Before Sunset (2004)
So nice
5 October 2023
Before Sunset is a cinematic dance of emotions that earns a solid 7/10 in my cinematic diary. Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy's performances are a nuanced masterpiece, carrying the weight of years in stolen glances and unspoken words. The film editing seamlessly weaves through the streets of Paris, mirroring the delicate dance of connection and separation. Its strength lies in the authenticity of human connection, and though it occasionally stumbles into the realm of overly intellectual dialogue, it's forgiven for its genuine attempt to explore the complexities of love. The music, or the lack thereof, allows the silence between words to echo with unspoken sentiments. The cinematography captures the golden glow of a fleeting romance against the backdrop of a timeless city. Before Sunset is a poignant exploration of love's evolution, leaving a lingering ache that reminds us of the beauty and impermanence of the moments we hold dear.
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