Review of Intersection

Intersection (1994)
guess the twist
18 May 2023
This is a short O. Henry type story turned into a feature length film, so if you haven't guessed the twist 20 minutes in, you can continue to watch it and be totally satisfied, because the acting is good enough to carry it along and it will jerk some tears at the end even if you did guess where it's going. I just didn't feel like sitting through a full length movie to find out whether or not I was right.

And, while watching this, I was reminded of A Handful of Dust, another short story with a twist turned into a feature length film that totally pissed me off towards the end when I realized it was just The Man Who Liked Dickens with a completely different hour and a half of back story that accomplished nothing other than to possibly make the viewer think, "wow, what a loser this guy is". I am aware that Evelyn Waugh wrote the novel and the short story, but never bothered to find out why both were necessary.

So back to Intersection, if you like O. Henry type stories, this is well worth the watch even if it should have been a short film instead.
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