This picture is so controversial because . . .
17 April 2024
. . . it comes off as more of a documentary depicting Real Life events ripped from Today's headlines than a run-of-the-hill horror flick in an existing film franchise. As veterans of THE SPOTLIGHT or AGNES OF GOD well know, America currently is being mismanaged by a nefarious ancient sect's cult, controlling every aspect of our increasingly Medieval Life from Dark Ages medical care to a ludicrous Kangaroo High Court. At the rate things are going, orders may come down from the Satanic Sect spotlit during THE FIRST OMEN disallowing women from voting or owning any property in our U. S. Homeland. OMEN also shows none's running amok during their Rumple-Springer season, engaging in notoriously randy debauchery designed to activate their demon sprouts to destroy Life as we've known it. Be afraid of women in the outfits of Antarctic avian waddling birds. Be very afraid.
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