A fun bus ride to the polar extremes of political correctness
20 April 2024
A 1986/Showa era middle-aged man, Ichiro Ogawa, finds himself in 2024/Reiwa Japan. At first utterly baffled, almost every word out of his mouth causes offence, but he starts to learn about modern life and behaviours.

Much of the plot revolves around the Ogawa family's future - and past - and Ichiro's clumsy efforts to avert his teenage daughter's 'hanky-panky', as he bounces back and forward in time, with additional stories particularly in the modern timeline.

There are quite a few Japanese pop culture references, but the plot is never dependent on these, so no matter for other viewers. The series maintains a rapid pace, both comedic and dramatic. Just hold your nose so your ears don't go 'eeee' - it can be a bumpy ride, especially when they break into song, but it's warm-hearted at its core.
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