Single Black Female (2022 TV Movie)
Sorry, it's pretty boring
29 March 2024
A bit on the fence here. I have/had no idea who the actresses are, never seen them before in my life...and perhaps that's the problem. I kept trying to figure out why this had pretty good reviews because in my opinion the acting is really disappointing so it must be the actresses are known and I'm just it of the loop completely. I looked them up after and still am none the wiser but I understand a bit more. The story isn't new at all and I kept waiting for a great newly added cool twist or something, there wasn't and it was extremely slow. For a made for tv movie it was fine I guess and I finished it but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless you are a fan of main actress. Note that it is refreshing and healthy for society to see actresses that are not Hollywood cookie cutter in look and style.
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