Doubtless the most nostalgic part of this episode . . .
7 April 2024
. . . is the segment titled BULLWINKLE'S CORNER: FAN CLUBV #8. It features an event depicting Natasha Fatale and Captain Peter "Wrong-way" Peach-fuzz competing within potato sacks--with the Naval Hero's loaded down with 100 pounds of said root vegetables! --while Bullwinkle J. Moose and Boris Bad-Enough are both sporting flour bags. Rocket J. Squirrel is serving as the starter for this event. It all brings to mind stories my grandpa told me about Life in the 1900's, particularly Fourth of July picnics at the Sunday Lake VFW Post. Sack races were staples of these celebrations, along with greased pole climbs, oiled pig chases, ladies' shoe-kicking competition, long-range egg-throwing--a couples' activity and parachutists plunging into the copper-red lake. Regarding sack races, Grand Pops always said that the key to winning was knowing how to operate the equipment.
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