I didn't understand the ending
8 December 2023
Karen Gillan was a favourite of mine as the delightful Amy Pond in Doctor Who but this role in All Creatures Here Below is totally different, as a struggling young woman living on the fringes of society, with little to no income and prospects for her future. Her relationship with Gensan is marred with gloom as he too can't manage to function in society to establish any semblance of stability in his life. Understandably, this scenario isn't an uncommon or unbelievable one, it's just that I struggled to accept the choices that they make throughout this story, particularly that final act which had me extremely perplexed. In any case, the story had me somewhat interested in how things would turn out for the pair, despite there being a complete absence of action scenes and not much suspense either, even though their predicament would want us to believe there's more going on when there plainly isn't. I feel they were unsuccessful in building any momentum in tension, because the story moves very slowly and hasn't got the much needed spark to draw me in any further than the already long established premise. It certainly is not a light hearted watch and some people may find it too morbid to see it through to the end, and I could understand that even though I did manage to finish it. But I was disappointed in its conclusion and felt like nothing had been achieved by any of the characters. So, my opinion is, it's definitely not a must see movie. It provides nothing new or anything memorable, and it should have developed much better than this very ordinary outcome.
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