Star Trek: Voyager: The Disease (1999)
Season 5, Episode 16
Checking the manifolds
7 October 2023
Harry Kim has a romantic encounter that causes problems.

This is an okay episode with a typically unconvincing Star Trek love story. Garrett Wang and Musetta Vander do their best with the dialogue, but it feels a bit forced to me as always during episodic television.

The reaction of Janeway is one of the key dramatic aspects of the plot, but feels such a bizarrely OTT attitude it is funny. How someone stuck at the far side of the Galaxy can be risking their career is beyond my logic. I appreciate there is a command structure, as I work within a strict hierarchy, but I'm not sure if the writers realise the arrogance associated with lines about lowly ensigns not earning the right to question a captain's orders. Especially when so many command structures contain questionable ability at top.

That being said the romance and reaction of Janeway is by far the most engaging aspect of the story. The conflict between factions of the alien-the-week characters feels quite cliché ridden and make me zone out.

What lifts it above mediocre for me is some of the amusing banter between characters, particularly in the early scenes.

The quality of the visuals is also very good, with the opening establishing shot being one of the best examples in Star Trek. The filmmakers also make the most of Vander's striking screen presence to create some quite erotically charged moments that feel stronger than usual for the franchise.

Easily the best aspect of the writing is Seven of Nine's perspective on love. This is done a few short scenes of dialogue, but they work well for the story and her character development.
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