User not right
18 April 2023
User not right Jnselk I want to note that there were not 80 thousand soldiers, but 300 thousand soldiers on the eastern front and about a third of the losses of the Italian ground forces during the Second World War fell on Russia and what kind of nonsense was written by mark9201, there were fewer crimes by the Italians since there were simply fewer Italians on the eastern front than the Germans, well, why did you drag Stalin's crimes here, the film is not about them, the film is about the war, and not Stalin's crimes KingCoody and marklv generally slide into some kind of anti-Soviet and anti-communist nonsense, where in movie even a word about the Marxist path? In the film, apart from the scene with the international, in fact, there is nothing propagandizing communism and no nobles show the Soviet troops, they are exactly the same simple people as the Italians, since both armies are peasant and proletarian in origin, and the Soviet troops in the film are embellished and in many ways it is one-sided shows the war, although for ordinary Italian soldiers, the film is generally treated well and therefore I will not say that the film is propaganda, although there are propaganda elements in it, just as they were in the cinemas of other countries of that time, in Hollywood epics and in German cinema like a doctor from Stalingradand Stalingrad: Dogs, Do You Want to Live Forever? Where the myth of the clean Wehrmacht was exploited and there is no need to mention it here.
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