song sung blue
3 April 2024
Greetings again from the darkness. If you are one for whom hearing a particular song, no matter how many times over however many years, brings back vivid memories of a person close to you or a memorable event, then you will likely relate to Harriet, the lead character in this film from writer-director Ned Benson (THE DISAPPEARANCE OF ELEANOR RIGBY, 2014). Additionally, if you have tragically lost someone special to you and find yourself cloaked in unshakeable grief, then you will also likely find common ground with Harriet.

Harriet (Lucy Boynton, so good in SING STREET, 2016) wears noise-cancelling headphones whenever she is in public. She is so concerned with controlling the songs she hears, that she now works in a library for the serenity that silence brings. These steps are for a good reason ... they protect her from instantaneously being transported back in time to a specific moment with her beloved boyfriend Max (David Corenswet, "Hollywood" mini-series, and he's the new Superman). For Harriet, these aren't merely flashbacks or memories - she is physically transported back in time when she hears a song. Rather than HOT TUB TIME MACHINE, she's living "Hi-Fidelity Time Machine". Her trip only lasts as long as the song is playing, yet she has no control. Once back in real time, she is viewed as having had a seizure. It's frightening stuff for her. However, instead of being concerned about her health, she is intent on finding the song that takes her back to the moment she can change the past and prevent the accident that cost Max his life.

Harriet's BFF Morris (Austin Crute, BOOKSMART, 2019), a local DJ, has been very supportive of her grief, but it's been two years since Max died, and Morris wants his friend to move on with life. Hope springs when Harriet meets David (a terrific Justin Min, "Beef") at a grief counseling group event. The two are understandable tentative around each other, yet it's obvious David is a good dude with the necessary patience to allow her to work through her grief. Harriet's case of déjà vu with David comes full circle, and adds a nice touch to the delicate situation they find themselves locked in.

Wanting to change the past is something we have all thought of at one time or another, yet the physical transformations that Harriet experiences feel like something beyond science fiction, and bordering on psychological torture. Filmmaker Benson has delivered a film that is simultaneously relatable, while also landing pretty far outside the box. There is a throwback feeling here, despite the characters feeling very much of this day. As you might expect, the soundtrack is quite varied with some deep cuts ... with Roxy Music being a key. Although there may not be any big surprises in how the story unfolds, the characters are so relatable, and it's so well acted, that we find ourselves pulling for each of them to have a happy ending.

Opens in theaters beginning April 5, 2024.
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