Line of Fire (2023)
Revenge, rebellion or prevention?
16 February 2024
I'd give this more than a ten. At least a twenty.

I do have to provide 600 characters to display my feelings about the character of the main role in this story: Marco.

I can keep it short.

To me it was prevention.

In that sense for me Marco fully earns the medal.

Still, this is possibly not why it was justified by our government to honor Marco.

The honor why he fully earns it - for what it's worth - is at a totally different level.

As such, it's beyond honor, which explains to me the expression by his wife at the start of the movie before the titles: "Het is gewoon een gek feestje" ("It's just a silly party") and little later "Het is maar een medaille hè. Het stelt niet zoveel voor" ("It's just a medal, huh? It poses not so much.").

What do you feel & think? Was it revenge, rebellion or prevention?

Furthermore, I cannot imagine that our Chief of Defense at that time would use such a disparaging tone to Marcos's wife about her husband.

I therefore find it disrespectful that this is depicted this way in the movie and more importantly, completely contradictory to the development of the relationship of this Chief of Defense and Marco.

That will be one of the major fictions in this movie.

So, even a twenty has a negative aspect.
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