Tries something new but self-sabotatged
6 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie could have been fantastic. They could have expanded the Producer's story, he was an under-used character.

The whole movie was terrific, and, the climax, where the side-kicks head was twisted, that was the logical end of the movie.

After that, well, it's exposition, trying to "explain" the movie. It was totally unnecessary. The result was, a massive anticlimax. This was poor writing, and I'm amazed this wasn't fixed. Maybe they went over-budget, who knows.

It's a real shame as the movie was pretty good, especially by Netflix's movie-by-committee soulless standards.

The Exorcist is compared the most, but this movie, I think, copies the Omen more, especially Omen II, which has the TV scene. The Omen series of movies did the possessed infant MUCH better however.

They can't make movies like they used to!
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