Review of Goldfaced

The Flash: Goldfaced (2019)
Season 5, Episode 13
Ranking/Reviewing every Flash episode: Goldfaced
16 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Omg! How did it possibly get any worse?! Barry and Ralph are forced to work with Goldface. It sucks. The main plotline is bad with an awful villain: Daddy Goldface, but that doesn't quite scrape the bottom of the barrel like the others. Iris defeats Cicada with a kitchen knife and pepper spray. Excuse me?! Normal human defeated meta serial killer with pepper spray?! Who is writing the garbage? But that's nothing compared to the dreaded wives of Sherloque which is a Council of Wells ripoff. Oh the humanity! 😱

Reasons why Council of Wells is funny and Wives of Sherloque are not:

1: Wells is a character we care about, unlike Sherloque's wife.

2: The Council of Wells felt distinct from each other 3: Council of Wells played around with a concept that was worth exploring 4: The Council had an actual impact on the greater overarching story 5: The Council interacted with characters we were invested with in funny, quirky ways 6: Council of Wells came before in a better, more comedy centered season, so it's better by default 7: I remember the Council of Wells

Terrible/Grown enducing cringe

3.6/10-aRrOwCurSe Episode!
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