Released on the 32nd anniversary of Black Tuesday . . .
15 May 2024
. . . the main date associated with the onset of the world's Great Depression, leading to World War Two, this Bullwinkel's Corner spin on MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB ranks as an equally important October 29 red letter date. Environmentalists generally cite the malicious mutterings of a moose and squirrel, as they heap praise upon the bald eagle-killing insecticide D. D. T., as the initial inspiration for Today's Environmental Movement. Within weeks of LAMB's screening, Rachel Carson dashed off her SILENT SPRING expose to rebut the malarkey promoting Big Business and Corporate Cataclysm on The Bullwinkle Show, highlighting how seldom-tested modern chemicals were endangering every aspect of Life on Planet Earth. Therefore, Rocky and Bullwinkle deserve a back-handed compliment for Saving the World.
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