has its fair share of flaws (flat photography, wildly uneven acting, a tinny, gratingly redundant score), but the ample explicit bloodshed, a few choice campy lines ("What are we supposed to do, stay here and have our a**es chewed out by our mothers?"), and especially the joyfully vicious take-no-prisoners nihilistic humor secure this honey's status as one supremely twisted treat just the same.
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Flesh Eating Mothers Eating My Brain!
CMRKeyboadist27 May 2006
Well, Flesh Eating Mothers is definitely as "B" a movie as they come. Although, anyone who knows anything about "B" horror films will realize that this is by far not the worst out of the genre. Flesh Eating Mothers is a film with tacky comedy, a few decent gore moments, and several little kids getting eaten.

Basically, a venereal disease gets out in a small suburban town and a group of about 6 mothers catch the disease. It starts out with simple hunger then mutates into blood thirst. Soon after, these mothers don't know what they are doing and start eating their children and everyone else around them. The only hope for the town is a group of teenagers that won't stand by and see their mothers eating everyone. How can they stop the onslaught? I first saw this movie back in 1998 when I worked at a Video Warehouse. I had just about seen every horror film in there except for Flesh Eating MOthers and head to rent it. Well, I liked it enough to search for it 7 years later and now have a fairly decent copy of the film. Whether it is uncut, I don't know. But the gore is adequate in the film with a few scenes here and there. The best gore scene is when one of the mothers rips the side of her husbands face off. The acting was as expected, bad. But could have been even worse. The script was bad. Most of the movie was bad. Don't get me wrong, it is still a fun movie, just don't be expecting to see something like "Brain Dead" or "Premutos". 6/10
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Really, Really Bad
phredd86757 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Man, this movie is bad! So bad that it is pretty funny to watch. Bad acting, bad dialog. I just finished watching it and I have to say that I was just shaking my head in disbelief at the whole entire mess. Don't get me wrong, I love movies like this. And believe it or not, it's not the worst one I've ever seen. Hence, only a score of two stars instead of one. My dad and I use to rent movies based on the poor reviews and silly titles. I hope some of the actors went on to bigger and better things and put this one behind them. Far, far behind them! -SPOILERS!!- Is it just me or by the end of the movie did some the mothers look a little bit like the Joker with the stretched out mouths?
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