Charmed: Little Box of Horrors (2005)
Season 7, Episode 18
Stick the subtitles on if you have tinnitus - you'll be missing a lot
29 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Okay episode, Leo finds a new purpose in the magic school which means Paige gets freed up to get out and about...only to be given some Whitelighterly duties right out of the box. Unfortunately it seems like the only way to convey how much discomfort Paige is in when getting those calls from the Elders is to subject viewers' ears to the same awful skull-drilling noise she's hearing. Repeatedly.

If you've auditory processing issues such as tinnitus or hyperacusis, this is not the best episode for you. I wish they'd stopped after one or two repetitions of the sound at most, my ears are still ringing.

Speaking of boxes, it's time for the Charmed Ones' take on Pandora's Box, combined with the Chosen One trope - a little too on the nose of a Buffy reference mixed in there ("to every generation a Chosen One/guardian is born"). They couldn't resist calling this generation's chosen one Hope, in case anyone out there missed their oh-so-subtle writing.

Overall it would have been a fairly alright episode, if it wasn't for the frequent audio jump scares that kept coming back with a vengeance.
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