Completely and Utterly Unique
4 July 2023
Most people use the word "unique" in an off-handed and lazy manner, applying the word to anything that is a little bit unusual but not downright original. Well, The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert is truly unique in every sense of the word.

What is more unique, I ask, than two drag performers and a transgender woman journeying through the Australian Outback in a camper van during the mid 90s? I've never seen anything similar. Not even remotely.

Priscilla is a journey into the lives of drag performers at a time when being such was a risky pursuit. It is a dangerous job that could mean serious injury if one is not careful. There was a lot of stigma attached to being a drag queen, let alone a transgendered woman in that era. One had to be careful about where and when they held shows and who they allowed in their viscinity.

This movie's greatest gift is that it shines a light on drag and transgenderism, bringing a humanity to these stigmatized identities at a time when it was sorely needed. There are tons of heartfelt moments here, such as when they are inducted into the tribe of natives and put on a show that lasts through the night. It is such a display of warmth and acceptance that was truly beautiful and moving. Another powerful moment is when they enter a bar and are immediately told to leave, only to change everyone's mind and create a more fun and lively atmosphere than probably existed ever before.

It's not just a film about increasing LGBTQ+ visibility though. It's downright fun and we are witness to all of the crazy antics that go on in such a troupe. Bernadette is a master at disarming ill-intentioned people who wish to bring harm to her and her allies. She is like the matriach of the troupe.

Each character feels fully fleshed out and deeply human. We come to feel deep care for each of their journeys to where they are now through flashbacks to pivotal moments in their lives.

The use of colourful costumes amongst the sparse, desolation of the Australian Outback was a very good choice. The juxtaposition of these elements creates vivid and impactful visuals. Indeed, those barren lands seem like an ideal place to live out one's deepest drag fantasies.

The Australian banter was difficult for me to completely integrate into my own cultural understanding (Canadian) but it doesn't really matter because the underlying message came through quite clearly: that the LGBTQ movement is not just a bunch of clowns to jeer at from the sidelines, but people that are fully human and deserve just as much love and acceptance as anyone else.

It's truly a gem of a movie and surely a required viewing for the LGBTQ community. It can teach us a lot about not only performers, but about ourselves and it can powerfully alter our perceptions in a more inclusive direction.
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