Review of Sonny Boy

Sonny Boy (2021)
Beautiful but confusing.
2 February 2024
All of the students at a school suddenly find themselves teleported to another world - now it's time to find out how this happened and whether there is a way back.

The name of the anime "Sonny Boy" didn't become clear to me after I finished the anime, but that's not really important.

I really like "Sonny Boy" in terms of art style. The bright colors in the surroundings make the simple school uniforms look beautifully out of place.

I also really liked the fact that they used a very simple character design. There are no crazy hairstyles with bright hair colors and huge eyes, as is not uncommon in anime, but simply the image of average people.

Speaking of the characters, I also really liked their personalities. The characters aren't particularly deep, but they just seem very human in the way they handle things and express themselves.

The anime tries a special narrative technique, which I find very commendable because I like it when series dare to do something different, but unfortunately I didn't really warm to this narrative technique here. The anime often confused me because it was difficult to find the story. It probably would have taken more episodes to get used to it.

I really like the premise, but unfortunately the potential of it is only moderately exploited.

If the anime were longer and the story was deeper, this would probably be a breathtaking anime. So it remains a good anime, but unfortunately nothing more.
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