It's Off-Putting To Me
17 January 2024
A woman and her lover are in a clinch. Her husband is coming home, so he leaves. Then he returns to get his hat.

This movie looks like a comedy produced by and made for people with no sense of humor, a sort of Mork-from-Ork Earth-humor-har-har moment, in which people speak dull lines in the most stilted manner possible. Various claims are made, that these people are not professional comedians, as if that is an excuse for a dull, even excruciating six minutes of people behaving like amateur zombies. Professional comedians would do their darnedest to make this interesting, even funny.

Writer-director J. S. Watson also had a hand in 1928's THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER. Fortunately, he soon gave up trying to impose whatever he thought his aesthetic was on audiences.
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